Chapter 904: Chapter 89- Trinity – The Meeting Part 1 (VOLUME 5)




I felt bad for leaving the kids the way that we did. It was only seven thirty in the evening, and they were nowhere ready for bed yet, but Reece and I needed to go to the meeting with the others. This was important. This might be a matter of life or death to them all. And if it meant that I could keep them safe that much longer, then I would do whatever it took. I would give my life for my children. I wouldn’t even bat an eye. If that was what it took to protect my babies, then I would do it. I would also kill for them. If anyone ever dared to think about hurting my children, then I would stop them, killing them if I had to. And that motherly love wasn’t just for my offspring, it went for my pack, my kingdom, all of my people. I would do what it took to protect them all. And that was why these recent events were so hard on me.

“Mommy, will you be here in the morning?” Zaley asked me as I moved to leave her room. “Or will you be gone again?”

“I will be here sweetheart. I promise that I will be.”

“Can we have breakfast together?” Zayden asked me, preparing to go to his own room as well.


“Yes baby, we can have breakfast together. I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world.”

“Will you drive us to school in the morning?” Zachary asked, holding onto my right hand tightly.

“Yes, honey, I will drive you to school in the morning. Mommy has missed so much already, and I want to be here for you now.”

“But the bad stuff isn’t over yet, is it Mommy?” Zander asked me. “You will still be busy, and you might have to leave again.”

“I might, bubby. But I will try to be here from now on. Mommy doesn’t want to be away from you at all. I want to be home. I want to see you every single day. It’s just that mommy has so many people counting on her.”

“We know, Mommy.” Zaley hugged me tightly. “Mommy is the queen and that means that she is important.” She wasn’t upset, she was just stating a fact.

That’s right, honey. Mommy has to help a lot of people that count on her. But you’re the most important to me. All of you. And I love you all so much.”

“We love you too, Mommy.” Zaley squeezed tighter.

“We love you, Mommy.” Zachary hugged me from the side.

“We love you, Mommy.” Zayden stood on the bed behind me and hugged me around the neck.

“We love you, Mommy.” Zander added as he hugged my other side.

Leaving them just about broke me, but I had to. I knew that they understood why I was so busy, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t hard on them, and me. I love my babies. All of my babies.

I opened the various doors at about a quarter to eight, just like I told the others that I would. They started to come through almost all at the same time. The doors were opened in the hall just outside of my office so that they could head in and find their seats with the others. My office was very large, thankfully. And I had a lot of places for the others to sit. Reece and I were going to be at my desk, facing the crowd of friends and family as we started to explain what was going on.

Everyone was on time for the meeting. Not a single person was late getting there or caused a delay. Right at eight that evening Reece and I walked into the room and saw the others, their eyes all trained on me as I walked across the room to my chair. The whole room was silent. I could barely even hear them breathing as they all watched me.

“Welcome, everyone. And thank you for coming in on such short notice. I appreciate that you have understood the gravity of the situation and the need for us to hurry on all of this.” I looked at each of them, making eye contact as I went through the group before me.

“We understand that you wouldn’t call us all in unless it was something truly important, Trinity. We’re here to help in any way that you need us to.” Athair mòr smiled at me, but the look was filled with heartache. His blue eyes were filled with determination and trust.

“Thank you, Valerian.” Reece nodded at him. “And as you said, this is truly something very important. There has been a dev-.” Reece was starting to explain things to the group when my phone rang.

“What the hell?” I looked at it. I had it set to ‘do not disturb’. And that meant that only a few select people were able to get through. They had to be on the list so to speak. “Why is Shawn calling me all of a sudden?” I looked up at Reece. “You don’t think that something happened in Germany, do you?”

“Answer it.” Reece told me and then looked at the others. “Give us a minute.”


“No problem.”

“What’s wrong with my brother?” Support from most of the group, and concern from Shane was what came when Reece told them that. I barely paid attention to it though, since I was walking to the corner of the room so that I could have a semblance of privacy for the call.

