Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 203: Young Gold Duke? (3)

In the end, it had come to this.

"Crown Prince."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

I quickly bowed in response to the Emperor's call. I could guess why I was summoned, but I had no choice but to go. This was a situation that required my utmost humility.

"It's hard to get a glimpse of the Crown Prince. You only ever come after I call."

"My apologies, Your Majesty."

His voice was low, but the oppression it carried made me bow even deeper.

The Emperor's comment was not a warm wish for more frequent visits but a criticism of my tardiness.

I should have known better.

I had indeed been too relaxed about the recent developments. I thought that it would take at least two to three years for a new familial faction centered around the Executive Manager to emerge.

Of course, I hadn’t simply decided to sit back and watch for the next two or three years. At the very least, I had planned to start devising countermeasures and report to the Emperor this week.

However, the Mage Duchess had unexpectedly turned the tables.

Who would have thought she’d broadcast it everywhere?

The thought of the mages of the Magic Tower spreading gossip everywhere was almost laughable.

The Mage Duchess had first revealed her unrequited love at the Crown Princess’s birthday party. So, I assumed that she wanted the attendees to spread the word quietly among themselves and not that she would do it herself.

It wasn’t planned, but rather impulsive.

I had misjudged her. I thought the Mage Duchess, of all people, would have meticulously planned it.

But this looked more like the reckless act of someone blinded by love. If this was indeed a planned move, then I would quickly renounce my claim to the throne and live in the wilderness or something. I wasn't confident I could handle such schemes.

Regardless, the Mage Duchess’s impulsive act had caused a major stir in the empire. While the construction of a familial faction was still a long way off, her dramatic actions were already starting to cause the social circles to factor in the future familial powers.

It’s over.

If it had already taken effect, then it was as good as done. Once everyone believed it to be inevitable, then it would become so.

Two or three years left? Nonsense, it ended before two days had passed and before I could even prepare.

"The situation is a significant development for the empire, Crown Prince. Prepare thoroughly for this celebration."

"I will heed your words, Your Majesty."

The unprepared Crown Prince should only comply with the emperor's words to avoid his wrath.

Fortunately, the emperor only showed mild displeasure and did not scold me harshly. Instead, he merely advised me to pay attention to the changes brought about by this incident.

Silence followed, but I didn’t dare to leave first. It would be disrespectful to move without the emperor's permission.

"Krasius is a loyal subject."

"Indeed, Your Majesty."

After a pause, the emperor spoke again.

"Ever since Emperor Amanca received the mandate, Krasius has always stood with the imperial family."

I simply nodded at the emperor's words; this was why he could remain relatively calm about the situation.

Because the target of the Mage Duchess’s affections was a Krasius, a member of one of the imperial noble families.

At least there’s that.

The emperor, to put it mildly, was overly cautious; frankly, he was somewhat paranoid. However, even he harbored less suspicion towards the imperial noble families.

Was it because of his trust in his loyal subjects or three hundred years of reliability? It wasn’t because of those warm, sentimental reasons. It was because the imperial family and the imperial noble families were now inseparably intertwined.

Back when the imperial noble families were first established during the early days of Emperor Amanca’s reign, the empire’s political scene was complex and bizarre.

A patchwork nation.

That was the best way to describe it. It wasn’t a complete whole but a forced union of powers.

Many of the official subjects of the Emperor were actually more like allies, just like how the current dukes and counts were.

Of course, Emperor Amanca’s feat of forcibly uniting these disparate groups and passing on a consolidated legacy was truly praiseworthy.

In that patchwork, the imperial noble families served directly under the Emperor, protecting the imperial family and keeping its allies in check. This three-hundred-year political partnership made the imperial and imperial noble families virtually indistinguishable.

"...If Valenti and Catoban become one with Krasius, then they too are with the imperial family."

That was why the emperor could say such things. With the imperial noble families, at least the nobility wouldn’t dare oppose the imperial family.

Maybe he was secretly relieved. Unless they intended to be a lifelong bachelor, noble houses eventually formed alliances with other families. If connections were to be made, then it would be better to form it with the imperial noble families than with outsiders.

"Very well said, Your Majesty."

In fact, blocking other noble houses from marrying into the imperial noble families was a strategic gain.

Yes, that was how I had chosen to see it.

Both I and the emperor.

Thank you, Executive Manager.

Thinking about it, the Executive Manager's presence allowed us to block the maneuvers of the two ducal houses.

If this wasn’t loyalty, then what was? If it weren’t for the imperial noble families, then we might have to consider even more drastic measures.


I lay back down after the Crown Prince left. Standing for even a short time had now become exhaustingly difficult.

This situation should have warranted a summons and a stern reprimand for the Crown Prince. Fortunately, the involvement of the Krasius family reduced the gravity of the situation, but to neglect the marriage alliances involving noble houses...

He’s still immature.

I thought to myself, but I also realized that it was unavoidable.

The Crown Prince had only been officially appointed two years ago. Before his appointment, he was practically a prince in name only.

