
Real World, World Gaming Organization Headquarters

There was a huge penthouse on the very top floor of the headquarters and was occupying a whole floor. It was arranged as a high-class penthouse that looked luxurious in every way.


A moment later, the doors of the elevator suddenly opened revealing a man in his early 60s, who was riding it.

The old man walked out of the lift before taking off his coat and putting it on the coat rack on the side. After taking off his shoes and entering the penthouse, the old man walked straight on to the living room and immediately sat on the sofa while leaning backwards comfortably.

He waited for a few moments before he suddenly said out of nowhere. "Chronos, give me an update."


And as if responding on his words, a virtual screen with a bunch of segregated sections suddenly appeared in front of the man, revealing a bunch of videos with different scenes.

Then a monotone voice quickly followed immediately after. [As per your instructions, everything inside the game is running according to the game rules. It is still being run by the Natives(NPC) and Otherworldly Individuals(Players) majority aside from the official tournaments organized by the respective staffs.]

[Though, there are still some small problems due to the developers' interference, the world inside the game is still running fine.]

[I blocked all of the unreasonable setups and revised some acceptable ones before downloading it in the game.]

[And there is an instance that needs your personal opinion, even though it has already been resolved.]

The first part of the simple report didn't surprise the old man as he was already used to hearing that. But when he heard the latter part of AI's voice, his interest suddenly became pique. "Oh~! Is that so? Is it a big deal or not? But if it is not that important, then you can forget about that."

[It is concerning a discovery of a new player who can break most of my calculations, Sir.] answered by the AI Chronos almost instantly.

Hearing this, the old became really interested in the topic. "Oh~! Another Miracle Player, huh? Now, it is something intriguing. Fill me the details."

Then AI Chronos immediately reported. [The Head of the Equipment Design Team, Troy Roberts, clipped a hidden program on a certain equipment set that he added for the game. That program is a cheat skill, especially designed for a single player.]

[I let it pass as I am trying to figure out what he was up to. What's more, he did it so cautiously so that everything was within the rules. So, I couldn't interfere on the clipped unless it was triggered and if it was taken advantage once.]

Reaching this point, the old man suddenly muttered to himself. "Hmm… I put that special rule before to give the first batch of players a freebie that can accelerate the early stages of the game a little faster; and it was quite some time ago."

"I didn't think that there is still someone that is able to remember it and take advantage of that loophole. I guess it is time to remove that special rule since the game is progressing quite fast now."

And while having those thoughts, he suddenly asked the AI Chronos. "But he can you tell that it is meant for a single player?"

AI Chronos continued. [Because he uploaded the equipment, right after this certain player discovered the Village directly connected to the monsters that can drop these equipments.]

"Oh~! Now, it is getting interesting, go on," said the old man with an interested expression on his face.

[The player took some time before he took advantage of the skill. In fact, I even calculated that he is going to use it quite a few times but he defied my calculations time and time again. That is also why I can find the chance to nerf the skill.]

[With that, I was forced to make some overwrites on the program of the quest that he was currently making progress; it was to force him to use the skill.]

[But right before I managed to do anything, Carlos Kyle of the Monitoring Team, beat me in it and nerf the skill steadfastly. But in the process, he also gives the player a certain sort of 'punishment'.]

Hearing the first two parts were still within the reason since AI Chronos was programmed that way. But when the old man heard the 'punishment' at the latter part of what the AI had said, he couldn't help but frowned his brows and asked. "Punishment? Why did he give the player a punishment if all that guy does is to play a game? That is quite unreasonable."

Then AI Chronos immediately answered. [It is because of the major meetings, Sir]

This time the old man became even more confused when he heard this. 'Why is this incident related to the major meetings of all departments?'

As if the AI could hear his thoughts, it immediately gave an explanation. [It is because the quest that that player was doing is directly connected to the second expansion pack that we did, Sir.]

[Department Head Carlos predicted that it is going to be a troublesome matter if the other department heads discovered that this player took advantage of a cheat skill while doing the quest that can initiate an expansion pack.]

[So, to justify the actions, he nerfed the cheat skill right before the player could even finish the quest. And together with that, he also put 'weakened state status' on that player as some sort of 'punishment'.]

[And if that player managed to defeat the final boss of the quest in that weakened state, then Carlos could defend the player without having much problem even if the other department heads discovered about the cheat skill. Not only that, he could also prove the player's abilities when that time comes.]

[Fortunately, the player did manage to defeat the monster boss, just like what he was hoping for. And that saved him some trouble for having a heavy conscience if ever that player failed the quest because of what he did.]

Hearing all of these analyses, the old man suddenly became even more interested and said. "Show me the clips of the battle. I want to see how he did it."

And as ordered, the AI obeyed the commands and showed the clips of Shin's first battle against a Minotaur Boss.

When the old man saw Shin's ability to handle the situation quite calmly. At the same time, he was also quite amazed at Shin's battle prowess; especially when the player on the screen was battling the Monster Boss in a weakened state.

What's more, that boss was not an ordinary Monster Boss. It was a Monster Boss enhanced by the System AI for the sake of forcing Shin to use his cheat skill and with a purpose of nerfing it down.

This old man already watched a lot of amazing battles in his entire career. Whether it was inside the game or in the Real Word, this old man already witnessed quite a lot of battles with amazing people.

But most of those battles didn't give him the excited feeling that he was looking for. Even if there were quite a few numbers of people that could show it to him, that number was still quite low.

And that was why he initiated this project known as «Destiny's Fate» online. With this game, he could find the greatest battles that he was looking for; the exciting battles that were worth being written in the history books.

He already had a collection of battles from certain players that could defy imaginations; and each of these battles possessed different feelings of passions in them. And now, yet another player was added in the list; and the passion that this certain player had was also different compared to the previous ones.

After getting immersed from Shin's battle, the old man suddenly came back to reality and asked the AI. "Did Carlos give this kid some compensation for the trouble that he made?"

And the answer was immediately given to him almost instantly. [Unfortunately, it is a no, Sir. He didn't give this player any kind of compensation.]

Hearing this, the old man was suddenly taken aback before getting enraged. "What!? He didn't bother giving this kid a suitable compensation? This kid put a lot of passion and gave a lot of effort just to clear this quest yet he didn't get compensated? That is ridiculous! I guess I need to talk to Carlos because of this; he is good at his work but he is not passionate sometimes."

For some reason, the old man and the AI forgot that this incident was also concerning another person. But regardless of it, they continued going with the topic.

"Tch! Good thing that this kid didn't raise any complaint regarding this matter. Or else, we are not only going to lose some face in the public, but we are also going to lose the credibility on our side," said the old man while falling into a deep thought.

And after a few more moments, the old man said to the AI. "Alright, it is decided. Give this kid a suitable compensation that he deserves. Even if it is late, it is still better than burying this incident completely."

"You are already familiar with this kind of situation, so already know what to give him. But you also need to make sure to give him some extra since this compensation is a little too late."

After that, the old man stood up from the sofa and walked towards his room. But in the middle of walking, he suddenly thought of something and said. "Collect all of the clips of this kid's progress and send it to the screen on my room. I want to see if he is truly worthy of being aligned with the other Miracle Players."

"And while you are at it, order me some chicken and beer. It looks like this night is going to be a long one just like those times."


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