“Shawn? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“Trinity, we have some news. We need to come back right away.” There was a note of urgency in Shawn’s voice as he spoke.

“We just started a meeting with the others. We’re going to discuss what we learned after coming back to the states.” I explained to him.

“Good. Open a door. We can hear that information and then we can tell you all about what we found here.” He truly was in a hurry to come back.

“Alright. I am getting the door prepared now.” I was already calling my magic to me and making it appear on my side. “Where are you at?”

“We are in Dietrich’s office here in Germany. In the Castle. You’ve been in it before.” I remembered the room that he was talking about. I was there just recently when we were in Germany. It was just a couple of days ago, but it felt so much longer.

“Alright. It will be there in just a moment. Hurry through so that we can get the meeting started.” I knew that I didn’t need to rush him, but I did it anyway.

“Yeah, we will. I see the door starting to appear. We will be on your side in a moment.” With that he hung up. And within thirty seconds the two of them were walking through the door here on my side of the magic.

“Welcome home.” I smiled at them. “I hope you had a productive time of things.”

“Oh, we did. A very productive time.” Shawn stepped toward me. “I will let you explain what you know and then I will explain what it is that Dietrich and I found. Is that alright?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. After all, you need to hear all of this too, right?”

“Indeed.” Dietrich nodded at me. “Thank you for the door, Trinity. It was the fastest way to get back here.”

“No worries, Dietrich. Go on, have a seat. We have a meeting to start.”‘

Without saying another word, Shawn and Dietrich went to sit with the rest of the group. Now the entire party was here. These were all the people that I trusted the most. The people that I needed the most to help me solve this. They were the ones that I was going to make sure that they understood all the evidence and hopefully, put an end to these murders.

I took a deep breath as I looked at all of their faces. Shawn, Dietrich, Shane, David, Vincent, Gabriel, Riley, Landon, Jackson, Rawlynne, Juniper, Paul, Cedar, Carter, Noah, Trevor, Aunt Glory, Athair mòr, Mom, Dad, Lila, Grandfather. All of the people that I loved as part of my family as well as those that were truly part of my family. Not to mention some of the most brilliant minds among us.

“Alright, let me get back to what Reece was saying before.” I eyed them all solemnly. “There has been a development in the case. Some of you know this and some of you don’t, but the murders have spread.”

“Spread?” Landon sounded confused. His green feline eyes narrowed as his head tilted to the side like a kitten.

“Yes, Landon.” Reece nodded at him. “Before they were only murdering in Europe, Asia and Oceania. Well, they have moved on to a new continent recently. Yesterday morning Trinity and I went to investigate the murders that were in the new location.”

“And where did these murders take place?” Grandfather asked him, his face back to that unreadable and grumpy looking mask that I remembered from my childhood.

“California.” I told him, answering the question in just one word. It was enough though. They all knew what the implications of that one word were. The murders, and therefore the murderers, were much closer to home now. The threat to us, to our families, to the communities that we knew and loved, it was much stronger now than it was when the murders were happening elsewhere. I know that it sounds bad, but they probably hadn’t thought about the lives that were being lost because the carnage was not right in front of them. They were sheltered by the distance that was between them and the horrors that I have seen.

Now though, the horrors were at their doorsteps. The horrors were knocking at the door. The horrors were here, and that made them all that more real. They didn’t have that cushiony little bubble that offered them a semblance of peace and normality. That happiness that they had just recently was about to be ripped away from them like a band-aid that was covering a festering wound. They were able to ignore the trouble in the world because they couldn’t see it happening. Well, they were about to see it. They were about to explore the depths of that horror and understand just what has been going on around the world. Whether they liked it or not.

In a way, I felt bad doing this to them all, but they needed to know. They all needed to know so that we could work together and stop these crimes from spreading even more. We had to stop anyone else from being killed.



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