“Heeeey Verbum,” Ben said as he snuck behind the other summoned, making the man jump.

“Uh, damn it, why are you here this time?” He sighed. “No, I get it, you’re here to find out about your newest title, right?”

“You got it, bestie, do you mind?”

“We aren’t besties! We aren’t even friends!”

“Verbum, that hurts so much to hear. Aren’t we fellow otherworlders? Didn’t we bond on our little adventure together? Come on, I’m a sweet guy, give in to my friendship.”

“You only show up when you want something and then leave. How the hell is that a friend?”

That stopped Ben from teasing. It was entirely right. Ben only came to the library when he needed something, it wasn’t to be friendly and social, he could see why that would be obnoxious, even if he did want to have a good relationship with the other, though Verbum was happy to take that second of silence to try and dismiss him.

“Here, I’ll go through it quick so get out of my hair already.”

The passing information told Ben he was right on both fronts about the title, it giving him an easier time when it came to helping train people as well as awakening them, but he couldn’t help but look a bit deeper than that.

With the connection up, Ben could feel a bit of loneliness from the other before him, only made worse by his constant worries.

It was a feeling Ben understood well enough, so he decided to do something small for the sake of being kind, even if the means of making it happen would be frowned on by anyone.

As discreetly as he could, Ben reached into Verbum’s mind, searching into his past memories to see and experience what he could of the other’s old world as a small surprise came together.

“Alright, I’ll head out soon but first, are you going to be here tomorrow or are you off doing something with Killi?”

“You’d have to ask her. Why, what are you going to try and make me do?”

“Nothing, I’ve got a small surprise in mind for you, trust me, you’re going to love it.”

Ben could immediately feel an intense burst of distrust coming from the other summoned but ignored it, giving him a bright smile instead. “Just watch buddy, I’m going to show you that I am in fact an excellent friend to have.”

He ran off with that, giving Verbum his peace back as he went to confirm that he and Killi would both still be at the library the next day before rushing off through different gates to both stores and markets, all to gather everything he was going to need.

Ben was tired the following day, obviously so to any who saw him. It wasn’t something he could help though, he’d stayed awake all night to work and test the things he’d made for Verbum, only to still have to do his regular work at the shop.

He was even more sleep-deprived than usual and the headache he’d been getting had become even more intense as a result, but that was fine. He’d done what he’d set out to do and was happy as he went on his way to show off his results, getting to the top floor of the library where he knew the pleiaden preferred to hide away thanks to how few were actually allowed up there and finding him in his usual seat, with him immediately locking eyes on Ben as he did.

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“Ugh, you really came back.”

“Of course, I’m a man of my word. Now grab a bookmark and come on down.”

“I do not trust you enough to go anywhere with you.”

“Don’t worry, we’re not leaving the library. We’re going to Killi’s office. Now come on, it will be great.”

“I don’t want to deal with whatever you’re about to put me through!”

“I’m not putting you through anything and your option is either come down of your own free will or I can go down and ask Killi to bring you down, which I think we both know she won’t be thrilled about while still giving the same end result. So what do you say?”

To that he said nothing, simply giving up. Ben was right, if his teacher were to have to go and get him then it would just put her in a bad mood that he’d have to deal with later, it was simpler to just give in to the demand, even if it left him worried. What could Ben possibly want with him? He was already being asked to use his skill for anything that showed up on the man’s insane status and the fact that he was being kept in the dark about whatever was about to happen only made it worse, scratching at his most paranoid of delusions.

Not for the first time, Verbum deeply wished that he had a better handle on getting the information he wanted from his skill. The system was everywhere in the world and therefore contained all information that could be known on any topic so long as it existed in the minds of the people it was bound to to be learned. If he could only ask it the questions he wanted in a precise enough way, he should have been able to learn anything, but the miles of text that always ended up coming with it made it a nightmare to try and parse through, not the sort of thing that would let him get some answers as he walked down a few flights of stairs.

He could feel his nerves screaming at him by the time they were in front of Killi’s office but by then it was too late. Ben knocked on the door and Killi called to invite him in, letting the mystery of whatever he had in mind come to an end.

“Ah, Ben. What do I owe the pleasure? Should I take it you’re looking to borrow Verbum?”

“I’m not a book to be loaned out!”

“Yes, but socializing more would be good for your emotional development and Ben likes you. It’s nothing but a positive for you to join him.”

“Ha, well I’ll keep that in mind but that’s not why I dragged him down here,” Ben said cheerily, surprising Verbum and leaving him to wonder what the actual reason could have been before he went on. “Killi, I know eating is generally just allowed in the cafe but is it okay in your office?”

“Hmm? As long as you’re careful I suppose. Why?”

“I made you guys some food, I was hoping you’d enjoy it.”

It was from there Ben pulled out a few boxes of food he’d spent the night cooking, all of it still warm thanks to the enchantments on his spatial bag that slowed down the flow of time within it.

To Killi, it seemed like just a surprising, although lovely, meal, but Verbum saw something different. Each of them was a recipe from his homeworld he had loved, looking perfect in their presentation and smelling the part as well.

He felt emotions welling up inside him as he reached out to pull from the first dish to have a bite, finding the taste perfectly matching his memories when he’d never thought he’d get to have it again and felt tears welling in his eyes.

“How did you do this?”

“Ah, I picked up some passing thoughts in your mind so I decided to do my best to replicate them for you was all. After all, cooking falls under crafting and you happen to be lucky enough to know the best craftsman on the planet. I figured it would be a nice way to show I appreciate you helping me out, so what do you think?”

The pleiaden didn’t say another word, instead just enjoying the food while tears fell down his face, remembering a home he had lost as his teacher just rubbed his back.

Killi gave Ben an appreciative smile and after a bit, Verbum managed to squeeze out a single word.


“Don’t mention it, I know how nice it can be to get a taste of home. I’ve got all the recipes recorded for you too so if you have any cooks they should be able to make them easily enough, even if they might have to go through a few gates to get some of the more unique ingredients but I’ll hand it off when we’re done. For now though, let’s dig in while it’s fresh.”

He handed a plate to Killi, letting her also sample everything before Ben took his own and they all enjoyed just a bit of time over a peaceful meal, forgetting all of the other problems in the world for just a bit.

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