Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 176: The Red-blooded Dreamer (2)

Chapter 176: The Red-blooded Dreamer (2)

→ The Red-blooded Dreamer (2) ←

Having subordinates had its perks; I didn’t have to do everything myself and could just wait for reports. It was like setting a game on auto-hunt mode while I enjoyed my meal.

However, this convenience can quickly turn into a critical flaw. Sometimes, just watching would lead to unbelievable situations where they’d cause unnecessary blunders. While I preferred not to get involved, my instinct to offer guidance would kick in.

— I can’t make any progress.


In this dilemma, Charles, the former 2nd Manager, came up with an ingenious solution; if the boss was frustrated by reports, then it was better to just not show anything at all.

No cause, no result. It was an unimaginably brilliant solution. But was he out of his mind?

“What have you been doing all this time?”

The 2nd Manager, now devolved into Charles, seemed to have regressed over three days. It wasn’t a long time, but given his usual initiative, he should have accomplished something by now.

It was better to move quickly, especially when the Red Wave could hit at any moment. But to waste three days?

‘He’s even disguised as a master’s student.’

Had he downgraded to the level of a master’s student in practicality too? How low can you go, Mr. Charles?

As I seriously contemplated this, the 2nd Manager’s expression turned complex, seemingly acknowledging the awkwardness.

— Miss Christina simply won’t let me go.

This unexpected statement made me pause.

“To that extent?”

— Yes.

His firm response made me feel embarrassed. I knew Christina cared for her new junior, but I didn’t realize it would hinder the 2nd Manager’s progress.

‘He’s not even a real junior.’

The 2nd Manager wasn’t Charles, wasn’t an assistant teacher, nor someone meant to stay in the lab permanently.

In fact, he was older than Christina. They even adjusted his age when creating his identity…

— What can I do? Since she’s the minister’s nephew, I can’t just walk out.

His resigned complaint made me touch my chin in thought. While it was fortunate that Christina wasn’t causing trouble, we were now in a situation where nothing was getting done.

“I’ll handle it, so be ready to move.”

After a moment of thought, I came up with a simple solution. If he can’t get out on his own, then I’ll have to pull him out.

It was a pain in the ass to have to go through this process, but it was the only way I could get him out. No matter what, Christina wouldn’t obstruct him and say ‘Hehe, you can’t go!’ when the Prosecutor was the one looking for him. — Understood.

My assurance seemed to ease the slightly strained expression on the 2nd Manager’s face.

‘How strange.’

He always looked so smug and troublesome, so this sight showed a new side to him. Was he really that pressured just because she was the minister’s niece?

Maybe it wasn’t just about her lineage but also compatibility. How intriguing.

After ending the call, I went to the lab to pick up the 2nd Manager. How dare he make me intervene directly? What an impudent manager.

“Sorry, I need to talk to him for a moment.”

“Haha, no problem. Feel free to take him whenever.”

Fortunately, Gerhardt let the 2nd Manager go without any fuss. Since he was placed there on my request, he didn’t mind me taking him away for a bit.

However, Christina looked at the 2nd Manager with a full gaze of pity, which I chose to ignore. Was it just my imagination, or did she look like a mother bird whose egg was being taken away?


As we moved away from the lab, the 2nd Manager let out a deep sigh.

“Was it that hard?”

“Even just sitting still was torture.”

His trembling response to the offhand question was quite impressive.

“I’d have something to retaliate with if she had thrown work at me or annoyed me, but I couldn’t do anything since she only showed me kindness.”

The 2nd Manager, who had a rough three days, couldn’t stop talking once he started.

If he had been dumped with a lot of work, then he could have confidently completed it and left. If he was mistreated, he could have reciprocated in kind.

However, he couldn’t adapt to someone who would rush over to him at the slightest movement. He joked that he felt like she treated him like a sugar figure who would break at the slightest touch.

‘So it was overprotection.’

Hearing the 2nd Manager’s passionate testimony brought the word to my mind instinctively. It was definitely overprotection, the kind usually shown to one’s own late-born children.

…Did it fall into the same category because he was a junior who was found late?

“Since I’ve specially taken you out, work hard.”

Shaking off the stray thoughts, I patted the 2nd Manager on the back. A subordinate should reciprocate the effort of their superior.

“If I hadn’t been here, the Executive Manager would’ve had to run around—”

“Shut it.”

There was no need to win this argument with harsh truths.

The 2nd Manager quickly got to work, perhaps elated by the fresh air after three days.

‘Is he really working?’

