Class Villainess

Chapter 186 - Bait (1)

Chapter 186 – Bait (1)

I went to school the next day with zero lead in me. Because I spent the whole night talking with Mason until I felt sleepy and excused myself to sleep early. It was surprisingly fun to listen to Mason telling his story about his list of activities every day.

It was a tiring life, but he seemed to be enjoying it. 

I went to school quite late today because I already texted Elise that we would meet during lunch break instead. 

But before I could reach my class, I saw the students were crowding in front of the bulletin board. I could also see Jessica, Chrissy, Cindy, and even Ashley. And all of them were quite shocked by the pinned message on the bulletin board. 

I got curious and checked on the pinned paper, which also shocked me. Because the content was an official announcement to the students. 

To all students of Darthmorth: 

We have an unfortunate announcement that our current School Headmaster, Mr. Andrew Dupont, will be leaving the school in a month because he has been transferred to be a new headmaster in another city. Thus, the student council has decided to give Mr. Andrew Dupont, our Headmaster, a farewell show held on 25 January. 

All students are obliged to come. Appointed clubs will have to show a talent show or anything similar to show respect to Mr. Andrew Dupont. 

Signed by:

Eric Truant, Student Council President. 

I was also stunned after reading this. None of the students really liked Mr. Andrew Dupont, the Headmaster. Because he is an ignorant and lazy slob who could care less about every shit that had happened in the school, and I suspected that he had also stolen some money from all the monthly donations given by the rich kids' parents. 

'Psshh, I bet it's him who asked the student council to hold a grand farewell show for him.'

'Yeah, I bet so too. Nobody really likes him anyway, but his narcissistic ass really wants to be recognized as a good Headmaster even though he literally did nothing for years.'

'Yeah, he even extorted money from my parents, so shameless.'

The whispers from the other students were really understandable. Because the Headmaster was seriously a terrible old man who did nothing but take the money and blame all the bad things that happened in school to other teachers and security guards. 

I still remember how he literally saw me getting beaten by Thomas at the back of the club building. He accidentally saw me, and our eyes met.

I saw him looking surprised as well, but instead of helping me, he just turned around and quickly dashed off, acting as if he saw nothing. 

I also remembered how Mom decided to report all the bullying that I experienced to him, but he just smiled perfunctorily and said that everything would be handled. 

Yet, he snitched on us and reported to the parents of my bully, leaking about my mom's information, including her job. And she got fired in exchange for reporting my bullying. Mom's 

It was also my last straw of hope to the adults. None of them even cared a little about me getting bullied to death, so I might as well use them as my pawn in this high school game, just like what I did to Miss Brittany Alba.

Oh, speaking about Miss Alba, she became a small celebrity in the school. Since everyone now sympathized with her, much to her joy, of course. She seemed to be enjoying all the attention even started mentioning how she had been beaten by Thomas and his gang when she was just a good teacher who worked late.

Well, that was what Elise reported to me. 

Well, we couldn't debunk anything here. Because Noah, Elise, and I were the only witness that knew Miss Brittany Alba worked late, not because she was a good teacher, but because she wanted to hook up with her own student, Mason Hall. 

But oh well, at least she served as a good pawn for that one mission. Now Thomas, Jorge, and Jackson were in jail for fifteen years to come, served them right. 

I quietly left the crowd and went inside my class. I was thinking about a good plan to search for the owner of that gossip account. 

But since I got zero lead, thanks to spending my night with Mason. I decided to text Logan instead.

Emmy: Logan, can you help me?

Logan: Oh? Do you finally need my help now?

Emmy: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Logan: I mean, I've been…

Logan: I've been waiting for you to text me—or whatever, I don't care.

Logan was weird. He acted as if he didn't care, but a few seconds earlier, he did care about stuff.

Yeah, even I had a hard time understanding him.

Logan: What do you need?

Emmy: Open Instagram and type @darthmorthwhisper, and you will see all the rumors, whether it's true or not, from almost everyone with a name in this school, and that includes Elise as well. 

Emmy: but strangely, there is no gossip for Natasha Zest or Barbara Cornwell, which was totally strange. Since you know… they are very problematic.

Emmy: So I suspect that they are the one behind the account, and I want to find a way to get that information. If possible, hack the account as well. 

I pressed send and then waited for his reply. I didn't expect much from Logan. Since he was busy with his mission right now.

But it would be really helpful if he could give me a lead. Just a lead would be enough. 

Logan: I can't give you access to hack an account without urgency because it's against our conduct. But I may be able to trace the person behind it. You can use it as a blackmail tool, but it would take time. 

Logan: Honestly, if you're so sure that Natasha and Barbara are the ones behind the account, then you should bait them first while I'm tracing the account. 

Emmy: Such as baiting them to post something that I have personally set?

Logan: Yep, bait them into posting something that you staged, and only you and they know about it. If they actually posted it, that means they are the one behind the account. 

Emmy: That's… smart. I will think of a good scenario. I will have to ask Elise to play this. In the meantime, please try to trace them. Thanks, Logan. 

Logan: Really? I worked hard, and only a small thanks? Are you really that heartless?

I rolled my eyes after reading his chat. He was always like this, and he would throw small tantrums if I didn't follow what he wanted. Thus I texted back.

Emmy: UwU Master Logan, thank you so much for helping me, Nyaaa~

Emmy: :catemoji: :catemoji:

I slammed the phone to the table as I tried to curb my shame. Logan didn't text back, so I assumed he was satisfied with that. 

It made me wonder why I had to continue doing this whenever I discussed something or requested his help. It was damn embarrassing!

But what Logan suggested was really good. If I could bait Natasha and Barbara to post something, I could start blackmailing them. Especially right after I got the traced data from Logan, that would be the nail in the coffin. 

But to bait them… 

"I think I should use Elise in here. She is the one that has been featured on that gossip Instagram page. Now that Natasha has failed to ruin Elise's life, even with the cost of the three stooges going to jail, she must've been peeved…." I suspected. 

I quickly texted Elise to talk about this. 

Emmy: Elise, can you meet me today? I will be waiting in the club during lunch break. 

Elise: Sure thing, do you get any lead? I haven't found a single lead since yesterday. You told me to be careful, so it's difficult for me to adjust to how careful I should be, especially since Natasha and Barbara have ears everywhere. 

Emmy: Drop that, Elise. I just got a perfect idea of our next step. But I need your help because we will bait them into posting something that would confirm our suspicions. 

Emmy: If they eat the bait, we can start blackmailing them. Trust me, this is foolproof. 

Elise: I always trust you, Em. Alright, I will come to the Pottery Club building during lunch break. See you later, Em!

I finished texting with Elise and then started thinking of a scenario. Since I would involve Elise in this stage, just like how I involved Noah to bait Thomas and his gang, that meant I had to be careful with my step.

I didn't want to hurt someone who trusted me, at least when that trust was given out of respect, like Elise and Noah. Unlike when Cerise trusted me because she wanted to use me as her shield.

"Let's see what I can do…."

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