Chronicles Of The Shura Clan

Chapter 246 - The Things Behind The Blue Metallic Door

It's already been more than half an hour since Old Yan and the others left and they still haven't made to their next destination yet.

Compared to the two previous hallways or corridors, this one was incredibly long. They moved as fast as they could as they were trying to make it to their next destination as soon as possible.

On the way, they didn't meet any more ambushes which were kinda odd. Nonetheless, they didn't complain. How great it would be if the rest of their trip was as smooth as this one.

Though the hallway was empty, there many metal doors on both sides of it. They tried to check them out to see what was behind them.

However, they were all tightly closed. No matter how hard they tried, they were unable to open them. As such, their only option was to keep on moving forward.

It was as If they were being led by someone and could only follow the path laid to them by that person.

Soon, they were able to spot a giant blue metallic door in the distance. However, instead of being happy, they all had solemn expressions on their faces.

Even though they were still a little far away from the blue metallic door, they could feel an ominous energy flooding out from within it which caused goosebumps to break out on their skin.

"Old Yan, is this the place where the Great Luo Martial God is resting?" Nervously asked the White Tiger Demon God as he was looking at the blue metallic door ahead of him with his face pale with fright.

"No, the Great Luo Martial God is in the room after that one. However, this room is still the most dangerous one because it is the place where the four Guardians are standing guard as well as the location of the Dao Law Seeds." Answered Old Yan with a serious expression on his face.

Upon hearing Old Yan's answer, not to mention the White Tiger Demon God, everyone's face stiffened as the color of blood was slowing draining out of their complexion.

Indeed, even though they were unable to use their spiritual sense, they could still sense something terrifying behind that huge blue metallic door.

The closer they got to the door, the stronger that ominous feeling became. Thet felt an unspeakable aura of heaviness and austerity.

If it wasn't for their strong will and extreme desire to get out from this damn world as well as to breakthrough the Legendary Martial God, they would have thrown the towel and ran away a long time ago.

Soon, they finally made it to the door. Looking at the giant tightly shut door that resembled an impenetrable divine wall, everyone's mind was filled with a plethora of emotions. There was fear, excitement, and nervousness, etc.

Just as they knew that behind this door was the ticket to their freedom, it was also their tomb if they were to fail.

Standing in front of the giant blue metallic blue door, they all had a resolute as well as a look of determination on their faces despite the scary and horrifying energy coming out from within it.

The greater the risk, the greater the rewards!

Meanwhile, Old Yan slowly strode closer towards the door. The Demi-God experts surrounding the blue metallic door parted ways to make room for him. He lightly placed his palm on the door as he spoke to the others."Freedom or death, it's all behind that door."

"Remember. Anyone who wants to give up can do so. It's still not too late as there's a chance to survive if you want to get out. However, getting past this door would mean a 98% chance of death."Reminded Old Yan in a solemn tone as he was overcome with a reminiscence of the past as he finally got to stand before this very huge metallic door after what felt like a genuinely long, long time.

At that time, he was only a rookie Demi-God expert and was accompanied by over twenty Demi-God Experts.

They were all experts that stood at the peak of this world. They were worshiped as True God in their respective domain and were able to cause clouds and rains with just a wave of their hands.

Some were Demon Gods while the others were human Demi-God experts. There were even two Aquatic Demon Gods from the Sea Demon Race.

However, aside from him, they were all killed and buried from behind this very door. At that time, none of them knew the truth about the Great Luo Martial God and his Tomb.

They didn't know the person they so admired and worshiped was nothing but a cruel devil. They didn't know that the so-called Tomb was not a real Tomb but a sacrificial ground.

They were all slaughtered and died with their faces filled with regrets and horrors behind this very door.

"Let's get on with it." Answered the White Tiger Demon God with a resolute expression on his face. He already came this far, he didn't want to give up.

Not only the White Tiger Demon God but also the rest of them were also feeling the same way as they were looking at Old Yan with their faces filled with determination.

Seeing this, Old Yan didn't say any as he slowly pushed the door open.


As the giant blue metallic door was pushed open, they were all greeted by a thick death aura as well as an eerie darkness.

It was so dark that one wouldn't be able to even see their fingers in front of them if they were inside.

Looking at the endless darkness ahead of them, they felt as though they were staring at the Devil's mouth, waiting for them to step into it.

Despite their previous resolution and determination, their hearts began to waver as an instinctive fear rose deep from within their soul, telling them to run away.

It was quite intimidating. Even the most experienced and fearless experts would feel their legs giving in just by standing in front of this eerie darkness and thick death aura behind the huge blue metallic door.

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