Chapter 125:

We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the inconsistency of character pronouns, particularly for the Entities (ex. The Greedy Predator). In Korean, pronouns are rarely used, making it challenging to ascertain a character's gender or identity until later narratives unfold. Given this is a guest-funded site, the time to backtrack is better used to keep other works' going. On a more important note, refrain from sharing this work on social media to ensure our survivability. Thank you for your cooperation!

After a good sleep, Seora woke up in the early evening and joined the lively party, squeezing in among the people who were celebrating their successful completion of the 8th floor of the Labyrinth, combined with the Christmas festivities. The entire place in Hawaii was filled with excitement.

“Headbang! Perfect timing. Is Yun Jaeheon really your brother?”

Monique, who was setting up a drinking game nearby, spotted Seora and rushed over with a bottle of strong liquor in hand.

“That’s true, but what’s with that? You looked like you wanted to hit me with it.”

“Can’t I? I’m a Healer anyway. I safely survived the Labyrinth thanks to you, so I won’t charge you extra.”

Seora tried to hold back the fox, who was trying to get up.

“Anyway, come on. I can’t believe you and Yun Jaeheon are siblings. No wonder Ali kept mentioning your brother.”

“Captain Ali only found out recently. I was keeping my status as his sister a secret.”

“Why? Oh, right, you were originally an F-class, right? It could have been awkward, I guess. Well, you two don’t look alike at all, so it’s no wonder nobody noticed.” Monique, who had brought Yun Jaeheon along and positioned him beside Seora, added, “If you ask anyone passing by, no one would think you’re siblings.”

“Didn’t they say your parents were S-classes, too? Is there any special ability flowing through your family’s blood, making you guys get all the good stuff?”

“Only my mother. My father was A-class.”

“S-class or A-class, it doesn’t matter.”

If S-class was the sky, then A-class was a high-rise building, but Monique nonchalantly placed the two on the same line. Compared to L-class, which could be likened to the universe, the difference between the sky and high-rise buildings might not be significant.

“What? Yun Jaeheon and Headbang are siblings?” Garcia joined in after hearing the commotion. Somehow, his face seemed full of displeasure. “Tsk. This will make dealing with Yoon Jaehun even more difficult. Even I find it challenging to deal with two L-classes simultaneously.”

Why was he even considering dealing with Yun Jaeheon?

When Seora asked Jaeheon about the whys, he smiled and gestured toward Ali, who was drinking heavily.

‘It’s not because of my brother; Garcia just doesn’t like Athena, does he?’

He seemed to be trying to vent his frustration about Athena by provoking both Yun Jaeheon and Ali.

“You must never touch him. My familial love is excessive. I can’t promise to keep calm if I hear my brother is hurt.”

‘If you touch Yun Jaeheon, you’ll regret it.’

Seora had a talent for wrapping those words very diplomatically. Garcia clicked his tongue.

“Hey, was it not enough for you to be tormented by the nightmare of envy? Oh, right. You happily took down Ali and Julian there, didn’t you? What a waste. We shouldn’t have woken you up. We should’ve let you live in that dream forever.”

“You also had a grand dream. Don’t you wish that dream could come true?”

Ali, who was drinking, giggled at Monique’s sarcasm. Garcia, who had accomplished the least in the Labyrinth, roared in frustration, “Shut up! Then you fight me instead. You were already unconscious when I woke up in the Labyrinth, so I didn’t see your ability. Of course, I’m not an idiot, so I’ll wait until you’re fully recovered. Then let’s have a proper fight.”

You madman! Seora was shocked, and before she could cover his mouth, Jaeheon urgently grabbed her.

“Seora, what’s that about? Were you unconscious? Your body isn’t okay yet!? You said you got treated by Miss Ribery!”

Seora hadn’t mentioned being unconscious due to the skill’s recoil. She had only mentioned that she had been hurt by the Dragon of Revelation and received treatment from Monique and was fine. The others had the sense to keep quiet, but all thanks to that annoying Garcia, it was all revealed.

“It’s not serious. Thanks to Monique, my injuries have mostly healed. The unconsciousness was just because I used up all my mana.”

Garcia, that darn guy. Seora gave him a fierce glare. Garcia realized that things were going strangely and looked back and forth between Seora and Jaeheon. But he was oblivious in the first place because he didn’t need to be conscious of the situation; he was in a position where he didn’t need to be aware.

“What’s not serious? You were completely tattered-”

Whack! The one who punished the blabbering Garcia was none other than Seora’s sunshine, Elizabeth. The fox, who had been swaying its tail beside them, jumped up high and slashed Garcia’s face with its claws. It was truly a steel claw that could even pierce the skin of an L-class.


“Oh my, Elizabeth!” Startled, Seora caught the fox mid-air. Seeing it glaring fiercely, she started to pet the fox’s head vigorously. “My little one, well done!”

Garcia, who was rubbing his face, looked at her bewildered. He thought that fox was well-behaved, but it turned out to be fierce. Then..,

“Come to think of it, they said you almost fell into the sin of lust in the Labyrinth, right? Tch, tch, you’re not innocent at all; you’re a pure swindler-”

Lust… The atmosphere turned strange instantly. Seora uttered just one word.


