Class Villainess

Chapter 176 - A Bloody Fist Of A Rich Boy (2)

Chapter 176 – A Bloody Fist Of A Rich Boy (2)

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me, then it's your problem, but…." I released his wrist and took out the first aid box from the club drawer. "Eat with your left hand. Let me treat you first. It might get worse and turn into an infection if left untreated," I said as I took out alcohol from the first aid kit and bandages as well.

"Damn, your injury is so bad, what kind of fistfight happened with you?"

I sat in front of him, holding his right hand while he watched me attentively. I gently washed the blood with water first before pouring the alcohol because the bruise and the wounds were literally all over his knuckles and fingers. 

It was a surprise that Logan didn't even wince when I poured the alcohol, which should be really painful.

He just kept on watching me with his hot gaze. So I looked at him back and clicked my tongue in annoyance, "Why are you staring at me like that? Just eat with your left hand, you idiot."

"Why are you doing this to me?"


"You know that I'm not even in pain, right? A bloody hand like this is just part of the job," Logan said. He sounded hostile for some unknown reason, which got me annoyed as well. "Why do you need to treat my wound like this? Do you want to be called a gentle princess that will treat the wounded or what?"

"Just so you know, I don't like it when a woman tries to act all gentle and cute to attract a man. It gives me that fake bitch energy that I fucking hate so much," Logan said hostilely at me. His hot gaze turned hostile as well.

I frowned at his statement. No, I wasn't mad or terrified. I was just confused.

Because of the way he said it, I had a feeling that he had experienced a traumatizing event in his life that made him like this.

But I doubt it was him dating another girl because Logan's disgust towards women and men were the same. He hated and felt disgusted at them.

I suspected that it might be something happening in his family, such as trauma and hostility. This didn't stem from a break-up with a girl, especially at our age.

Just like my hatred and disgust towards most men, it was because of my abusive dad. Every time I saw an intimidating man, I got scared and felt sick in my stomach, and that reaction was inevitable, no matter how much I tried to curb it.

But of course, I couldn't ask about his family. I had a feeling that Logan would go totally hostile at me if I asked about his family, just like if someone asked where my dad was, and I would silently resent them as well.

So I just rolled my eyes and continued treating his injury, "Do you really think I'm here to impress you? Oh, come on, Logan Walker, get your head out of your ass!"

"You're my partner, remember? Treating an injury of one partner is important because this hand right here—" I flailed his hand right in front of his eyes. "—this hand is important for the next mission."

Logan still stared at me, but I could see that his hostility started softening for a little bit.

"Hmph, I bet you're doing this with to get attention to some random man as well," Logan said pettily. I rolled my eyes. This was utterly ridiculous. 

"Do you really think I am the type that'd be hogging on a man and trying to get their validation? That's gross," Emmy said. "I did everything because I need to do it. I have my own hit list to do."

Logan's hostile gaze gradually faded, "Well, what you're doing right now is still useless. I don't even ask you to help me…."

"I'm helping because you're an important asset in my life," I replied honestly. I needed Logan for so many missions in the future, simply because he was an amazing and skilful man that would be a great help.

Logan's hostile gaze finally vanished after that words. Gradually, his cheeks reddened which got me curious as well, "What? You're shy now?" I asked with a chuckle. 

"W—Who's shy? I'm not shy at all, you idiot!" Logan retorted quickly, which basically proved my suspicion.

I chuckled out of ridicule this time, "Oh no, what is this? Mr. Logan Walker, the wild and cold club president, is actually shy right now? What a pleasant surprise~."

"I said, shut up!" Logan looked away from me, but he kept glancing in my direction. It was cute, I wouldn't lie. "You… you're being suspiciously lovely—I—I mean, you're suspiciously acting lovely, just tell me what do you want? Do you need me to finish a new mission of yours?"

"No, not yet, at least," I replied. I sighed heavily, "You're just being unnecessarily suspicious of me. Didn't I tell you that I want you to be my partner-in-crime? That means I will also care and help you in dire need. Don't take this as a gentlewoman type of act. I did this because you're important to me and my mission."

"Un…" Logan nodded and silently watched me wrap the bandage around his hand. "May I ask a question?"

"Huh? Sure, what's with your sudden meekness now? You were so hostile a few minutes ago," I giggled mischievously. But this time, Logan didn't retort me again. He just continued with his question.

"Did you ever do this with someone else?"

"Huh? Do what?"

"You know, treating someone else's injury…."

"Nah, I treated my own injury a lot of times, but never someone else," I replied. "Though maybe if I can get a scholarship or something else, I might go to nursing school or medical study. I want to be a doctor or a nurse. So I'll be treating someone else."

"You can be my private doctor or nurse instead…." Logan said.

"Your private nurse? You're rich, right? Just hire a real nurse, dumbass!" 


"Anyway, why are you suddenly so hostile at me just now?" I asked back.

"I'm sorry for that. It's just something that happened to me when I was a kid. But I don't want to talk about it. It's unnecessary anyway," Logan replied.

Yep, definitely had similar trauma as me. At least, the trauma should be involving his parents as well. 

I decided not to ask for more because I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

After wrapping the bandage, I nodded, satisfied and said, "All done. You just need to be careful next time, and it'd heal quickly."

Logan stared at me again, but this time, his hot gaze was very much different. There was no hostility in his eyes, only a silent message that I didn't understand. 

Logan put down his bandaged hand, but he suddenly raised his left hand, "I think this one is also injured."

"Huh, really?" I grabbed his left wrist and didn't find any meaningful damage other than some scrape in his knuckles. "It should be fine, right?"

"But I'm in pain."

"Huh? You're in pain, how in hell—"

"I'm in pain. Please take care of my left hand as well," Logan asked. I looked at him helplessly because he looked so serious about it. Of course, I could do that, but…

"You sure you need this to be treated? Just a few alcohol taps would be fine, right?"

"No, please bandage it as well. I need it to be treated…." Logan said. 

"Bandage? But this—"


I paused and then took a deep breath, this guy was so hostile and angry when I treated his right hand that was utterly bloodied, and the blood was still flowing from his knuckles before.

But now, he wanted me to treat his left hand that looked just fine?

I wanted to protest, but when Logan showed me his somewhat pitiful gaze, I only took a deep sigh and washed the hand first with water before soaking a cotton pad with alcohol. 

I patted the wound gently, but Logan suddenly opened his mouth, "Ouch, it hurts…."

What the fuck?!

He said it was hurt?! I literally poured alcohol in his right hand before, and he didn't even wince! There was zero reaction from him.

And now, just because of one pat from cotton-soaked alcohol, he was already in pain?

"Please treat it slower. It actually hurts so much," Logan said with a low voice, trying to make himself sound pitiful. 

"Okay, you don't need a bandage on your left hand. Because it's completely fine without a bandage," I said.

"But it's hurting. Please bandage it as well…."

"You idiot! If I bandage both of your hands, how in hell you're going to eat the food that I cooked for you?!"

"Um… can you feed me instead? Both of my hands would be wrapped in a bandage, and I'm utterly powerless.. You should spoon-feed me instead. Sounds fair?"

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