Chapter 1141: Chapter 1141: The buttons are too low


“since you’re not going, do you agree to go with us? ”

“Mom, MOM! Let’s go together! ” Jing Xiaoen blinked his eyes, his watery eyes full of hope.

“Okay. ” Since they were going, she would definitely go with them.

Of course, it was not that Jing Xixi did not want to go, but she was a little surprised that Yin Yihan would actually agree to Jing Xiaoen.

“It’s indeed me. I made an appointment with Jing Xiaoen, so I won’t go back on my word. ” Yin Yihan finally seemed to see through Jing Xixi’s thoughts and said seriously to her.

“Okay. ” Jing Xiaxi smiled and nodded.

So, the three of them made an appointment to go to the wild animals on Sunday morning.

The next day was Saturday, so Yin Yihan was free for a day to finish all the things in his company. Even if he couldn’t finish them, he would push them back, and then he would be free

Jing Xiaxi and Jing Xiaoen also knew that it was not easy for Yin Yihan to have a whole day of rest to accompany them, so they cherished the opportunity to go on a trip even more.

The next day, early in the morning, Jing Xiaoen pulled Jing Xixi out of her sleep.

Jing Xixi had not woken up yet, so she was really helpless. She covered her mouth and yawned, “Jing Xiaoen, what are you doing? ”

“Mom! Have you forgotten what important day it is today! ! ” Jing Xiaoen said exaggeratedly and excitedly.

Jing Xixi gave Jing Xiaoen a disdainful look, “en en baby, you are really ignorant, how can you be like a country Bumpkin! It’s just a wild animal! ”

“HMPH! En En is a country bumpkin. En En has never been to a wild zoo! Nor has he been to an amusement park! ” Jing Xiaoen did not care

When Jing Xixi heard Jing Xiaoen’s words, her heart skipped a beat and she felt a little bitter. Jing Xiaoen had been abandoned by her to foster abroad. Although she often went to see Jing Xiaoen, she usually did not have much time.

At that time, Jing Xiaoen was still young, and it was not convenient for her to take him out to play alone. In fact, she was afraid that she would take en en out with her. It would not be good if she was discovered by someone with good intentions, so she rarely took him to public events Moreover, she always came and went in a hurry, so she really did not think of so much… …

Jing Xiaxi hugged en en, lowered her head, and kissed his forehead. “sorry, en en. ”

After all, the brain of a child was not so complicated. He did not know why his mother would suddenly hug him and apologize, but Jing xiaoen still smiled He reached out and silently kissed Jing Xiaxi’s face. “Okay, I forgive you. After all, if I’m a country Bumpkin, you’re a country BUMPKIN MOTHER! ”

The two of them chatted and laughed. After they finished packing, when they came out of the room, they saw Yin Yihan, who had changed his clothes and was waiting for them in the living room. He was wearing a white shirt, but because it was a casual style, he did not button it carefully Instead, his collarbone was exposed, followed by his faint chest muscles. Jing Xiaxi couldn’t help but blush.

“Go buy some food and bring it with you. ” Yin Yihan was very thoughtful.


Jing Xiaxi smiled and nodded at him, looking a little unfamiliar and uncomfortable. “then… please. ”

Yin Yihan looked at her attitude towards him and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He didn’t say anything else and took the lead to walk out.

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