I suddenly had this thought. I only had three meals a day. Was it really right to waste one of them on the Crown Prince?

Of course, that wasn't right. Spending my precious evening with the Crown Prince? Should I really turn a time that should be peaceful and happy into a bothersome and annoying period?

This isn't it.

I shuddered. Honestly, the Crown Prince would probably prefer eating alone with the Crown Princess rather than with me.

And yet, he summoned me. He chose me over spending time with his beloved Crown Princess.

"Damn it."

A curse nearly slipped out because of the thoughts I had. It didn't make sense.

If the Crown Prince was calling me, then it meant that something significant enough to prioritize my summoning had happened, something like the assault on royalty incident or the unauthorized execution of prisoners.

But nothing came to mind. If it was something that warranted my summoning, I would know, but no matter how much I thought about it, there was no reason for this sudden call.

"It can't be just to praise me.

A meal to reward a loyal subject? Unfortunately, the Crown Prince wasn't the type to do such things.

Besides, when he praised someone, he usually gave them something shiny and gold. I had received so much of that over the past two years. The problem was that I didn't have the time to use it.

I guess I'll find out when I get there.

In the end, I concluded that I had to go in person. Even if this conclusion hadn’t been reached, I would’ve had to go quietly, anyway.

Surely it wasn’t because of the Mage Duchess. That jerk might be a mad dog, but he wasn’t the kind to summon someone far away just to tease and mock them.



The guard at the main gate of the Crown Prince’s palace opened the way naturally as soon as I arrived, like a restaurant waiter recognizing a regular customer.

He didn't even mention that the Crown Prince was waiting. It felt oddly disheartening, as if they were saying that they wouldn’t stop me from going in on my own.

Have they gotten too used to this?

I glanced at the guard and walked in quietly.

It was understandable why the guard acted that way. This was already the third time I had been summoned this half of the year. For him, it must’ve felt like a regular enough occurrence that it had become tiresome to handle by the book.

I should make sure there wasn’t a fourth time. At this rate, the guard might welcome me while lying down.

"Executive Manager."

"Ah, butler. It's been a while."

Not long after entering the palace, the butler managing the Crown Prince’s residence greeted me.

Seeing the butler made me feel oddly at ease. I hadn’t visited for disciplinary reasons in a while. Now, it felt real that I was visiting for a dinner invitation and not a disciplinary action.

"Yes, it's been a while. I heard that you visited a few times, but we never met."

"Haha. The butler must’ve been busy, so it can’t be helped."

The butler mentioned it lightly, seemingly sharing the same sentiment.

Coming as a guest rather than because of trouble... even I knew that wasn’t normal. It made me feel somewhat small.

Noticing my reaction, the butler smiled slightly and turned away as if asking me to follow him.

"Still, it's a pleasure to host two distinguished guests today. It makes all the hard work worthwhile."


That was unexpected. The Crown Prince, buried under his duties, rarely invited people to the palace.

Instead of inviting someone, he’d use communication crystals to contact them. If a face-to-face meeting was necessary, then he’d surprise them by visiting their office. It was enough to make the victim cry from the Crown Prince’s wickedness.

"Yes, the Crown Princess has also invited a guest."

"I see."

I nodded at the answer. Yes, it was hard to imagine that the Crown Prince would invite someone. Imagining him cornering someone was easy, though.

"Executive Manager, I need to ask for your consent regarding something."

"Go ahead. What could I possibly refuse in the Crown Prince’s residence?"

I replied lightly to the butler, who cautiously spoke. In the Crown Prince’s palace, the wishes of the Crown Prince and Princess took precedence. My opinion as a mere guest didn’t matter.

Still, I relaxed my expression naturally. The butler surely knew this obvious fact. Yet, the fact that he asked for my consent showed his respect for me.

Courtesy begets courtesy. The Crown Prince could learn a thing or two from him.

"Thank you. It was an awkward thing to ask, but you’ve given me courage."

The butler, still smiling, paused briefly before continuing.

"The Crown Princess's guest is still staying at the palace. It seems they will be here for quite some time..."

"It’s always fun to have a meal with more people."

"Haha, thank you again."

I could guess what he was going to say, so I answered first. If the guest was still here, then it made sense to have them join us for the meal unless they were fasting.

Actually, this worked out well. Since I didn't know why the Crown Prince summoned me, it was better to have as much protection as possible.

The Crown Princess would be a useful deterrent. Plus, if the guest was someone the Crown Princess personally invited, then even the Crown Prince wouldn’t act recklessly in front of them.

How lucky.

I felt satisfied. It seemed that Enen hadn't completely abandoned me.

"But butler, who exactly is the Crown Princess's guest?"

This important shield against the Crown Prince... I should at least know who it was to properly thank them and offer some flattery.

