Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 195: Don’t Hide, Executive Manager!

It took about two hours after entering the Emperor’s Office to finally make my escape.

I felt like sighing in frustration, but I restrained myself from doing so. A careless sigh might spark rumors of discord between the Emperor and the Crown Prince, which would be problematic.

It would be highly unlikely, but I would need to show a smiling face even if the Emperor were to slap me. Such was the fate of the Crown Prince.

"Your Highness."

Sir Hendrick, who had been waiting for those same two hours, approached as I was composing my expression. What they said was true; a knight suffered when their master did.

"It took longer than expected. The Emperor had much to share."

"The strong bond you share is truly a blessing for the empire."

I smiled faintly at Sir Hendrick's words. It seemed that guarding a prince involved not just protecting them physically but also guarding their mood.

Nonetheless, I nodded lightly, appreciating Sir Hendrick's effort to speak positively.

Close bond, huh.

I turned my head and smirked bitterly. What a funny statement. We weren’t exactly on bad terms, but saying that we had a close bond was a bit of a stretch.

Of course, we pretended to be close in front of the subjects. I was only appointed as the Crown Prince after surviving a brutal familial conflict. How would the subjects react if they found out that the Crown Prince and the Emperor weren’t close?

Fortunately, the Emperor seems to agree as we've managed to avoid any rumors so far.

"Always question and inspect everything. The moment you think you've won is the most dangerous—always watch your step."

The words the Emperor spoke in the office suddenly came to mind.

Would it be better if there were rumors?

I seriously considered it. Being unilaterally pressured by the Emperor didn’t seem to have much of a difference from having an outright confrontation with him.

With external threats like the Great War and internal disputes like the war for succession, the aging Emperor's health rapidly declined. Consequently, he stepped back from most of his duties to focus on recuperation.

However, he was a man who lived a lifetime in suspicion, focused solely on the stability of the throne and the empire—could such a person truly devote himself to recuperation?

Thanks to this, I was frequently summoned to the office to hear what he called advice— which was basically endless nagging. From the perspective of a political veteran, I was just an inexperienced upstart and was hardly reassuring.

...But it's better this way.

After some thought, I lightly shook my head. Yes, enduring some nagging was better than having rumors stir up the imperial court again. This was a struggle that should end with me alone.

Besides, I really didn’t have a right to complain in a situation where my life wasn't at risk.

"It’s relieving to know that you’ve found a good match."

And it wasn’t like it was all just nagging.

Because he couldn’t.

An Empress married for political purposes; a late-found companion, which started a conflict within the imperial family.

Throughout all this, the Emperor’s expression softened only when he spoke of the Crown Princess, as if relieved that his successor would not endure the same misfortune as he did.

Is this his way of denial?

He was a man who had only lived as the head of the imperial family and the Emperor of the Empire. He was far from being a father or the head of a household.

Still, even he must’ve had his own denials, too. That must be why he showed such expressions in front of me.

If only he had shown them a bit earlier, and just a bit more, then perhaps the deadly strife between us brothers would not have happened.

I wish you had remained the same.

If he had maintained that coldness until his death, then I would have lived a life filled with resentment and hatred.

But because of his fleeting moments of denial, I had foolishly started to hope. It was ironic to still have expectations of being a family from the man who killed my brother.

"Your Highness?"

"Ah, I was just lost in thought for a moment. Let’s go now."

Perhaps I was getting too sentimental.

The workload of a Crown Prince, combined with the duties I had to take over due to the Emperor's recuperation, was rather a lot.

Because of this, I had to start work early in the morning just to barely finish when evening came. If it even ended in the evening, that was. If it did, then that was considered early.

The overwhelming amount of work sometimes made me want to throw the papers away, but there was just one thing that kept me going.

"Your Highness."

"Crown Princess."

Seeing her greet me with a warm smile seemed to erase my fatigue.

The sight of the Crown Princess greeting me after I finished my work was the reason why I endured.

How would I have lived if it weren't for her? I might not have even become the Crown Prince, or physically survived.

"You're later than usual today."

"Tomorrow is a day for you. I was a bit late since I had to handle tomorrow’s work, too."

"Oh, my."

The Crown Princess exaggeratedly widened her eyes, pretending to be surprised, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I wish you had done the same last year."

I fell silent at that comment.

...Indeed. I failed to manage my work last year and ended up being late for her birthday celebration. It was a public issue, so she and her father understood, but it still made me break out in cold sweat every time it came up.

The careless stones she threw were enough to kill a crown prince. I wish she would understand that.

"I'll be able to feel your love this year, right?"

"Of course."

I nodded vigorously as she chuckled.

Fortunately, the Crown Princess seemed pleased with my reaction and quietly came into my arms.

