
Chapter 1137 1248 - Unexpected Visitors

The wave approaches its climax, and usually at this point, the Colony would be completely overwhelmed with literally thousands of monsters spawning and rushing at our territory, but for some reason, things are a little more relaxed this time around.

For one, fifth stratum monsters aren't coming up and trying to melt our faces off and terraform the tunnels with comically toxic goop, which is nice. I mean, we still get them spawning, but that's not as much of a problem. Then there's the distinct lack of sixth stratum monsters. Other than the one I fought, the Colony only ran into a handful of them, none of which seemed to be operating at full strength. It's a curious state of affairs, but one that is certainly to our benefit.

Whatever the cause, I'm not going to complain. The Colony is absolutely raking in the Biomass and cores, luring and annihilating mythic-beast monsters of the fourth as fast as the lousy things can pop out of the ground. Which is fast. I've been keeping to my tunnel and training for the most part, trusting that someone will come and get me if I'm needed, but when my surprise guests arrive, I hadn't seen anyone for days.

Hanging from the roof and practising my spellwork, I'm more than a little surprised when a large, shaggy head pokes into my tunnel, followed by a large, shaggy body.

[Sarah! What the heck are you doing down here?]

[Ah! You're on the roof.]

[Don't tell me you didn't see me just because I'm upside down. I'm enormous.]

[I just didn't expect it is all.] She hesitates a moment before asking, [Do you have time to talk? I know you've been busy, during the wave and all.]

[I'm surprisingly free, to be honest, and I'd love a chat! I can get some tea and cake delivered if you'll give me a second.]

[That sounds nice. You should bring some for Odin as well.]

[He's here?]

I look around, but I don't see him anywhere.

[I think he's shy.]

The lithe form of the demon leaps out from behind a pillar, twisting and flipping in the air to land beside the massive bear.

[I am not shy,] he says defensively after joining the conversation. [I am being stealthy. A true assassin should always seek to conceal their movements.]

[And does a true assassin enjoy cake and tea?]

[... They do.]

[I just didn't want to bother anyone,] she defends herself, clearly flustered. [Besides, I've never come down this far and I wanted to see what it was like.]

[I definitely recommend you head up to the walls and take in the view,] I encourage her, [it's really something. The shining waters of the lake, the towering mountains reaching up toward the ceiling above. There's clouds, and islands. I mean, floating islands. It's crazy.]

[I went straight up there. You're right, it's incredible.]

I turn to Odin.

[And what brings you here, little guy?]

[Excuse me?]

[Ah. Didn't mean to be rude. What brings you here, Odin?]

Compared to Sarah and I, he's a midget! The guy is clearly built for speed and stealth, not my fault he's so small.

[I am here to support the creature of perfection that I– I'm here to support Sarah.]

[Nice. Well, when you evolve, don't forget my message for Arconidem.]

He flinches.

[I hoped you'd forgotten about that.]

[Fat chance.]

[Well, welcome aboard, you two. I hope your evolutions work out great. While you're here, you may as well help out with the defence, stock up on Biomass and all that good stuff! Also, let me know if you need some cores. I'm sure the Colony has a supply tucked away that you can draw from.]

[I wouldn't want to impose.]

[Nonsense, Sarah. You're part of the family! In fact, I might be able to scrounge together a mythic core for your evolution.]

[Oh. I have one of those.]

[You what?]

[We found a demon rampaging on the plains a few weeks ago. It… I… well. I have a mythic core.]


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