Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 624 - 41- Trinity - What I Have Done Part 4 (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 624 - 41- Trinity - What I Have Done Part 4 (VOLUME 4)




"I'll find you, please hang in there. I'm sorry, Little Bunny." After Reece's words, I saw that my body was coming too even more. I was trying to find out where I was and what was around me. And it was at that moment that my father chose to speak.

"Finally, you're awake." He spoke from the shadows, his voice was ominous, deep and smooth, it was something that I had heard prior to that night so I remembered that I had recognized it from that dream I had.

"Who are you?" I demanded from the dark corner.

"I've been waiting a long time for you, Trinity." My father stepped forward, out of the shadow and into the dim light. He was tall with hair that was as white as snow even though he looked no older than thirty. His face was long and full of angular lines. His complexion, which looked like moonlight, and his bright blue eyes were exactly the same as mine. That was the first moment that made me think this man was someone more than I expected.

"Who are you?"

"You've been asleep for several hours, how are you feeling?" My father feigned a worried look.

"Stop ignoring me." I shouted at him. He smirked, looking at me with an odd expression. It was calm but it also looked frightening.

"You don't want my full attention yet, child, so be careful what you ask for."

"What do you want with me?"

"I was bringing you home, child, back to where you belong."

"Home? What do you mean home? I don't belong here. I was born in the pack, that's where I belong." I spat the words at him angrily.

"You may have been born there, Trinity, but that's not where you belong. I'm certain you know that as well as I do." His words were cutting deep, hitting me hard where I had always felt the most insecure.

"No, I belong with the pack. I am the Luna. I have a mate. I belong there, with my pack, and with my mate." I was trying to make myself believe that more than him.

"A mate who doesn't love you? A mate who doesn't want you? Are you certain you're even compatible? Could you really be mated with him?" He spoke in a calm, even voice but his words were sharp and biting.

"Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. You're wrong. I don't belong here, I belong with my pack, with my mate." I screamed at him.

"We will see about that." He seemed to hum. "If he comes for you, then you belong with him and the pack. But if he doesn't, then you belong here, with your father."

"My father?" I gasped.

"I have been waiting for you, child. All these years I have been waiting for you to return to me."

"You can't be my father." I scoffed at him.

"You wound me. Why would you deny me, my own daughter? I have finally found you after you were stolen away from me. I have never been given the chance to be part of your life, and when I finally find you, you deny me." The fake sense of hurt in his voice was frightening, it was like every emotion he had was fake. I knew now that this man didn't actually feel emotions at all.

"How could you be my father? You look like you're thirty, at most, that would have made you nothing but a child when I was conceived."

"Looks can be deceiving, especially among us with magic, my dear. It is something you will learn for yourself soon. I have been leading this coven for over two hundred years."

"Are you telling me that I am half witch?" I asked him incredulously. "That can't be. It's impossible. I am not a witch, I belong to the werewolf pack."

"Do you have a wolf?" He sounded smug as he grinned at me. "I know you don't, there's no use trying to hide it from me. You don't have a wolf because it is not often compatible with us magic users."

"You're wrong. I have wolf traits. I have the enhanced abilities. That means I can't be a witch."

"That is why I created you."

"Created me?" I was shocked to hear what he had just told me.

"Yes, I created you, Trinity. I needed someone to be my pawn, my entry into the wolf packs. And that's where you come in."

"I don't understand? How did you create me? And how is having me around of any use to you?"

"How did I create you? Come now, child, you're not that young and naive, are you?"

"So, you raped my mother?"

"She was needed to serve a purpose. If it makes you feel any better, she didn't remember any of it."

"No, it doesn't. Because of you, and what you did to her, my mother killed herself."

"Yes, but without me, you wouldn't be here." He smiled like that made it all better.

"Why? Why would you do this? Why would you do that to my mother? She was only fifteen for crying out loud."

"I'm well aware of how old she was. I chose her specifically. She was determined to be especially susceptible to my bloodline. My mistake was sending her back to her family so soon. I should have kept her longer. She might not have ended up so weak minded if I had more time with her."

"You're a monster, you sick son of bitch."

"Think what you want of me, but I will do what's best for my coven. I have fought to live the way we see fit for centuries. I will not give up because some pathetic little girl calls me a monster." His voice was icy and held an edge of anger.

"You've fought against wolf packs for centuries?" I asked him, confused.

"Not just wolves. I have fought against the magic council, vampires, Fae, anyone who tries to oppose the way my coven lives."

"If everyone thinks you're wrong, don't you think it's about time to accept that they're right and you're wrong?" I snapped at him.

"I don't care who is right or wrong. My coven will continue to live the same way we always have. And I will destroy anyone who tries to stand in my way."

"You're insane."

"Maybe I am, but I will not give up my coven or my power, not for anyone. That's why I needed you." There was a maniacal fire burning in his eyes now.

"Why? What can I do?" I yelled even though he was right in front of me.

"You will be my tool. I am going to force your magic to manifest, and when it does, I will send you back to your precious wolf pack. You'll be the agent of destruction among the wolves that I have been planning for all these years. You will simultaneously manipulate them to work for me as well as bring about their ultimate downfall. I will rule the shadow world. And when I do, I will reveal my ever growing coven to the humans. When that happens, I will rule over the entire world."

"Do you seriously think that I will help you? That I will just play along with your little plan."

"You won't have a choice. You think I can't manipulate your mind? I'll change your memories, make you forget everything that happened here just like I made your mother forget. It will be a compulsion to you. You will do anything I ask you to do." He reached his hand slowly toward me and pushed my hair out of my face. I remember that his hands were as cold as ice when they touched me and it made me shudder in disgust.

"It's time for us to get to work." He grinned at me then. That was when the others came in to start torturing me. This was the start of the worst hours of my life. I didn't want to see that part again.

"What did these decisions do? Huh? What did they cause?" I demanded of the other me as I looked away from the torture that was happening on the screen.

"You could have not gone with Caleb at all. You could have stayed home like you were told to do. Then Caleb, Frederick, Donna, Leslie, Jeremy, and several others would not have died."

"They were murderous, kidnapping swine. They deserved what they got." I remember that I helped to kill several people during that incident so I couldn't say much against their deaths.

"OK, and what about the battle that ensued during your rescue. Countless people were injured and killed then." She was looking at me for more explanations.

"The coven needed to be destroyed, they planned to kill so many people." I was justifying their deaths, but what choice did I have?

"You could have chosen to go with your father. That would have put an end to it all right then and there. There would have been no battle and things would have turned out better for them all." She was trying to paint my choice in a negative light.

"I would have been a mindless killing machine in my father's hands. That would have been worse." Did she not understand this?

"Perhaps yes, perhaps no. We will never know. However, because you didn't go with him, so much more happened.." She was reaching into the bag again, pulling out yet another handful of that glittering black dust.

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