The fox jumped up again, slashing the other side, and Garcia screamed again. Only then did everyone pretend not to have heard anything and turned their heads.

“I warned you before; it can pierce the skin of an L-class.” Kang Sejun, who had come over because of the commotion, clicked his tongue at Garcia.

“What on earth is that fox!?”

‘An L-class summoned creature that housed the administrator.’

Seora couldn’t say it like that, so she only said the former part.

“The item Summoner’s Contract was of L-class, capable of summoning a fitting fantasy monster for the Awakened. That’s why this fox is also an L-class creature. Please don’t treat it casually.”

“Ah, I see.”

Since they were of the same rank, it was only natural that it could inflict wounds on their skin. Kang Sejun seemed to have finally understood, and he no longer paid attention to the fox.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, Seora. Why don’t you go back and rest instead of coming out unnecessarily?”

Worry filled Jaeheon’s face as he carefully examined his younger sister’s body. There was no way to see the lingering pain inside her body, even if he looked closely.

“I’ll bring food to the room, so you and your Liza can go and rest…”

Before Jaeheon could finish his sentence, the fox in Seora’s arms raised his claws toward him. Seora quickly turned her body to protect Jaeheon.

“Just call it ‘Fox.’ My Liza is a bit sensitive and hates it when others call him Elizabeth.”

“It doesn’t like being called by its name?”

“It’s fine when I call it, so it’s okay.”

【Administrator: ( ?????)…】

No, what you’re doing is really… The administrator threw an emoticon, but Seora ignored it.

“I can handle walking and eating, so you don’t need to worry about me too much.”

When Seora jabbed Yun Jaehun, who had been recovering for quite a while due to his excessive use of two titles, he hesitated and fell silent. Even if he had a hundred mouths, he had nothing to say.

However, Kang Sejun was different from Yun Jaeheon.

“But still, Yun Seora, it’s better to be cautious. Even during our time in Hawaii, take care of yourself…”

He kept nagging and advising her to be more careful, which startled Seora, making her run away.

“Ugh, why is that regressor suddenly like this? He’s been especially naggy since coming out of the Labyrinth.” Finally successfully escaping the two, she shook her head helplessly. “I told him never to die and to survive no matter what, but I didn’t expect him to be so overprotective.”

Was it because he had seen illusions related to her from the Dragon of Revelation? That cursed dragon was a nuisance, even in death.

It was unfortunate that nightmares still haunted Kang Sejun, but that didn’t mean she would continue to be held back by him.

Seora walked along the beach with Elizabeth, being cautious not to be noticed by Kang Sejun. While joining in the fun at the bar was enjoyable, she also appreciated the serenity of this quiet stroll.

At that moment, her wristwatch vibrated. It was an alert for an incoming call from Do Junyeong.

“This is convenient.”

She could answer the call without even taking out her phone. Seora answered the call.

“Yes, Director Do.”

— I heard you got hurt. Are you okay?

The voice on the other end sounded urgent, asking about her well-being. Seora gave a wry smile. “You heard it from my brother, right?”

— He called and sounded distressed. He wondered if you didn’t speak up because he’s untrustworthy.

“Well, it’s something Brother would do.”

Still, it was a bit intimidating to think that he poured his heart out directly to his friend on the phone. Seora wondered if he always talked like this. It made her a little nervous.

“Don’t worry. Monique took care of all the injuries and I drank the potions. Considering we survived the Labyrinth, this is fortunate enough.” At that moment, the fox nestled in her arms gently patted her shoulder with its paw. “…Ahem. It’s not like I did something amazing, but I’ll rest well here before returning.”

As she quietly returned to her spot, Do Junyeong’s relieved voice reached her.

— I’m glad. …I wanted to congratulate you in person on your birthday.

Today was Christmas and also Seora’s birthday. It was the day when he used to meticulously prepare gifts for her when they were kids. A mix of regret and fond memories brought a smile to her lips.

“Did you prepare a gift this year?”

Since they met as colleagues in the association when she was twenty, she had never received a birthday gift from him. So, Seora had no idea that he was the same person as her childhood friend.

— Yes.

Who would have thought such an answer would come in response to her teasing question?

“Wow, really?”

— I prepared it with the hope that you’d come back before today’s over.

“What is it? It’s not like it’s some kind of a magic charm.

— To me, it’s like a charm. It’s just that meaningful because I wished for it so earnestly.

Her tongue froze at his composed words that held deep sincerity. She couldn’t help but envision Do Junyeong preparing a gift while being uncertain about when she would return from a distant land. It felt awkward for some reason.

— Fortunately, the charm granted my wish. Yun Seora, I’m truly relieved you returned safely. Good work.

“Thank you for your concern. I think I’ll stay in Hawaii until things are settled here.”

— I heard that from the association’s president. Don’t worry about matters in Korea and take a good rest.


With the final greetings, the call ended. Perhaps due to the warm sea breeze or for some other reason, her cheeks felt warm, and Seora fanned herself with her hand.

Spending Christmas in summer for the first time felt incredibly hot.

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