City Of Witches

Chapter 156: Cohabitation (4)

༺ Cohabitation (4) ༻


For fifteen days, Sharon and Siwoo had been living happily together, enjoying each other’s company.

To summarize, their typical day usually went as such:

From 2pm to 6pm…

Was their free time; They could do whatever they wanted without any fixed plans.

Usually, they spent their time doing the things that they enjoy.

From 6pm to 12am…

Would be Sharon’s time to go to her part-time work, while Siwoo would focus on studying magic.

Then, from midnight to 3am…

Sharon would be back from her part-time job, and it would be her time to put up flyers everywhere.

Or, rather, it was time for her to hunt for the Homunculi, as putting up flyers was only something she did on the side.

She hadn’t found any so far, though.

From 3am to 6am…

Was the time for them to watch some movies while having late-night snacks.

Originally, the time slot was reserved for a short snack break, but because of Sharon’s love for movies, it turned into their time for a movie marathon.

Deciding on what movie they should watch while doing their daily task became an enjoyable part of their routine.

After that, from 6am to 10am…

The brief time was reserved for napping.

With Sharon’s bed arriving, they no longer had any arguments about sleeping arrangements.

And lastly, between 10am to 2pm.

Under the guise of covering for her food and rent, Sharon held her elemental magic class for Siwoo.

During these past weeks, she had been passing on various magical knowledge to him.

And now was that very same lecture time.

“Okay, today we’re diving into the second major element, ‘Water.’ You’re really picking this up quickly.”

“All thanks to your insightful guidance, Master.”

“Hm, do you mean that~?”

They became so close that they could playfully joke around.

To lighten the mood, Sharon tapped the whiteboard with a marker.

As they became closer friends, they started joking around and teasing each other a lot, but, when it was time for their lessons, they became incredibly serious.

“Previously, we learned that the element Earth is the foundation that helps things mix together and stabilize them. As for Water, it controls the flow, movement and change. To put it simply, it’s the second most important element. And…”

In fact, what Sharon was teaching Siwoo, wasn’t something at a very advanced level.

Rather, it was the most basic of the basics that were taught to apprentice witches.

To begin with, he already had a deep understanding in a certain field, as he already mastered his self-essence magic. Coupled that with his knack for learning things quickly, he absorbed the knowledge like a sponge.

It was to the point that Sharon was amazed at his aptitude.

The speed of him understanding what she taught him made it as if he was only reviewing the things that he already knew beforehand.

“…Just like how the element Earth was crucial in understanding all the elemental magic, the element Water serves as the basics for you to comprehend the other elements. After all, just as 70% of the human body is made up of water, it’s also the most important element that connects the external world where magic takes place with the internal world where magic is performed. Do you understand so far?”

“Yeah, sort of.”

If his memory was the only part of him that stood out, Sharon wouldn’t be as amazed.

Indeed, his memory was superior to that of an average person, but compared to the prodigies among the apprentice witches, it was at most at an ordinary level.

But, magic wasn’t just about memorization.

If everything could be solved through calculations and memorization, then a computer would easily become the world’s strongest witch.

After all, no matter how exceptional a witch’s thinking and procession abilities were, it still couldn’t match a computer.

Really, what made Sharon amazed was his ability to find connections between things and his creativity to look at things in different ways instead of sticking to the traditional ways.

Whenever she taught him something, he didn’t only absorb the knowledge, he also expanded it, and came up with new ideas that even Sharon herself had never considered before.

“I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

He only needed a few hours to learn the theories that took Sharon a long time to learn back when she was an apprentice witch.

She didn’t need to explain everything thoroughly to him.

Instead, she only gave him some clues and that was enough for him to figure out the rest.

“Today’s lesson is a little complicated…”

Sharon had only planned to explain the properties of different elements, but by the end of her lecture, Siwoo had already started thinking about how the two elements of Earth and Water interacted with each other and came up with his own ideas about it.

Yet, despite this incredible progress, he didn’t seem to be satisfied.

It seemed like he didn’t realize how great his achievements were.


Hearing his calm words, Sharon quickly left the room.

Sharon knew that when he spouted such sharp words like that, it meant that he had gained a significant enlightenment.

Observing him sitting at the table with closed eyes, she quietly exited the room to avoid disrupting him.

“I’m so jealous…”

Then, she let out a quiet sigh.

Unlike Sharon, who failed to make any progress, under her tutelage, Siwoo made significant progress every single day.

‘If he had been born a girl and inherited a brand officially, I wonder what kind of monster he’d become?’

His talent was so blinding, enough to make her, his own tutor, feel pathetic.

Sometimes, that feeling turned into jealousy.

“I feel like he should be the one teaching me instead.”

Although they had just begun with the basics, she believed that her lessons weren’t useless.

In fact, the questions Siwoo had brought up gave her small insights on numerous occasions.

“Wait, this isn’t the right time for this.”

As today’s lesson ended a little earlier, it gave her some extra time.

She took another quick glance at the closed door before delving herself into her own research.


Like every other day, it came to an end eventually.

Both Siwoo and Sharon had snuggled into their respective beds, but Sharon’s eyes were still wide open.

A heavy feeling weighing on her mind.

“I’ve been having too much fun lately…”


Because she was too used to live a demanding life, she felt like she had been way too carefree lately.

For a while, she forgot about her money problems. All she had been doing was watching movies and having fun deciding what she should eat.

Thanks to Siwoo’s generosity, her living conditions rapidly improved and she no longer had to pay rent.

But that didn’t mean her debt had magically disappeared.

With almost three weeks of failure to find any Homunculi and the loss of her crypto business, she was concerned about gathering enough money for the payment deadline in two months.


She let out a deep sigh and abruptly sat up.

Sleepless nights weren’t something that she was a stranger to as she used to spend all her time making money. But, ever since she started living with Siwoo, it had become natural for her to sleep…

The sudden change in her life; The comfy bed, abundant meals, and enjoyable hobby had somehow detached her from reality.

At that moment, a specific memory flashed in her mind.

Siwoo’s proposition when they first met.

‘I do have plenty of spare money… I can help you pay off the interest—’

Of course, she rejected it without any hesitation.

If anything, his offer only pissed her off and made her feel uncomfortable.

Despite her current debt-ridden life, she still held her pride high as a witch.

And that pride of hers was also the only thing preventing her from risking everything and using her magic to make money.


But, that was back then, now the situation was a little different.

Back then, she knew nothing about Siwoo and his meager sympathy made her feel uncomfortable, but after living with him, she realized that his kindness was genuine.

They grew so close that even when she accepted his help, it didn’t make her feel emotionally distant.

It made her wonder that she had been taking advantage of his kindness without realizing it all this while.

Not only that, she also thought that she probably felt less desperate because she believed Siwoo would help her even if things went really badly for her.

With these thoughts in her mind, Sharon changed her clothes.

Clutching her robe and wand, she prepared to cast her spell.

“…I can’t do that.”

Siwoo was a good friend to her.

She knew that if she found herself truly in distress, he’d readily lend her a helping hand.

That was why she didn’t feel inclined to rely on him any further than this.

She wanted their relationship to be equal.

If she accepted material help from him, she believed that it would disrupt this equilibrium.

Even if he didn’t care about it at all, she believed that she wouldn’t be able to erase the feeling of her owing him something.

With this in mind, Sharon opened the door to the balcony and jumped out.

Her goal? It was to hunt for the Homunculi.

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