Chapter 893: Chapter 78- Shawn – Germany Part 2 (VOLUME 5) (MATURE)




With a slightly mischievous grin on his face, Dietrich pushed me across the tiled floor of the shower and pressed me against the cold tiled wall behind me.

“AHH!” I cried out when my overheated skin came in contact with the cold, cold wall. The steam and heat in the shower somehow never warmed up the walls, no matter what you did.

“Sorry, Shawn, I know that it is cold, but I will make you forget about that now.” Dietrich didn’t say anything else. He just flattened himself against the floor, spread my legs wide, and slid his mouth onto my shaft. I cried out again, but not from the cold this time.



Dietrich was better at this than I was, but I like to think that after nineteen years, I have managed to learn something from him. And he never complained. Still, to get this from Dietrich was beyond amazing. The moment that he started to slide down my shaft, he flattened his tongue against my shaft and curled it up at the sides so that it was like some sort of added sheath for my shaft.

Like me, he sucked hard when he got to the base of my shaft, but he was so much better at it that I would have been squirming all over the place if he wasn’t holding me in place.

“Ahh! Ahh! D..D..Dietrich!” I called out for him. He was making me want more. He was making me want him inside of me and not just having his mouth wrapped around me.

“Heh heh heh!” He laughed around my shaft and I threw my head back on a long cry of pleasure.


I was already approaching my climax. I don’t know if it was because I had gone so long since Dietrich pleasured me like this or because he was just that good at what he was doing, but I could feel the tightening and the tingling that told me that my explosion was imminent.

“D..D..Dietrich, I..I..I can’t hold out any longer.” Almost as soon as I said that I came in his mouth.

“I think that you needed that way more than I did, my love. Now for me to give you the rest of my attention.” I thought that Dietrich was going to take me right there, but instead he shut the water off and picked me up. He wasn’t going to bother with a wedding carry or a princess carry, he threw me over his shoulder and ran into the bedroom.

After throwing me on the bed, Dietrich was climbing up to meet me in the middle of the extra large mattress. He was looming over me in an instant and my legs were already hooked into his elbows.

“Shawn, Geliebte, I don’t know how gentle I will be. I am sorry in advance if I hurt you.” He looked so worried but so needy at the same time.

“Oh Dietrich, just shut up and make love to me already.” I just shook my head at him. “I know that you will never hurt me.”

“Shawn?” He whispered my name as if it were a question as he fitted himself against my entrance. “I love you.”

With that, Dietrich slammed all the way inside of me in one go.

“AHH!” I cried out in pleasure, with just a little bit of pain. I didn’t stop him though, and he didn’t stop himself. He just pulled back until only his tip was left inside of me, until I was on the verge of crying out for his loss, and then he slammed inside of me again.

It was glorious. It was amazing. It was special. It was just what I needed. I let my mind go blank. I stopped thinking about anything that wasn’t happening right now. Everything wasn’t happening to me right this very minute wasn’t important enough. Only Dietrich and the love that I had for him was important right now.

Dietrich was creating a steady rhythm now. Slamming in with a brutal yet welcomed force and pulling out so that he was barely in me, over and over he repeated the same pattern, and it was driving me insane.

It didn’t seem like enough though, I needed more. I wanted more than just him inside of me. I wanted to feel more of him. I wanted to kiss him.

“D..D..Dietrich, I need more. I need more of you. I need your kiss. I need to feel your mouth on mine.” I knew that I sounded lewd and over the top, but I didn’t care. I was going to ask for what I wanted. Dietrich taught me years ago that I needed to be selfish in these moments. I needed to ask for what I wanted, what I needed, so that he could give it to me. That was part of the openness that we had in our relationship.

“OK, my love. Come here.”

Dietrich wrapped my legs around his waist and leaned forward to grip me around my chest. He pulled me up so that my chest was pressing against him, but that wasn’t the last of it. Once I was off the bed, Dietrich had to adjust so that he was sitting a little more flatly on the bed. Now that he was in position, he unwrapped my legs from around his waist and lowered me a little so that my knees were pressed into the mattress. I also slid a little further down his shaft at the same time and cried out in pleasure at the feeling of him being so deep inside of me.

“Oh Goddess, Dietrich, this feels so good.”

“And it’s about to get even better.” He chuckled darkly as he wrapped his hand around the back of my head and pressed his lips to mine. The moment that he started to kiss me Dietrich also started to lift me off of him with the other hand. He was still guiding the penetration himself. He wasn’t letting me help at all. Well that just wouldn’t do. I wanted to be a part of this as well.

I wrapped my arms around Dietrich’s neck, forcing him to let go of my head in the process. I deepened the kiss like I did earlier and explored his mouth with my tongue. And while doing that, I started to lift myself with my knees so that Dietrich didn’t have to do as much work in this mutual love session of ours.

With both of his hands free, Dietrich grabbed a hold of my waist. I would lift myself off of him, and in the process, he would press himself into the mattress so that he was pulling out a little more. And then he would thrust up and pull me down with his hands at the same time. The result of this was nothing short of ecstasy. I could feel him so much harder, so much deeper. I cried out with pleasure.

“Ngh! Hahh! Mhmm! Nghhmm!” In response to my higher pitched pleasure sounds, Dietrich’s were a little more guttural and deep.

“Hehh! Hrhmm! Mhmmrmm!” He was saying almost the same things as I was, but they sounded completely different coming from us.

This new position, the skin to skin contact, the intermittent kisses, it was just what I needed. And I could quickly feel myself skyrocketing toward my next climax. And based on how much harder that Dietrich felt, I knew that he was almost there too. I didn’t know who would finish first, but it was a race to see who could last the longest.

Another thrust, and another. Again and again Dietrich pushed himself to keep going. I tried my best to hold on, but I couldn’t. I ended up throwing my head back, screaming wordlessly as I exploded between us.

Dietrich lasted another few thrusts in and out, but he reached his end as well. He exploded inside of me as he leaned forward and sank his fangs into my shoulder. He hadn’t bitten me during sex in so long that I jumped a little, but I wasn’t scared of him or the bite. It was a way for him to tell me that he loved me. It was one last intimate moment between us before we collapsed onto the bed together.

I was still panting when Dietrich turned me over and started to position himself at my entrance again. I guess he wasn’t lying when he said that he wasn’t going to let me sleep tonight. Not that I was complaining all that much. I could handle what he gave me. And maybe I would turn it around on him and give him just as much as he gives me. There was pleasure to be had more than one way here.

And when I did turn it around on him, a couple of hours and several couplings later, I bit him in the same way that he bit me. Only at that time, he bit me once more. The moment that we both exploded inside of each other that time, we had our fangs buried deep in each other’s shoulders, the taste of blood and love flowing into our mouths. It was the perfect end to this perfect night with my mate.

After cleaning up as best as we could, we collapsed into an exhausted sleep. Our bodies still entwined and holding onto each other. I loved the feel of him pressed against me like this when I slept. It was another way for me to know that he was never going to leave me.



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