Class Villainess

Chapter 182 - So Petty

Chapter 182 – So Petty

I'm sorry, Em. I'm just worried about you. Someone like Mason Hall is just too popular for his own good," Elise said. 

Elise looked so worried that she was actually the one risking her life right now. But it was quite understandable because she got the story from her ex-friend, who accidentally found out that Mason had a deal with a bunch of men in black. 

Since she was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, the men in black terrorized her until she couldn't handle it anymore and finally left the city for good, all that because she saw Mason with a bunch of men in black.

But there was no proof that it was Mason who ordered those men in black to attack Elise's ex-friend, and there was also no definite proof for Mason's involvement. Just because she found Mason talking with those men in black, that didn't mean he was working with them.

But I still understood the worry that Elise had right now. Thus, I said, "It's fine, Elise. I know my boundary. We're just friends for now, and probably for a while."

"Besides, I'm more occupied trying to take down all my enemies rather than having some silly romance."

"Well, if you say so. I just don't want you to get hurt…." 

I smiled at Elise and patted her shoulder, "I'll be fine, don't worry about it. For now, let's just focus on our mission, alright?"

"Yeah, sure…"

"This, I got a number from Mason, the girl's name is Anita, and her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with Natasha. Let's see what kind of rumor she can give to us."

Elise nodded, and I pressed call on the number I had just saved. 

After a few beeps, Anita finally picked up.

__Phone call with Anita__


I could hear the voice of a girl, definitely around the same age as me, "Hello, is this Anita?"

"Huh, yeah. Who's this?"

"Uh… my name is Em, and I got your number from the American Football Club captain," I introduced myself. 

"Oh, you mean Mason hall? Wow, he actually saved my number!? That's amazing!" 

I was a bit surprised by her burst of joy. It was true. Mason was just too popular and perfect for his own good.

"Oh god, I didn't expect him to actually save my number! Does this mean that he is considering me to be his new girlfriend?!"

Yeah, that was a bit too… imaginative of her. 

"Well, indeed, Mason is the one who gave me your phone number, but that's because of a request."

"A request? Oh, don't tell me—that he is too shy to ask me out directly, so he told you to help him? Oh my, oh my, I really have to start my diet now."


Well, they said confidence was necessary for life. 

"His request is… to talk to you about your ex-boyfriend. Because you've been harassing him and disturbing the club practice. He wants to… sort it out, I guess."


I could sense the tone changed instantly as if all that excitement just vanished in a blink of an eye. She sighed, "That jerk cheated on me when I was on a family vacation. I texted him every single day just to make sure that he was not going to get bored. But in the end, I called him in the middle of the night and found someone else picked up the call."

"And it's a girl, of course…." Anita said with a sarcastic tone. "I should've expected him to be the one who cheats on me. Just because of what? He is bored?"

"And she cheated with Natasha Zest?" I asked.

"Heh, Mason Hall has told you about it, right? Yeah, that's right, he fucking cheated with Natasha Zest! Do you think I'll be scared to tell everyone that Natasha Zest is a whore? Hah, just because her dad is a donator doesn't mean that she can silence me from voicing the truth!"

Oh wow, what a fiery young lady. It was quite rare for a girl to stand up for herself in front of someone like Natasha, who kept using her dad's name as a free out-of-jail card. 

Now it was my time to keep baiting her to tell her story, more until it was enough for me to make a plan.

"Ehh, really? What makes him cheat? Is it because Jordan forced her to have sex with him?"

"Haha, you seriously don't know about her at all, do you? Natasha Zest slept with everyone as long as it was beneficial for her! Jordan is not even good-looking. God, if he is at least 20% of what Mason Hall looks like, then I might think that he is just so hot. That's why Natasha slept with him. But no, Natasha fucking slept with him because she has a beef with me, can you believe that?"

My eyes instantly darted at Elise, who shrugged by the statement, basically confirming that they shared the same experience regarding Natasha Zest. Of course, it was believable for me because Elise experienced the same thing. Natasha persuaded Barbara to tell Thomas and his gang to beat the shit out of Elise just because Elise talked shit about her right in front of her in the class. 

This one, Natasha must've slept with Jordan just to make sure that Jordan broke up with Anita in the process. What a bitch. 

"So, you and Jordan… you two actually broke up because of her? You won't give him a second chance?" I asked.

"Hell no, why the fuck would I give Jordan a second chance? He is not even hot enough to justify his cheating, and now you want me to forgive him?!" Anita yelled out loud that I had to distance my ear from the speaker. 

"Okay, that makes sense…." I mumbled. "But if you are done with Jordan, why are you still harassing him in the American Football Club?"

"Huh? Who would harass that ugly guy? I came to the American Football Club because of Mason Hall! W—Well, I mean, of course, I just want to embarrass Jordan in front of his club members, but then Mason Hall tried to block me and gently told me to leave because it's not the proper time to do such a stunt."

"And Oh… my… god, isn't he a gorgeous man?"

There you go again, the Mason Hall syndrome. 

"So, you start coming to American Football Club because of Mason Hall?"

"Well, duh! Do you really think that I will come and beg for Jordan to come back at me? Ew, that's gross!" Anita yelled, which basically sealed the conversation here. 

There was no bugging off the ex-boyfriend like what Mason told me. It was just one of his fangirls that started disturbing him in the club! 

But, I didn't want to waste this chance to know about Anita's problem with Natasha Zest. Since Anita said that Natasha slept with her boyfriend to make sure that he broke up with Anita. 

That meant the problem was heavy enough for her to basically give her body to a random guy, right?

"Anita, may I know what your problem with Natasha Zest is? Since she actually slept with your ex-boyfriend just to break the relationship."

"Heh, that whore doesn't even know how problematic she is! Do you know what happened between us? She is so petty because I gave her the wrong answer for a test! Can you believe that? She slept with my ex-boyfriend just because she got the wrong answer from me. It was that bitch's fault for asking the full answer sheet. Of course, I wouldn't give her!"

"Wait, she seriously slept with Jordan because of that?!" I was as surprised as Elise right now. We were staring at each other in bewilderment as we heard what Anita said just now. 

It was just simply ridiculous.

"Yep, she did that," Anita replied. "Urgh, just remembering about her makes me sick! She seriously needs help!"

"Anita, you've been adamant about calling her a whore, right?"

"Only when there's no teacher or student council, of course!" 

"Then, how come nobody has ever heard of that before?" I asked. It was strange when a girl literally told everyone that Natasha Zest was a whore, but it didn't turn into big news in the process. 

"Meh, I don't know. Maybe it's just so normalized by the other students? Anyway, she and her equally bitchy friend, Barbara, are just menace to the school. I really hate them both!" Anita said. "Anyway, I got to go. I have something else to do, bye-bye, uh… whatever your name is. Also, tell Mason Hall that I'm up for a private call with him, hehe~."


__Phone call ends__

Anita hung up the phone call earlier and left me, and Elise baffled for a while. The big question still lingered, "How could Natasha subdue the rumor? Shouldn't it be big news in the school?"

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