Child of Destiny

Chapter 1307 The 'Withering' (Part 3): Gathering Of Forces



Cruelty, the branch leader of the HeadHunter Guild within the Saint Heaven Kingdom, fell in deep thought as he closed the virtual screen in front of him.


He had gotten an unexpected call from an unexpected person just now, and it was about a business that he could not refuse.


Closing his eyes, he recalled the recent conversation.



"It has been a while," greeted Shin almost instantly after the call was answered.


Cruelty nodded heavily as he heard that. "It has indeed been a while. But what do I owe the famous Battle God for this call?"


Shin chuckled a little as he could see that Cruelty was not that interested in having a conversation. "Since you are straightforwardly asking me about it, then I must be honest too."


"I have a pretty good proposal for an interesting business opportunity. But not only you will be able to earn some profits from this, but it is also another opportunity for your guild to build up a good image to clean up the stained reputation," he added with a mystifying smile.


Cruelty sensed a sudden chill running down his spine when he saw that smile. He had done a deal with Shin just recently, during the huge incident in the Saint Heaven Kingdom. Even though it was almost like a one-sided offer, the HeadHunter Guild indeed won a decent image for their guild.


However, he had no idea that Shin and the Empyrean Talons would be able to clear a huge Empire Quest that was changing the state of the neighboring empires and kingdoms around the new map that was about to be opened.


He knew that he had been used, but he could not complain about it either since the HeadHunter Guild indeed benefited from that deal.


Since Shin was proposing another deal, Cruelty could not help but feel that it was something similar to the previous deal. But this time, he had the right to refuse since there were no 'hostages' involved in this deal.


Cruelty fell in silence for a brief period before asking. "Let me hear it first."


Shin shook his head since he could read the line of thoughts of the other side. He knew that Cruelty would try to see if it was worth risking another deal with him.


He paused for a moment before briefing Cruelty on the current situation. "It is like this. My friends and I are currently in the Sacred Light Kingdom and helping the NPCs to defend their homeland."


"We are currently stuck in a tricky situation where we need some people. What do you think? Are you interested in joining the fun?"


"So, you and your friends have joined that event as well," Cruelty fell into another deep thinking when he heard that. As another powerful guild within the game, his information network shouldn't be that bad. He had already received the news about the events in the Sacred Light Kingdom and was very aware of the situation there.


Since that kingdom was one of the special places that had strategic resources and extremely rare materials along with a special profession called Apothecary, all powerhouses were keeping an eye on that region.


But since it was already under the influence of three powerhouse guilds, not many would want to trouble themselves at extending their hands in there, especially since the three big guilds had bonded together to chase away any other powerful organizations that would want to 'invade' their territory.


From the most recent news that Cruelty had received, the Sacred Light Kingdom seemed to be in deep trouble. The whole kingdom was currently in the middle of the withering event where the corruption of the evil faction was slowly swallowing the kingdom. Even their king was assassinated, so it was clear that the situation on that side was not looking good.


It was also said that the kingdom was currently flooded by hordes of corrupted monsters and demonic creatures. Under the leadership of the so-called 'Big Three' who turned their backs on the kingdom and joined the evil faction, the state of the Sacred Light Kingdom was not that optimistic.


From the views of the outsiders, it was already clear that the kingdom was doomed to fall. It was just a matter of time before it happened.


If the HeadHunter Guild indeed had taken a position in the council that Shin was talking about, then the guild would gain access to the rare and unique materials that could only be found in the Sacred Light Kingdom as well as the great masters of the Apothecary Profession.


Those two reasons alone were more than enough for him to see the positive light on this proposition.


But the problem remained. He was not sure if Shin and the others would be able to successfully save the Sacred Light Kingdom against the forces of the Evil Faction.


But at the same time, he felt that it was worth risking since the person in front of him was giving him the impression that they could not lose this battle.


After a deep thinking and serious consideration, Cruelty nodded his head. "I will convince my side. Wait for the good news."


Shin nodded his head before saying. "I hope that you will be able to come up with the same conclusion. I also hope that you make it quick since we don't have much time to waste."




With that, the call ended.



Cruelty tapped as index finger on the wooden table repeatedly and rhythmically. After a few moments, he suddenly sighed. He then stood up and shouted outside. "Tell the others to gather in the meeting room. I have something to discuss with everyone."


Hearing his words, the person on standby outside the room quickly responded. "Right away, Guild Leader!"




As Cruelty was gathering the people from the HeadHunter Guild, Shin was already greeting a couple of people, who just arrived at the Maze Forest.


"It has been a while," he said as he greeted the people in front of him.


Tinker smiled as he nodded his head. "It looks like the young master has grown greatly since the last time we met."


Beside him, Adept Hands suddenly appeared, hopping before stopping in front of Shin. She smiled widely as she said. "I knew that my assessment of the young master was accurate. I have indeed made the right choice at that time."


"You are always in the middle of trouble wherever you go. It is the perfect opportunity to test my potions!"


"How is it? How is it? Have you tested the new ones? Do you have any reviews for them now?" she asked in a single breath as she was filled with enthusiasm.


Shin sighed when he heard her before shaking his head. "I have not tested them yet. I don't have the opportunity for that since I have been busy."


"But your Stealth Potions is very useful," he added as he remembered his job earlier.


Adept Hands rolled her eyes when she heard that. "Obviously! They will not be in demand if they are not. They are different from the other stealth potions out there!"


Tinker shook his head before chiming in. "Let's save that for the later. How about we discuss the more urgent matters for now?"


Shin turned to the chief engineer of the Trading Firm and nodded his head. "Let's go inside first. This is not a good place for discussion."


He swept his gaze at the surroundings before leading the two chiefs inside the tent.



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