Who is it?

I tried to guess. If they accepted the invitation, then they must be living in the capital. Besides, being close enough to dine with the Crown Princess suggested that they were rather close to her.

Could it be the young lady from the Marquis of Diso? Or maybe from the Marquis of Lifur? Perhaps the Countess of Johannes?

"Ah. It's someone you know well, Executive Manager."

At my question, the butler's previously gentle expression changed.

Why did I even ask? He looked like he was waiting for me to ask.

"It’s Lady Elizabeth from the Marquis of Massello."


My mind went blank for a moment.


While cutting my steak, I glanced up.

When I did, I saw a woman quietly moving her knife as well. Her long white hair was neatly combed, and her red eyes, which were usually filled with madness or mischief, were calm. She wore a white dress instead of the usual black prosecutor’s uniform.

Is that... really the 1st Manager?

It felt surreal. She was the 1st Manager, but she didn't look like it. I knew her face, but she seemed so unfamiliar.

"Wow, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to see the Executive Manager here."

"Indeed. It is quite the coincidence."

The Crown Princess broke the silence, and the Crown Prince quickly responded.


The absurdity of it made me glance at the Crown Prince, who just silently sipped his wine.

That bastard probably knew it was nonsense.

This isn't a coincidence.

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess were very close. There was no way they didn't know who the other invited. They were definitely aware and planned this.

It wasn't a coincidence but a setup. They arranged this to bring me and the 1st Manager together.

But why?

That was the issue. Why would the Crown Prince and Crown Princess go to such lengths to arrange this?

I thought I'd understand why I was called once I accepted the invitation, but it only got more confusing instead.

Fear of the unknown.

I lowered my eyes quietly. Ignorance and the unknown were truly terrifying...


It felt so suffocating. I wanted to escape immediately.

However, I silently sliced the meat under Senior’s piercing glare.

I just need to keep holding on.

Senior would be furious if my appearance even slightly faltered. She really hated seeing her work ruined.

"...What's with that outfit?"

"What's wrong with it? It's comfortable."

I had rushed over after getting permission to leave work early, but Senior criticized my attire instead of giving me a warm greeting.

"You look like you're going to be a guest at someone else's wedding while everyone else is in their wedding dresses."

Her words almost made me cry. Why did she have to be so specific? It felt like she saw the future or something.

"If you keep acting like this, nothing will change. You need to show the Executive Manager a new side of you."

"But I want to be myself in front of him..."

"And all you've done is give him more stress."

If she weren't the Crown Princess, I might have hit her.

Anyway, she insisted that I needed to stand out, not blend in, and brought a dress. A flowy, white dress that looked like it would tear if I moved too much.

"Ugh, I hate this."

"Can't I just wear my uniform? It would make me look closer to the Executive Manager, right?"

"People should wear what suits them..."

The dress was so uncomfortable that I couldn't stop complaining.

"Just wear it! Don't waste your perfectly fine face!"

"Ow, that hurts!"

In the end, I got a good thrashing on the back from Senior.

"You don't have anything going for you besides your face, so use it!"

"That's so mean!"

...Thinking about it, she might have knocked some sense into me.

So, I reluctantly wore the uncomfortable dress.

Senior nodded in satisfaction, and the maid who came in later to do my makeup said that I looked pretty, but it didn't really hit home. How could changing my clothes make any difference?

Surprisingly, it did. I’d been feeling the Executive Manager's subtle glances at me since earlier.

He was acting like he wasn't looking, but he was sneaking peeks. He pretended to ignore me, then glanced again.


I felt proud. See? The Executive Manager did have an interest in me.

I put in just a little effort, and he was already looking. This showed that he always had feelings for me.

Thank you, senior.

My earlier resentment turned into overwhelming gratitude. Seeing my look of thanks, Senior smiled slightly and mouthed something.

I couldn't hear it, but reading lips was a basic skill in the Prosecutors’ Office. It wasn't hard to understand her.

Don't get cocky... just confess.

True to her straightforward nature, she urged me to look at the Executive Manager. I was planning to confess, anyway. My dream last night was too terrible.

The Executive Manager seemed interested in me and Senior was cheering me on, so now was the perfect time. I could express my feelings to him now.


But contrary to my determination, I just opened and closed my mouth without saying anything.

This was strange. Why couldn't I speak? This was the right moment. If I spoke now, everything would be resolved.

...We’re still eating.

After thinking it over, I realized the reason why. It would be inappropriate to confess during a meal.

Yes, that was why. It wasn’t because I had cold feet.

I was from a noble family, after all. I must also observe proper etiquette.



"...Crown Princess?"

"Oh, sorry. My hand slipped for a moment."

I pretended not to hear the sound of Senior’s knife grinding against her plate.



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