Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 677 - 94- Trinity- Leaving The Hall Of Regrets (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 677 - 94- Trinity- Leaving The Hall Of Regrets (VOLUME 4)




"Hey, other me, why am I here? For what purpose is there that I came into this part of the underworld? What exactly am I supposed to do here?"

'Who said you needed to do anything, Trinity? Why do you think that you need to fix everything? Are these people here because of you? Did you send any of them here? No, they are not. And no, you did not. These people have regrets because they were not able to do things in life that they wanted to. There is nothing in here for you to fix. You cannot take away their regrets either. For better or worse, they are stuck here."

"But, wait a minute!" I was so confused by what the other me said just now. "Aren't you the one that made me see what all of my actions and inactions caused? Aren't you the one that told me that I needed to stop letting people suffer? Aren't I supposed to do something about this like I did the people in Limbo?"

'In truth, you didn't have to help the people in Limbo. These souls are already dead, Trinity. There is nothing you can do to help them. They won't live again. They will still be dead. The purpose of me showing you those things was to make you understand that we all have faults, even a Goddess. And that you need to accept those faults. Only when you stop trying to be perfect, can you truly hope to reach perfection. Perfection has flaws. Perfection has failures. Perfection doesn't actually exist since you could always get better, you can always improve yourself and as long as you don't forget, that failures build you up. They don't tear you down.'

"You're talking in circles, and it is making me dizzy. First you tell me that perfection has flaws and failures then you tell me that it doesn't exist. Which is it?"

'Hahh.' The other me sighed in my head. 'Perfection is something to strive for, but never reach. If you think you're perfect, then you might as well give up. And if you think that one flaw or one failure makes you anything less than perfect then you might as well give up. The thing that makes someone perfect is the drive to move forward and to never give up. You may never truly reach what someone calls perfect, but you will always be improving and that alone makes a world of difference.'

"Hahh." I matched the sigh that she had just done moments ago. "Fine. Never stop trying and keep moving forward. Is that what you're trying to tell me? So, in other words, you showed me hell to tell me that there is room to improve and that I need to just do better from here on out. I am flawed person and I need to accept that."

'In a manner of speaking, yes.'

"Gee, thanks for that lesson. You could have just told me about it sooner instead of the big run around." I crossed my arms angrily and glared at the souls around me. There was nothing for me to do here but push my way through the crowd.

'I am not the one that makes the rules. I did what I was told to do. In truth, it was Hekate that pulled me from your mind. However, like the real Trinity, which is you, the shadow Trinity, which is me, did not listen to her all that much. I do not think that she cared for that development all that much.'

"Well, at least I was able to subconsciously stick it to the bitch." I laughed at the idea of Hekate being pissed off about my dark side. "Hey, if you didn't follow her rules, why did you continue to torment me?"

'Well, that is because she took me to the Hall of Self-Reflection. I could defy orders from Hekate who is not a true ruler of this domain, but I cannot defy the orders of the others.'

"Others?" That wording scared me. "What others?"

'Several religions have rulers of the underworld. Actually, pretty much all of them do. They all rule over a specific part of 'Hell' but most souls go to just one. They take their pick from the truly despicable of them all and torture them in their own personal domains.'

"That sounds quite.. uhm.. very.. it's.. what the hell, that's just fucking scary." I was having a hard time saying it at first, but I got it out, eventually. "What others are here?"

'Well, just to name a few, there is Hel, Yama, Mictlantecuhtli, Erlik, Mot, Supay, Ereshkigal, Batara Kala, Susanoo, Hades, Lucifer, and many more.'

"Oh shit!" I grabbed my head and shook it. I knew my mythology and I knew that most of those Gods were bad news.

'It will be fine, Trinity. Just find the door to get out of here. That is all you can do.'

"Oh, yes, it will be that easy. And where is the door?"

'I don't know. But you will find it.'

With that, it felt like the other me was retreating to the back of my head. She was abandoning me. This was so not nice.

"TRAITOR!" I shouted at her, but she didn't respond. "This is so not good."

I looked around me once more. I looked at the kids that I was clinging to, and I looked at the millions of people that were moving so quickly around me. They weren't carrying actual luggage, but those souls still looked like they were burdened by baggage: the baggage of regret.

"Do you three know where the door is in this world? Can you sense it like you did before?" These three little boys hadn't made a peep since I asked for their help last time. Now though, they seemed to be looking around and thinking. Were they going to talk to me again?

"W..w..we c..can f..f..find it f..f..for," Zayden's voice sounded a little squeaky. They were probably afraid of this place.

"W..w..w..we c..can sen..sense it for" Zander nodded at me.

"W..we w..w..will m..mommy." Zachary stood tall and firm like he was trying to tell me that he wasn't afraid.

"Thank you, all three of you. You're Mommy's big helpers." I smiled at them and hugged them before standing up.

"C..c..come o..on" Zayden tugged on my hand, which he had already been holding. "L..l..le..let's g..go."

"Thank you."

The three of us started off in the directions that they were sensing the door. This caused more problems than when we were just sitting there. The people in the lines were so easy to move when we were not staying in one position. So, that meant that all of the souls kept bumping into me like I was an unpleasant obstacle. I know that the boys could feel it too, and they were scared when they were hit by the others.

Finally, I could see a door in the distance. It too is a lot longer to reach than it should have, considering how love it was to our original starting point, but we were buffeted around so much that it dragged out the time. I was just glad that we were about to leave this place and I didn't have to come back here ever again.


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