Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 729 - Split Chapter – Battling A Hydra Part 4 (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 729 - Split Chapter – Battling A Hydra Part 4 (VOLUME 4)




I swung my hand out while I was running. My plan was to put up a shield to block the blast of water. That was something that I should have thought to do much sooner, but I just was not thinking about it early enough. I needed to get the shield up as quickly as I could, though. I needed it to be able to repel the water and save them all.

"Come on. Please work." I whispered to myself just a second before there was a large explosion of the water. It sprayed in all different directions drenching me and forcing its way up my nose and down my throat. There was so much water that it was literally flowing down the hall, back the way that the six of us had come. If I had been on the floor instead of on a floating platform of wind, I would have been swept away in the newly formed river that was below us.

There was already so much water and it wasn't stopping yet either. I could feel it forcing its way into my body and trying to drown me, but I couldn't let it do that. I couldn't let it get the best of me. I needed to beat it. I needed to be stronger than that nasty water.

And oh, God! The taste! It was so much worse than the smell. Every drop of the water that made its way into my mouth, nose or my eyes, burned so thoroughly that I couldn't see and all I wanted to do was vomit and sneeze and so whatever I could to get the water out of me.

My whole body felt like it needed to be purged. That was the only way to describe it. I needed to purge the water from my body and purify myself. And as much as I wanted to do that, I wasn't able to. Not yet. I needed to wait. I needed to be patient.

More than anything, I needed this flow of water to stop. If I did anything that caused me to break my concentration, I would not be able to keep the shield going. I would not be able to make sure that Rudy, Alexio and the boys were safe. If I lost focus for even one second, they would all be attacked by this invasive water. They would be drowned and burned by it.

"Come here." I heard someone's voice call out to me as they reached into the stream of water and pulled me away from it. It was a man's voice and it sounded concerned when it spoke near me.

I could also feel this newcomer's hands as they gripped my upper arms and pulled me toward them. I felt that they were warm, strong and full of worry. Just who was this person? Who was it that had come to help me? Who was it that was risking their own life to help me?

I could tell that it wasn't Rudy or Alexio. It wasn't their voices that I had heard.

It was a familiar voice, that was for sure. It was a voice that I knew but I was having trouble placing it at the current moment. It wasn't Reece's voice. It wasn't my dad's or either of my brothers. Not my grandfather, nor any of my guards. But who was it?

"You can't lose here. You need to fight this." I felt someone's lips on mine, blowing air into my lungs and helping to get the water out of my body. They followed it up with chest compressions.

This was totally weird. I hadn't thought that I had stopped breathing. I hadn't thought that it had gotten to this point, but apparently it had.

"Come on, Trinity, wake up. They need you."

That voice was so familiar. Why did I know it? Who was it? Who?

"Come on! Wake up. Don't let this end here. Not after you beat me so easily. Come on!"

Oh my Goddess, I knew who it was now. It was…




That Hydra had targeted the people that weren't even in the fight. She was targeting my children, my boys. Them and the two men that had been protecting them. And the thing is, this was a magical attack that was coming at them. This was something that those two men weren't able to protect them from.

My Little Bunny had tried to save them. She was moving them around the hall to avoid the tail, but that just left them open to be attacked by the blast of water. And judging by the looks of my Little Bunny, that wasn't just ordinary water.

"Come on, Trinity, fight it!" Trevor was screaming at the screen as we all watched the water rushing into my Little Bunny's mouth. "Fight it! Get the best of that water and get back into the fight! Come on Trinity, we all know that you can do it! Come on!" Trevor looked frantic as he yelled over and over. He wasn't the only one either.

"Trinity! Come on, Trinity! Get up! Get up and fight that bitch! Come on, Trinity! What am I going to tell Mom and Dad? Huh? You need to fight this! Fight it for the triplets! Fight it for Talia. Fight it for Reagan and Rika. Fight it for all of us, Trinity. Come on!" Noah was on the verge of tears as he screamed at his sister who couldn't hear him.

"This is not good. I don't like this development at all. Come on, Trinity. Come on Gariníon, get up! Please get up!" Valerian was just as scared as the others.

By comparison, I probably sounded heartless and calm. Probably because I wasn't saying anything at all. I wasn't saying anything. Not to mention that I wasn't moving at all either. I was literally frozen in place. I was like a solid block of ice as my heart iced over and fear settled over me.

And I might not have been saying anything out loud, but that didn't mean that I wasn't screaming and crying inside of my head.


I was way more frantic than the others inside of my head as I watched on and felt like everything that was good in my life was coming to an end. I had dealt with my Little Bunny being in a coma, but what would I do if she died? What would I do if she lost and then that evil goddess came back to the land of the living? If my Little Bunny couldn't stop her, how would we?

And what would I tell the kids? What would they think? How would they survive this?

As I thought about that, I saw a blur of motion on the side of the screen. Someone or something was racing toward my Little Bunny. Someone or something was reaching toward her and pulling her out of the water.

"Is that a friend or a foe?" I asked the others. "Who is that?"

The moment that the man's face appeared on the screen clearly, I could tell who it was right away.

"Oh my Goddess! I knew who that man was. It's…

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