Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 189: My Prison Chronicles (4)

Chapter 189: My Prison Chronicles (4)

The moment I dreaded the most had arrived.


Seeing Marghetta cry silently with her hand over her mouth made me feel like I was losing my mind.

"Executive Manager, there is a visitor request for you."

The guard’s expression looked as if he had just given up on something. I wondered at first why he looked that way, but I gave up too when I heard that Marghetta had come to visit. In my case, what I gave up was my dignity and pride.

Being seen behind bars was naturally humiliating. I didn’t want to be seen like this by Erich, Louise, or Irina.

'She’s the last person I wanted to see me in this state.'

Most of all, I never wanted Marghetta to see me like this, not even if the world was about to end. I knew how much she worried about me and that she had a tender heart beneath her strong facade.

So, I prayed several times. I said that I didn’t mind even if the Minister gave me a good thrashing as long as Marghetta didn’t come.

'Won’t you grant me just this one thing?'

Of course, Enen wouldn’t be free enough to listen to the prayers of an alien species since he was busy attending to the prayers of the natives of this world. Damn it.

"Carl... Carl..."

Marghetta constantly cried, holding onto the bars with one hand. She looked as if she would collapse at any moment.

Her pitiful and heartbreaking state made me want to rush out and reassure her that it was alright, but that was unfortunately impossible.

"It's okay. I'm really okay, Mar."

Since I was in prison, my actions were extremely limited. At most, I could hold Marghetta's hand and repeat comforting words. There was nothing more I could do.

However, those actions seemed to upset Marghetta even more.


Eventually, Marghetta couldn’t hold back her tears. The dignified lady who was always mindful of her appearance and dignity burst into tears like a child.

"Why, why?! Why is Carl, Carl here...?!"

Her outburst was like a child's tantrum or someone faced with an utterly baffling dilemma.

Either way, it was so different from the usually composed Marghetta I knew, filling me with even more guilt.

"Why... whyyyyy...??"

Muttering like that, her legs gave way and she slumped down on the ground.

"Senior, are you okay?"

Louise, who was looking on with sad eyes, quickly approached to support Marghetta.

Seeing this made me feel even worse. I was in a situation where others had to do what I should have been doing. Or rather than that... If I had been outside in the first place, then Marghetta wouldn't have had to go through this.

"Louise, take this."

Irina handed a water bottle to Louise.

Yes, give her some water. She must be dehydrated from all the crying.

"Senior, let's step outside for a bit. You need some fresh air."

"No, I don't want to... C-Carl is here, Carl is..."

Despite Louise’s concerned words, Marghetta shook her head and resisted.

However, Louise became even more determined to take her outside after seeing her state. Considering that Marghetta usually spoke formally, her resorting to informal complaints indicated that she was not in her right mind.

Finally, Louise managed to take the resisting Marghetta outside with Irina’s help.

'It's better outside than down here.’

I sighed deeply, watching Marghetta’s receding figure.

No matter how nicely decorated it was, the prison was still a prison. It was an unsuitable place for a frail lady weakened by distress.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

"I was until just now."

Erich discreetly approached me once the others had left. This was our first conversation since the visit started.

I understood, though. In that situation, who could possibly have spoken up first and bypassed Marghetta? Erich seemed taken aback as well, probably not expecting Marghetta to break down crying like that.

"What the heck happened? How did someone from the academy end up imprisoned?"

I looked away at Erich's question.

You know what? You’re the first to ask why I was caught.

The Minister knew the circumstances. The warm-hearted Mage Duchess was too kind to ask, and Marghetta immediately started crying as soon as she saw me. Despite several visits, I hadn't been able to tell anyone the reason for my imprisonment.

'How can I even explain that?'

I’d rather have no one ask. How in the world should I explain such a crazy reason?

But from Erich's perspective, who knew nothing, it must seem like I was just suddenly snatched from the academy. I needed to clear up that misunderstanding...

'Will it be okay?'

To explain the situation, I would have to mention the Red Wave, the seditious republican group that approached the academy. It was a delicate matter to discuss with Erich, who was a student there.

But apart from my mental anguish, it ended without any harm, and Erich wasn’t known for being loose-lipped. If I tell him, 'Keep this between us,' he'll probably keep his mouth shut, like passing down a family secret.

...Alright, I'll tell him.

"It’s a bit of a long story."

As I began to speak, Erich's expression changed strangely.



Hold on. I must endure.

'Why do I have to go through this trial?'

For a moment, I resented Enen. What sin had I committed to deserve such a harsh trial?

Was it because I declined Tannian’s invitation to go to church together? But I wasn’t the only one who declined. Tannian even said that it was fine and just left when I refused.

'Did he go and pray for a curse to fall on me?'

I imagined Tannian shouting, ‘Punish this faithless unbeliever!’ Yes, that must be it. Tannian, that malicious guy, probably did such a sinister thing with a smile.