He was overwhelmingly inexperienced. But that lack of experience was my own doing, so whom could I blame?

At least he has talent.

Fortunately, his talent and effort compensated for his lack of experience, which would resolve with time. It was difficult to call him a fully satisfactory successor, but at least he met the criteria.

...Compared to Dorgos, anyone would pass.

It’s my own fault.

Of course, this wasn’t something anyone else could be blamed for. It was merely due to the inadequacy of the person who wore the grand title of emperor.

I had hoped for my successor to be different from me. I hoped for a strong maternal family to support the imperial authority, and that was why I chose the 2nd Prince, Dorgos.

But aside from being my rightful heir, Dorgos utterly lacked the virtues of a ruler. The Asilon family, which should have supported the imperial authority, instead challenged it and destabilized the empire.

Driven to the brink of patience, disaster inevitably ensued after they crossed line after line.

It was bound to end that way.

I regretted not deciding more swiftly.

Should I forsake the rightful heir and eliminate Dorgos quickly, or eliminate the Crown Prince to solidify Dorgos's succession?

Neither option was particularly difficult. Considering Dorgos's qualities, I would have chosen the former eventually.

I walked a path that could have been straightforward with unnecessary difficulty, creating needless bloodshed and wasting time.

So, the Crown Prince at least shouldn’t...

The Crown Prince, who was shaped by the sacrifices of the imperial household, must not fall in vain.

It was my duty to act when his vassals hesitated to advise. He must be molded into a perfect monarch.

This was my duty for the honorable imperial family and the great empire; to fulfill my destiny of upholding the mandate initiated by the Great Emperor Amanca.

The foundation is solid.

And thankfully, a talented young individual was supporting the Crown Prince.

Had the Executive Manager been older, it might have been difficult for the Crown Prince to control him. However, this talent was younger than the Crown Prince and was easier for him to manage, apart from being capable of dedicating decades to the empire.

He’s even getting married to a ducal house.

It was a stroke of luck. If we secure the Executive Manager properly, then we could move the two noble houses together.

It was fortunate that the Executive Manager was still young and that these events occurred while I was still alive.

The era of the Gold Duke was horrifying.

Those memories from decades ago made my head throb.

The number of his wives doubled in the blink of an eye. The moment I came to my senses, the Gold Duke had already married twelve women, effectively increasing the number of noble houses linked to him by twelve.

Thinking back to the political turmoil of that time still made me dizzy. The Gold Duke’s influence rapidly grew to become the most dominant force.

Two is manageable.

While it was unfortunate that they were dukes, it was still only two compared to twelve.

It was something to keep an eye on, but not something to worry about.


I summoned Lady Louise and Lady Irina to my office. I felt reluctant to order nobility around, but the urgency of the situation left me no choice.

"...That’s what happened."

When I explained what had happened at the banquet, the two young ladies looked at each other as if they were at a loss for words.

I understood. Even I was scared when the Mage Duchess tried to take Carl away, so how must these two feel after hearing about it? They would probably be more bewildered than angry.

And yet, this conversation was necessary. We were allies, after all. Allies who would stand together beside Carl.

We would all be left helplessly stomping our feet if the Mage Duchess decided to monopolize Carl.

"Um, senior... A-about the Mage Duchess, uh..."

Lady Louise finally spoke, but she stuttered as if she were malfunctioning. It was unbecoming for a lady, but it was understandable.

Unlike me, who was part of a ducal house, Louise was just from a barony. She must’ve felt overwhelmed.

Even Lady Irina, who belonged to a higher nobility, seemed intimidated by the title of 'duke.'

"That’s right. She’s one of only five dukes in the empire."

At this, tears welled up in Louise’s eyes.

"And I’m also from one of the five ducal houses."

Irina’s eyes widened in surprise as I spoke confidently.

"Love does not concern itself with status. Even if it did, I am from a ducal family just like the Mage Duchess. I lack nothing compared to her."

Of course I was lacking. How could a member of a ducal family and a duke be the same?

Still, I spoke with confidence, faking assertiveness and nonchalance.

This isn’t just about me anymore.

If I give in, then these two would also drift into the doomed sea.

They entrusted me with their approval, recognizing me as the first wife and accepting whatever came next.

But to surrender that first to someone else, possibly to someone who might monopolize Carl or be patronizing?

That cannot happen. It would be a betrayal to both Lady Louise and Lady Irina.

And to my love and my convictions.

I won’t let Carl be taken away.

Carl was mine. I won’t back down, not even from a duke.

"So don’t worry. We just need to keep moving forward."

I reached out and firmly grasped the hands of Louise and Irina.

"But since an unexpected competitor showed up, we need to hurry."

At this, the young ladies nodded as if entranced.

I smiled slightly, pleased with their reactions. They already held feelings for Carl. Now that a formidable rival had appeared, these two would also show their hearts to him.

With this, there are now three of us.

Not two, but three. One would still be left even if he grabbed each of our hands with each hand.

Even if she was the Mage Duchess, could she really approach Carl when there were three of us?


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