Evening had fallen in Stonewall by the time Ben and Thera passed through the small gate back to Falk’s shop, but for both, it felt good to be home. As happy as she’d been with it, some of the reveals Thera had dealt with had proven surprising enough that having a bit of time where she could process it all was going to be a healthy positive, while Ben was just tired. It was easy to try and place the blame entirely on his students’ backs, both for how much of a pain they’d been at first, as well as how hard he’d worked them after, but he’d also spent an unnatural amount of time in the archive decoding dead languages and now had an entire new mysterious spell to investigate. Even if he’d just finished a couple tasks, his plate was still full.

But this is fine. I’m home so I can bother Falk and… I guess get back to producing an insane volume of equipment for the war effort on top of all of my other projects. Okay, whatever, I can rest when I’m dead. Which is probably going to be way too soon.

I’m being realistic.

Still, he wasn’t dying in that moment, nor was he working beyond what at that point was basically passive training to him so he let himself enjoy the cool air during their short walk home before they opened the door and let themselves in.

“Aunty, we’re back!” Thera called out, about to walk into the living room but was stopped by Ben as he grabbed her arm and shook his head, getting a questioning look in return.

He didn’t say why though, trying to have just a little bit of tact and consideration for Sonya who came rushing out just a beat later, her cheeks flushed and clothes slightly disheveled with Falk following behind, the yeti a lot harder to judge the condition of given his thick fur hid the subtler aspects that might give away his emotional state.

Saved you guys from embarrassment this once, but we all use the living room, have just a bit of consideration about that in the future.

Well, I guess that’s fine.

He’d stopped Thera because he’d picked up on the sounds of rustling but if that was all then he didn’t particularly care, even if the two were sure to have appreciated the consideration if they had known.

And I did not need to know that second bit, thank you Myriad.

“Thera, Ben, welcome back,” Sonya told them happily, same as she always did when they returned from a trip. “I must have lost track of the days, it’s good to have you home.”

“It’s good to be home,” Thera told her, giving her aunt a warm hug.

“Even better to be home to good news,” Ben added, with Falk breaking into a grin.

“I take it you got word?”

“Ha, I was training your god’s granddaughter when it happened, it was hard not to, but that wasn’t necessarily the news I was talking about,” Ben grinned back, his head nodding to Sonya, leaving his teacher to give him a dirty look.

“Not exactly fond of you pokin’ ‘round in my head, boy.”

“I didn’t, it’s just obvious.”

Plus I kind of spied on you as it happened, but for my safety, I’m keeping that bit to myself.

He was expecting a bit of bashfulness from Sonya about it, but instead she came off mostly as smug.

“Not that it didn’t take some work. I finally managed to tell him how I felt and he tried to reject me, can you believe that?” She laughed, giving Falk a teasing look that left the yeti looking properly bashful.

“Well, looks like it turned out fine in the end,” Thera told her, doing her best to not give away her own part in the spying either, making a mental note to get her aunt to tell her everything by herself later so they could talk about it to her heart's content.

“And does this mean I should be cooking breakfast for four tomorrow?” Ben asked, getting elbowed by Thera as her uncle coughed at the side.

“Ahem, it’s getting late so I should probably head back for the night.”

“In that case, I’ll walk you,” Sonya told him, taking his arm and not leaving room for him to decline. “Ben, I don’t think I’ll be needing breakfast so no need to worry about that in the morning, but you’ll both have to tell me all about everything over dinner tomorrow, okay?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

“Good, in that case, I’ll see you both then.”

She pulled Falk out after that, barely giving a wave goodbye and leaving both Ben and Thera to take in that small parting.

“So Sonya’s just eating him alive, huh?”

“I think aunty’s just trying to make up for lost time. Anyway, I don’t know about you but I want to pretend I don’t know what’s about to happen so I’m heading to bed. Coming?”


He was happy to lay down and enjoy a bit of peace after all that their trip had brought them and it was almost instantly that Thera was asleep beside him, leaving him to close his eyes, only to be left debating with himself in the end.

I kind of don’t want to go to Myriad’s realm but if I don’t I’m literally wasting hours being unconscious but at the same time being properly asleep feels really really good and oh man do I want it.