Can’t a person skip church occasionally? My church is built on faith and belief in my heart—

"Are you listening?"

"Oh, yes."

Hyung’s voice jerked me back to reality. I was in trouble. Even my desperate last escape had failed.

'This is driving me insane.'

I carefully raised my head to stare at the ceiling, as if overwhelmed by a sad and troubling story.

To be honest, I turned away because I felt like I’d be bursting into laughter at any moment if I let my guard down.

"Don't talk about this outside."

I nodded vigorously at hyung’s words.

The story about the republicans shouting for revolution and hyung quelling them was extraordinary.

It was dizzying to think that the academy had almost fallen into danger without my knowledge, but at least it ended without incident.

Well, except for one thing.

'Who am I even going to tell it to?'

Talking about it anywhere else would make me seem insane. Even hearing it firsthand was baffling, so how much more would it be if others heard it secondhand?

Hyung was imprisoned for killing a prisoner. Although killing a prisoner wasn’t commendable, it shouldn’t be a crime serious enough to warrant imprisonment.

"I wrote too many reports, and just my luck that it led to imprisonment this time."

The problem was hyung’s karma, which turned a minor sin into a major one. That was when the first wave of laughter almost hit me.

"But that bastard brought up the incident with Rutis. How could I keep a straight face after hearing that?"

The second wave of laughter threatened to spill out of me when I heard the reason he killed the prisoner.

‘That's how it went down?’

I felt like going insane. It would have been less ridiculous if the prisoner had just provoked him normally, causing hyung to lose his temper.

But he just had to bring up Rutis out of all things. He even mentioned that legendary incident where royalty was beaten up in front of everyone.

Moreover, hyung received the unprecedented punishment of being on probation within the academy because of that incident. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it haunted him, but to think that he heard about that from a republican rebel?

'I couldn’t have endured that.'

I would have killed that rebel, too. Even the Supreme Court would probably declare it justified.

Anyway, I perfectly understood why hyung was imprisoned. But as one problem was resolved, another emerged.

"...Hyung, how are we supposed to explain this to everyone else?"


I didn’t have the courage to reveal the truth to Lady Marghetta, who must still be crying outside, and to Louise and Irina, who would be comforting her.

"Let’s just say it was an issue at work. Don’t bring it up unless asked."

Hyung responded after much consideration, and I nodded silently.

Please. I hope no one would ask.


Marghetta returned not long after I revealed the embarrassing truth to Erich. Fortunately, she seemed to have calmed down a bit.

By then, visiting hours were already over and it was time for them to leave. Talk about bad timing.

"Carl, I’ll see you tomorrow. I will definitely come again tomorrow."

Trying to stop her from crying again was difficult. I mean, wasn’t visiting someone who would be imprisoned for just five days for two days in a row a bit much?

Anyway, I managed to persuade Marghetta, who kept insisting on coming back, to leave after promising to visit her first upon my release.

"Ah, hyung. The family knows about your imprisonment."

Erich left me with a slightly troubling comment as he was leaving.

"I managed to stop mother from coming for now. Should I keep her away?"

Thanks to my thoughtful brother, there wasn’t an increase in visitors. I might manage to deal with Marghetta, but the thought of 'a mother visiting her imprisoned son' was unbearable.

...I should contact them first even if I can't visit after being released. That would be the right thing to do.

'Damn it.'

Frustrated by my momentary anger, I wondered how things came to this point. That bastard wouldn’t have died if only I had controlled myself a bit more and stomped on his leg instead of punching his head.

As I sighed deeply and looked up at the ceiling, I had an ominous feeling.

'Why haven't they come?'

The managers were surprisingly quiet.

It was unusual. Those from the faraway academy had even come to visit, so how come there was no news from the Prosecutors’ Office, which was located just nearby?

It’d honestly be better if they didn’t come, but when had they ever made things comfortable for me? I expected them to show up.

'If they don’t come, then that’s better for me.'

I’d better not worry too much about it.


Clutching my throbbing head, I tossed and turned. I should get up, but I just couldn’t.

'I have to go visit...'

We were originally supposed to go this morning. The other managers and the Senior Manager had agreed to go together.

But last night, we ended up having an unplanned dinner.

"It’s a commemorative dinner for your boss’s imprisonment. You should attend before you go visit him."

How could I miss it when the Minister pushed for the dinner? It was the first one we had in a long time, so I attended it gladly.

And this was the result. The Minister only brought strong drinks, and the aftermath was tremendous.


Tossing around, I caught sight of my disheveled hair. ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

My precious white hair... It was usually so pretty that I could brag about it anywhere, but it looked frightening today.

Ironically, the drink I had last night was also white... This was the first time I'd been scared of white...

"Executive Manager..."

It pained me to think that the Executive Manager was alone and crying in the cold prison.

I'm sorry, Executive Manager. I should go visit you, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it /genesisforsaken

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