Child of Destiny

Chapter 1302 Demon (Part 1)



Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!


Multiple silhouettes could be seen dashing across the forest of one of the maps of the Sacred Light Kingdom. Their figures were like a shadow ghost that flew through the trees and bushes of the forest, running like a gust of wind.


One of them was at the forefront of the group while the rest were chasing after that person to the best of their abilities.


These were Diablo, Amon, and the rest of the Sweepers of the Pandemonium Descendants. Despite doing everything they could to entrap Diablo in a tight formation, the group still failed the confine the former commander of the Sweepers.


Forced to make his move, Amon had to step in, but still holding his strength back.




Accelerating forward, Amon suddenly dashed through the forest and caught up to Diablo within a few seconds. He then ran toward a nearby tree, leaped in the air, and kicked it to propel himself toward his former friend.




Dragging his sword in the air, Amon swung it at Diablo, who was forced to halt his advance to defend himself.




Burning sparks flew in the air as the two sides clashed briefly before separating from each other once again.


Diablo used the force of the impact to fly away and disengage from the battle while Amon quickly stomped onto the ground and lunged forward.


In terms of speed and mobility, Diablo had the advantage over the opposing side, but Amon used an unconventional method to have a sudden burst of speed.






There was an explosion behind Amon that sent him forward. There was also a pair of flame tongues that were ignited on his back, resembling the exhaust flames of a rocket. They were pushing him forward as he caught up to Diablo.


Diablo was still able to avoid the incoming attack by a simple sidestep to the side, but such action delayed him from running away.


Left without a choice, he was forced to continue exchanging blows with Amon.


Diablo knew that it would be impossible to run away from Amon when the guy decided to join the pursuit. Having his back facing such a dangerous opponent would only put him at risk, so Diablo had to turn around and fight.


Swoosh! Swoosh!


Clang! Clang!


The two exchanged a couple of strikes as they talked.


"What's the problem, Amon? This is not how I know you. I thought you hated relying on cheap tricks like this. How about having a proper fight against me?" said Diablo, trying to provoke Amon. He knew how bad the temper of this guy was, so agitating him should be easy.



"Yes, Sir!" responded the Sweepers running along with him before scattering in different directions.


Diablo immediately sensed the movements behind him and instantly realized what they were up to. "Are they planning to set up the entrapment formation? Is it the Mist Formation or the Spider Web Formation?"


Diablo did not dwell that long on those thoughts as he knew that Amon had finally decided to take this matter seriously. He had to make his preparations this time.


Amon might not know that Diablo could not use his 'Demon's Eyes' in the fourth and fifth phases while the third phase was currently his limit. Professor Henry had repeatedly warned him not to use those later stages quite often, at least not until his body in the real world fully caught up with the growth of his brain.


He had to hold back as much as he could to make sure that there would be no accidents in the future. After all, the professor had said that he could die due to exhaustion of his lifeforce if he repeatedly used those two stages, especially when they were together with 'Hyperactive Immersion'.


If he were planning to use the 'Hyperactive Immersion', Professor Henry also said that it would be best if he also did not use the third phase either if possible.


Diablo had already learned about a few of the secret methods to enter the special states similar to 'Hyperactive Immersion' from the professor and Benedict. Professor Henry even said that they wanted to gather some data from him and Shin later when they had the time.


From Diablo's understanding, only 'Lucifer' was the one who could enter those special states from all the commanders of the Pandemonium Descendants.


This meant that he still had a slight edge against Amon in this battle even if he could not use the latter two stages of his 'Demon's Eyes', and the third phase would be his trump card.


Formulating a plan inside his head, Diablo took out his signature weapons from his inventory, a shortsword and a stiletto dagger. He played with them for a couple of moments, trying to familiarize himself with the current state of his virtual avatar.


It has been a while since he had undergone the treatment from Professor Henry. He had also discovered quite a lot of improvements in his body and mind. He could also tell that he had not only become strong in the real world, but his improvements inside the game were also quite great.


This would be his 'proper' battle since achieving those improvements, so he was quite excited. He wanted to test his current capabilities against a proper opponent like the game's top experts, especially the Godlike Players.


Amon was just a perfect candidate to test his current skills and techniques. He was quite eager to test everything right now. He felt that he would explode in excitement when he thought about it.


One of his intentions of coming to Shin was to ask for a quick spar. But after learning the movements of the Pandemonium Descendants, he decided to change his plan and look for whoever was in charge of the events here or the ones that would be targeting their greatest threat at the moment.


While keeping at the timer of the effects of the [Soul-Luring Whistle], Diablo adjusted the gears within his body. He became silent as he relaxed his muscles and loosened his joints while sprinting across the woods.


Along with these changes, the aura surrounding him also took a sudden turn. From light and sharp, the air around him became heavy and suffocating.


There was also a threatening aura that his body was emitting. It was as if a hungry beast was about to be unleashed at any given moment.


No one could sense these changes, but Amon, who was paying close attention to Diablo, quickly noticed it.


He squinted his eyes as he focused on Diablo in the distance a little closer. He even activated his ocular skills to see what was happening in extreme detail. It was at that moment that he realized that a monstrous beast was about to come out of its cage.


While Amon was observing Diablo, the latter suddenly turned his head slightly and looked over his shoulder.


That was when Amon felt a sudden shiver that ran through his spine, especially when he saw those cold and emotionless Diablo that seemed to be looking straight at his soul.


It did not last long and was very brief before quickly disappearing as Diablo turned his eyes back in front of him.


Amon thought that it was just imagination, but after putting more thought into it, he knew that it was not the case. The Diablo that they were trying to catch was completely different from the one that he remembered.


He did not know what exactly changed, but he knew that it was not good news for him. He could not help but mutter to himself. "One or two styles may not be enough."



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