Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1085 - 1085 Chapter 70- Reece – Birthday for the Quads (VOLUME 6)

1085 Chapter 70- Reece – Birthday for the Quads (VOLUME 6)




I knew that the news that came last night was hard for my Little Bunny to hear. Neither of us thought that this would happen. I mean, who would have anticipated that the revelation of supernatural beings in the world would cause some mad group of terrorists to plant a dozen bombs in places that had absolutely nothing to do with our people.

Yeah, the stadium was a place that we had been, but that doesn’t mean that it was ours. And the news station in New York City, really? All because they had a vampire in their ranks? That was just stupidity in my opinion. These people made no sense to me at all.

I had to get that out of my mind right now. And so did my Little Bunny. Today was New Year’s Day, and that meant that we had four birthdays to celebrate. Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley all needed to know that, despite what was happening in the world, they still mattered. We weren’t going to let them think that what was happening was going to take their parents away from them.

Yes, sooner or later we would be leaving for a little while, but never for too long. Trinity and I were going to be going on various talk shows soon. We were going to be spreading some pro-supernatural awareness. They knew about this already, and they were OK with that. However, I was not OK, not at all OK, with cancelling their birthday today.

I was, however, glad that we had decided on a party here at the castle. We weren’t going to be going into the city at all, and therefore the kids wouldn’t know what had happened last night. Not until they went back to school next week. Well, I had thought that they wouldn’t know about it.

“Hey Dad?” Zayden said as soon as he sat down in front of me.


“Hey Zayden, happy birthday son.”

“Thank you.” He smiled and then continued. “Did you know there was a bombing last night?”

“How did you know that?” I asked him, wondering how he had found out.

“It was all over my phone this morning. A lot of warnings and things like that were sent out a little after midnight.”

“I saw that too.” Zachary said.

“Good morning, Zachary. Happy birthday. And you as well Zander, happy birthday.”

“Thank you.” They said at the same time.

“Was it because of us?” Zaley asked as she took her seat.

“Happy birthday Zaley.” I smiled at her. “And what was because of you?”

“The bombs? Was it because of us being here in the city? It happened at the stadium that you were at before.”

“Well-.” I didn’t know how to answer, but I was spared because my Little Bunny came into the room just then.

“Yes sweetheart, it was because of us. No one was hurt though, so you don’t need to worry. Also, happy birthday, to all of you.”

“Thank you.” Zachary, Zander and Zayden said in unison, but Zaley seemed worried and didn’t respond.

“Are they going to come after us next, Mom?” Zaley asked, seeming to already intuit what was going on.

“We won’t let that happen, Zaley.” I promised her as I held my arms open for her. She needed me, and so I was going to be there for her. Eleven or not, Zaley came to me and climbed onto my lap. She let me hold her and protect her like only a daddy could.

“I know you will protect us, Daddy. You and Mommy both will.”

The breakfast started off somber, but soon it perked up. When Reagan, Rika and Talia came down and started to sing their made up birthday song to the quads, everyone had to laugh and the tension passed quickly.

The party for the four of them was planned for the afternoon. We were doing something that we had done for the quads every year since they were five. They were each having their own party while also having a giant party of their own. All of their friends were invited and so was the entire family. A lot of people would be going between the five sections of the huge ballroom. The guests, who were often there for all the kids, would be able to move between the different themes as they pleased. And the seating was mainly in the middle and general area.

For Zachary, who was the most outgoing of the three boys, there was a sports themed party in the corner. Zander, who wanted to be a fighter when he grew up, had a martial arts and street fighting themed party. Zayden, the resident artist among the kids, had an art station where the kids could draw, paint, and do a lot of different things. And on display were a lot of the pictures that he had already made over the years. And lastly, Zaley, she had a movie themed party. She particularly liked horror movies and drama movies. For today, she went with the horror movies though, and so there were a lot of scary clowns and serial killing entities displayed in her section. I was proud of them all being their own person and liking what they wanted to like. They were four separate kids, not a joint being that was born to four separate bodies.

There were a lot more people than one cake would feed, unless it was a massive cake that is, and there were four birthday kids here as well. That all meant that the kids were going to need their own cakes, something that we had always done, going back to when Reagan and Rika were celebrating at one party together.

