Clan Leader: My strength equals to that of the entire clan

Chapter 285 - Chapter 285: Chapter 8: The Special Characteristics of the Ye Family_1

Chapter 285: Chapter 8: The Special Characteristics of the Ye Family_1

Translator: 549690339

In his rage, Ye Fan inadvertently leaked a trace of his aura.

But just that trace of aura put the cultivators of the Ye family on high alert as if facing a formidable enemy.

However, they quickly realized that the aura was overly familiar. It was clearly Ye Fan’s aura.

Moreover, Ye Fan’s aura was stronger than before, indicating a clear breakthrough.

Thinking of Ye Fan’s breakthrough, smiles appeared on everyone’s faces.

Ye Fan is the backbone of the Ye family; the stronger Ye Fan is, the more at ease they feel.

Now that Ye Fan had come out of seclusion, no problem seemed insurmountable anymore.

As for Ye Fan, they held absolute confidence in him.

After some pleasantries, Ye Fan finally had a comprehensive understanding of the current situation.

This event of chaotic beasts in Chang Ming Realm was far more severe than in other worlds, and clearly, some people were targeting the Chang Ming Realm and the Ye family.

To solve the problem of chaotic beasts, the people behind the scenes must be exposed.

Ye Fan did not continue to stay with the Ye family. Instead, he personally led the powerful individuals from Longevity Sect and Thousands of Leaves who had come to assist his family, and arrived in the Chang Ming Realm.

With the appearance of Ye Fan, the cultivators of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty, who had been filled with anxiety, immediately regained their confidence.

With Ye Fan here, it was time for their Dayu Immortal Dynasty to begin their counterattack.

“Save me!”

In front of Ye Fan, a cultivator on the brink of mutation continually pleaded to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan extended his hand and gently placed it on his shoulder.

The black chaotic demonic Qi was like a living creature, traveling along Ye Fan’s hand and burrowing into his body.

Ye Fan did not resist and let the chaotic demonic Qi enter his body.

After that, he began to sense this so-called chaotic demonic Qi.

When the chaotic demonic Qi entered his body, Ye Fan astonishingly felt that this so-called chaotic demonic Qi felt somehow familiar.

Yes, it was familiar.

This so-called chaotic demonic Qi, most of its power, was identical to the chaotic power within Ye Fan’s body.

Chaos power’s most significant characteristic was its transformative nature.

Paired with a trace of demon Qi corrosion, this resulted in the so-called mutation.

Ye Fan, who possessed the Chaos Pearl, had already mastered the Chaos Dao when he was weak. His control over the chaotic power was unmatched, even the Taoist Ancestor couldn’t compare.

This force of chaos was too scarce. They had minimal opportunities to even come into contact with it, let alone become familiar with it!

Since it was chaos power, resolving it would be much easier.

Ye Fan activated his chaos power, which was immediately absorbed by him.

In the end, he purged the cultivator’s body of the demon Qi.

After all this, the cultivator, who had almost mutated, instantly recovered.

Aside from some weakness, there were no other issues.

The cultivators of Dayu Immortal Dynasty who were watching had their eyes wide open. When had the treatment of chaotic beast mutation become so effortless?

But when they remembered that it was Ye Fan, they suddenly felt that there was nothing strange about it.

“Bring the others up.”

Now that the method to reverse mutation has been found, all else required was a little more time.

First, handle the mutating cultivators of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty, as for the others, they’ll have to find another solution.

Even though Ye Fan was fast in expelling the demonic Qi, the number of mutating cultivators was too large. If Ye Fan were to do it alone, even tens of thousands of years wouldn’t be enough.

Therefore, a method for quick mass expulsion must be found to perfectly solve this issue.

In the following time, Ye Fan removed the demonic Qi from invaded cultivators while slowly looking for a solution.

Meanwhile, Ye Fan hadn’t forgotten to seek out the instigator behind this event.

If he couldn’t deal with the hidden hand behind this, no matter how fast Ye Fan worked, he wouldn’t be able to completely handle the mutation of all cultivators.

One by one, the cultivators were cleansed and returned to normal.

News of Ye Fan’s ability to expel the chaotic demonic Qi spread quickly among the major powers of the Chang Ming Realm.

Upon hearing this news, many cultivators were thrilled.

As long as there’s a solution, all cases could eventually be treated.

Even the combatants in charge of suppressing the chaotic beasts felt at ease.

What they feared most in quelling the chaotic beasts was being infected.

Now that infection was no longer a concern, their motivation to suppress the chaotic beasts had increased even more. All they needed to do was get on with it.

Gradually, the Dayu Immortal Dynasty began to counterattack after previously being suppressed.

Territories that were progressively narrowed by the chaotic beasts began to expand once again.

The previously tense atmosphere gradually stabilized.

Within the northern military camp of the Dayu Imperial City, the place had been entirely transformed into a treatment area.

All infected cultivators were brought here to receive Ye Fan’s treatment.

Even with Ye Fan’s current strength, he felt a hint of exhaustion.

During this period, infected cultivators were continually brought in.

Even Ye Fan himself had forgotten how many cultivators he had treated, yet the number had surely exceeded a million.

The figure seemed large, but compared to the total number of those infected, it still fell far short.

“This can’t continue. Even if I work myself to death with this method, I won’t be able to cure everyone.”

Ye Fan held no intention of giving up, but he knew there had to be a more suitable method of treatment.

We should remember that not only are the cultivators of the Chang Ming Realm infected but beings from other worlds had also been victims, much higher in number than the human clan.

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