Although I talked about auto-hunting and coaching, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly what the 2nd Manager was doing just by looking. That was why I trusted that he was handling it well.

He might seem like he was just loafing around, but he was good at gathering the necessary information. That was what a true intelligence source did.


“The 2nd Manager should be in the Information Department, not the Prosecutors’ Office.”

“Then you should go there, too. What do you think makes you any different?”

The Prosecutors’ Office also needed its own intelligence network for smoother operations. It would be a hassle if we had to coordinate with the Information Department every time we needed to act.

I replied to the 1st Manager while drinking water, feeling somewhat calmer.

‘Why does she always come at this time?’

Suppressing a sigh, I glanced at her. Why was she showing up every night at my quarters?

Contrary to my fears, she hadn’t been coming to the clubroom. I was touched then, thinking she wouldn’t bother me.

“Executive Manager! I’m here!”

But no way. Instead of the clubroom, the 1st Manager came to my quarters. This brat seemed to enjoy defying my expectations.

“Go back.”

“Aw, that’s too harsh! I came all the way here to hang out!”

“That’s enough. Go back.”

Where would you find a subordinate who would visit their boss’s quarters in the middle of the night? It would be terrible even when a boss did this to their subordinate. Was this some kind of reverse harassment?

However, I couldn’t withstand the 1st Manager’s whining and ended up letting her into my quarters. I’m so done.

‘Maybe this is better.’

I tried to think positively. Although the 1st Manager’s face was well-known around the academy, maybe it was better for them not to know that she had come at all.

This was better compared to her stirring up trouble by visiting the clubroom. Yes, this was better… I should be happy.

“Have some more of this.”

“Wow! Thank you!”

I cranked up my happiness to the max level and slid the bread Louise made towards the 1st Manager. It was originally made for her, but it ended up with me since she never showed up in the clubroom.

‘She’s enjoying it.’

I watched blankly as the 1st Manager ate the bread. She was eating so eagerly that I could almost hear the ‘nomnomnom’ in the background.


I couldn’t help but smile after seeing the Executive Manager push the bread towards me nonchalantly. It was the reaction I expected.

‘He’s the type to say it if he dislikes something.’

Of course, how he grumbled verbally was an exception. After a few routine complaints, he always ended up giving in. If he really disliked it, then he’d act rather than speak.

He had a unique personality. It wasn’t ordinary to push away something that he’d eventually accept.

‘I like it, though.’

He seemed like a moody younger sibling, which was endearing. It was only in moments like these that I felt like he was younger than me.

But I couldn’t be purely happy since I knew the probable cause of his unique behavior, which likely stemmed from the incident with the Six Swords.

Having lost all he cherished, he was hesitant to form new bonds. And yet, the memories were too precious to completely shut people out.

‘I shouldn’t know this.’

My job unnecessarily sharpened my ability to read minds. I’d rather not pry into the boss’s thoughts.

“Why are you staring?”

The Executive Manager asked curtly, maybe because I was staring at him too hard.

“You should have some, too. Here!”

I forcefully steered my sinking mood into a cheerful one. I shouldn’t look down in front of the Executive Manager. Showing a cheerful demeanor was for the best.

“I gave it to you to eat, and now you’re giving it back—”


I shoved the bread into his mouth as he attempted a pointless refusal. Although he cursed with his eyes, he eventually opened his mouth.

“It’s tasty, isn’t it?”

I felt proud. It almost felt as if I was feeding a lover.

He probably hasn’t been fed like this by the Lady yet, right? The Executive Manager didn’t like others doing things he could manage himself.

People could only tease each other like this when they had this kind of bond, one forged over two years of shared experiences.

“The bread should stay there—”

“Have another!”

I had to stop his unromantic words with more bread.

‘This is nice…’

I couldn’t stop smiling at the sheer happiness I felt at this moment, a time when I was alone with the Executive Manager.

We’ve been alone before, like during work or the incident with the Third Honor.

However, sharing bread like this felt like enjoying a cozy date.

‘I’ll make it less painful for them.’

The Red Wave who was targeting the academy, and the spies who had already infiltrated inside—without them, this moment wouldn’t exist.

Letting them go wasn’t an option; it would make the Executive Manager hate me.

So, I’ll make it as painless as possible and ensure that they’re well-sedated.


As soon as I tried to speak, the 1st Manager kept stuffing bread into my mouth, pressing down until I opened up.

This was no different from culinary torture. What kind of treatment was this towards a superior?

‘Does it taste bad?’

Seeing her continuous disposal made me reasonably suspicious. But she normally ate pretty much any bread, right?

…Well, maybe she was just full.

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