Zachary had a cake that was shaped like a giant soccer ball, and it was chocolate, of course. Zander, wanting to be a fighter, had a cake shaped like nunchucks, and they were red velvet. Why red velvet? Well, it looked like blood when you cut into it, or so he said. Zayden had a plain white topped cake in the shape of a rectangle. He wanted to let his friends and family draw something on the cake for him before it was cut, and he would take a picture when it was ready. His cake was cookies and cream. And Zaley, her cake was a lone red balloon that was so dark it looked like blood. Thankfully, her cake was a normal flavor. It was carrot cake, just like her mother’s favorite.

As the party started to get into full swing, I saw that there were less people at Zaley’s part of the party, but she wasn’t alone. She had her new best friend Breanna, as well as some other kids that were warming up to her finally. It helped that Ivy and Olivia were there as well. The two of them were always trying to facilitate more friends for my little Zaley.

The party was going smoothly, everyone was having a good time with the music and the multiple parts of the room working in tandem. It was perfect in my opinion. However, someone had to ruin it for us at some point, didn’t they.

“You are ruining so many lives!” Someone shouted at Reagan of all people.

“Excuse me?” He looked at him, just as perplexed as I felt.

“You had that family destroyed recently. And then you went on the news and told the world about us. Now those people are bombing people.”

“No one was killed or even injured in the explosions.” Reagan calmly explained to the guest that had shouted at him.

“Yeah, so you say. I heard that thousands of people died last night.” The crazed party guest said as I started to move forward. However, I had only gotten a few steps when Trinity stopped me and mouthed four little words at me.

“Let him handle this.” She had said. I was worried, but I did as she said. I stopped walking and watched on as my son handled this man that was screaming at him.

“I assure you, Mr. Gobson, no one was injured. The FBI is working on this, and the news outlets are reporting on it in real time. There were no casualties or fatalities. And we are already working on this.”

“Why did you guys do this? Why did you expose us to the world?” The man shrieked at Reagan.

“Daddy? Please, stop it.” A boy that was about the quads’ age begged him.

“No. You are in danger now, Felix. You are in danger and this asshole doesn’t care. His parents don’t care either, that’s why they went and exposed us to the world. He’s going to be leading after his father, isn’t he? Isn’t he supposed to be protecting us now as well? Well, come on then Prince Reagan.” He sneered the last two words as if they were an insult. “Protect us already!” He screamed at him just then and every fiber in my being was telling me to go and take care of this, but my Little Bunny kept a tight hold on me. She wasn’t going to let me take care of this at all.

“I am sorry that you are upset, Mr. Gobson, however, we had no choice but to reveal ourselves to the world. There was another group of people that were intent on exposing us to the world, and they wouldn’t have done it in a positive manner. They would have turned us into the villains of the world. At the moment, there are less scared humans than there would have been if they would have managed to expose us first. Yes, there are some against us, as there will always be. However, no one is in any danger. And you weren’t personally exposed, Sir. So, there is no danger at all to you and your family. Felix, your wife, and everyone else you know are safe.”

“B..b..but that isn’t the point.”

“Then what is?” Reagan spoke softly and confidently as he took this man on in a battle of wits and words.

“W..w..well, you shouldn’t have done that. That’s what the point is.”

“Would you rather let a scared human with proof expose us to the world? Fear breeds more fear, Mr. Gobson. A scared person revealing us to the world will only make more people afraid of us. The way that we managed to reveal ourselves will ultimately lead to less opposition and oppression from the humans. We are going to take care of this, Sir, so there is nothing at all for you to worry about.”

“I..I..I-.” The man could find nothing else to say, so he was just stuttering over and over again.

“If there is nothing else, Sir, please try to enjoy the rest of the party. My younger brothers and sister are trying to have a good birthday, and personally, I don’t want anything to mess that up for them.”

“Y..y..yeah, OK.” The man nodded and walked away, all of his anger abated and deflated now.

As Trinity and I watched the man walk away, I felt a sense of pride surge through me. Then I heard my Little Bunny mimic the words inside of my head.

“He’s a good leader, isn’t he?”

“That he is.” I nodded at her. “That he is.” I repeated it for good measure.

Now that this exciting part of the day was over, the quads were able to enjoy the rest of their party. They opened all the gifts for their friends to see, cake was served, and lots of food and drinks were had.

At some point in the party, a dance off was started. I wanted to join in right away, but Trinity and I decided that we should let the kids have their fun. Not only that, but they would most likely say that we were embarrassing them and end up cringing when we started to show off our moves. Ahh, kids. Aren’t they the best?

The most important thing of all though, was that the kids really did have a good day. And those smiles on all of their faces was proof of that for us. I would say, crazy scene or not, the party was a complete success.

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