"I'm already looking forward to tomorrow."

So was I.

The next morning, we headed to my father-in-law's residence in the capital.

Although there was still time before the banquet started, what could I but follow if the Crown Princess wanted to see her father as soon as possible? Of course we had to go, even if it meant arriving at dawn.

"Y-Your Highness!"

"His Highness the Crown Prince is here!"

Perhaps we had arrived too early, as there was a minor commotion among the servants who were startled by our arrival.

"The guest of honor at this banquet is the Crown Princess. Do you not see her?"

"Oh, no!"

"Just joking."

I tried to ease the tension with a light joke, but their reaction was intense.

That;’ strange. The Crown Princess secretly liked it when the Executive Manager used flashy compliments like 'You dazzle so brightly I’m blinded.’

"His Highness the Crown Prince. Your Highness the Crown Princess."

Perhaps sensing the disturbance, father-in-law appeared with his butler.

"It's been a while, Duke. Have you been doing well?"

"Of course. What would this old man have if not his health?"

The Crown Princess ran up to her father with a light trot, laughing heartily by his side.

I knew that it was only natural, but my heart felt a twinge of sadness after seeing her rush to him without hesitation.

Of course she couldn’t help it. After all, she rarely got to see her father except on such occasions.


"Your Highness. It's good to see you in good health."

The father and daughter who were reunited after a long time exchanged glances for a long quite some time, holding each other's hands.

Seeing them like that, any lingering feelings of disappointment quickly dissipated. For the Duke, seeing his children, a son with his own territory and a daughter who was the Crown Princess, must be rather rare.

"I guess we came too early."

I waited a moment, not wanting to interrupt their touching reunion, and then spoke.

Coming at this hour was the Crown Princess’s wish. Still, a father welcoming his daughter and a Duke greeting the Crown Prince and his wife might differ.

"Not at all, Your Highness. We were just preparing for a guest who was supposed to come."

"At this hour?"

It was a bit surprising to hear, given that we had also arrived early. Which person would come to the banquet venue so early in the morning?

"Yes. The Iron-blooded Duke was supposed to come."

It turned out to be someone who did have plenty of free time.

‘I’m so jealous.’

The Iron-blooded Duke entrusted his territory to his children and led a leisurely life.

Honestly, it was only natural that he rested in his old age after the hardships of his youth, but it was still something to envy. If it would be possible, perhaps I should also consider abdicating in my later years.

"He said he would come early in the morning because his youngest daughter was visiting."

"His youngest daughter?"

At that, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. If it was the Iron-blooded Duke's youngest child, then it had to be Lady Marghetta.

Realizing that she was attending quickly put the pieces together for me.

Her partner.

From my father-in-law’s words, it seemed that the Iron-blooded Duke and Lady Marghetta were arriving separately. If she wasn’t coming as the Duke's partner, then the answer was clear.

She must be the Executive Manager's partner. Since they were both at the academy, it would be convenient for them to arrive together.

This will be interesting.

I couldn’t help but smile. Having the Iron-blooded Duke’s beloved youngest daughter appear as the partner of the Executive Manager—there was no problem with that. It wasn’t like a father could keep his daughter by his side forever.

The real issue was how the Iron-blooded Duke disliked the Executive Manager and hpw the lady had chosen the Executive Manager over her own father.

That must be frustrating.

The Iron-blooded Duke’s fiery temper was well-known. He may have mellowed with age, but his fundamental nature hadn’t changed. His exploits during the wars with the three countries, where he nearly beat an enemy commander to death with his fists, were still legendary.

This is problematic.

It was a big problem. Both the Executive Manager and the Iron-blooded Duke were loyal servants of the empire, but what should I do if a conflict arose between them?

Yes, I should just watch. It would be better for the imperial family to observe rather than intervene in a private dispute among nobles.

I’m sorry, Executive Manager.

He had barely been released and hadn’t even had time to get it together, and yet he was already about to face the Iron-blooded Duke’s wrath.

Just the thought alone was unfortunate. Truly unfortunate.

"Your Highness?"

The Crown Princess’s voice brought me back to reality. I had been so absorbed in worrying about my loyal servant’s unfortunate future.

"Were you thinking of something fun?"

I couldn't help but touch the corners of my mouth when she asked with a gentle smile.

Hmm, I guess I was smiling quite broadly.

"It’s because today is a joyful day."

Today was indeed a joyful day. It was my beloved’s birthday, and I got to see her happily meeting her father.

As for the Executive Manager... well, that wasn’t so joyful. Certainly not.

Don’t run away, Executive Manager.

He wouldn’t hide cowardly, right? Surely the Executive Manager wouldn’t stoop to such petty actions.

Anyway, today was a joyful day.


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