…But I’m on a planet that’s going to be ending soon so I really need to enjoy every bit of life I have and maybe try to improve myself a bit more so I can hopefully contribute just a little to making sure that doesn’t actually happen, plus I need to keep working on deciphering those spells to help the grey. Damn it, I guess I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

Resigned to that thought, he brought himself up to his god’s realm, where another guest was already waiting.

“You know, I really wish you weren’t so convinced that we’re going to lose,” Myriad sighed. “It doesn’t hurt to be optimistic.”

“I’m optimistic enough that I haven’t just straight up given up and am doing everything I can to raise the odds a little, that’s about as positive as I can be against the face of raw data.”

The other in the realm, the goddess Anailia, gave a small chuckle at that. “Not giving up is already admirable enough Myriad, and despite his thoughts, your apostle seems to carry a good attitude most of the time. As long as he doesn’t spiral into a depression thinking about it then we’ll just have to hope the next wave works out enough to give him some real faith in the future. And speaking of, now that he’s here, we can bring my child up as well.”

Thera appeared in the realm when she’d said that, left confused as she was pulled from her dream into the present divinity before making sense of what happened and muttering to Ben.

“You really could have given me a heads up about this.”

“I had no clue anything was happening tonight. What’s going on guys?”

Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

“Nothing to be concerned about,” Myriad told them. “If you’ll remember, after what happened in warriors tower, the gods as a whole were put in charge of telling everyone what points you’d be going to so here we are.”


“If you don’t like it, just tell me you won’t do it. I know you’re not shy about that.”

“Ugh, you know I’m not going to do that.”

“Then no complaining about it.”

Anailia couldn’t keep a small laugh from escaping during the back and forth as she watched god and believer bicker.

“Perhaps the two of you could save this for after we explain things, given the uniqueness of the request we’re making them?”

“Uniqueness?” Ben asked, with his god explaining.

“We’re asking you both to serve at multiple gates.”

“That kind of seems like it might be less efficient than just sticking to one.”

“It would be if you weren’t a genius. Ben, for the time being, we’ll be asking you to put your weapon production on hold to instead focus entirely on making mini-gates.”

“Okay, I see where this is going. How many?”

“A hundred pairs for now, though we may request more of you as we refine our plans a little more.”

“You sure? A hundred is going to be a bit much for us to handle ourselves.”

“It won’t just be you, they’ll be divided amongst the great spirits as well and possibly a couple other mages too after a bit more discussion on the matter.”

“Ah, makes sense. Guess I’m going to be busy for a while.”

“What’s happening?” Thera finally asked, not seeing whatever Ben was and how making so many mini gates would relate to them, with her goddess giving the answer.

“When it came to discussing where to put everyone for each point, there were a lot of opinions, but your existence complicated things,” Anailia explained, seeming thoroughly pleased. “Where do you put one who’s arguably the most powerful mage on the planet? We could have selected a point for you and moved other troops elsewhere, but given how clever your lover is, we came up with a different option. We’ll be essentially creating a small gate network of sorts, having you run across about a dozen of them by setting one end at different locations with the area they meet being a hospital to work at. It won’t be easy but we believe this is the best way to utilize you.”

“Of course, I’d be happy to!”

Hearing from her own goddess that she could be considered the most powerful mage on the planet couldn’t help but put her in the mood to agree to anything, even if Anailia hadn’t said it to sweeten her up, with the goddess seeing that in her mind and gently coiling around her.

“It shouldn’t be so surprising, child. Calling anyone with over six hundred thousand mana anything less would be rather absurd, don’t you think? Especially now that you have your newfound control and four awakened magics to go with it. We obviously won’t be counting your relatives but you’re already acquainted with many of the others that could possibly lay claim to the title. The two soul mages, the archmage, the non-affinity mage…”

“Jake’s a contender now too,” Ben added, with the goddess giving a complicated look in response.

“And he’s doing his… Okayest at learning,” She told them before getting back to the matter at hand. “Anyway, while they may have a higher technical skill, they can’t match your power, and you’re managing to catch up on that front as well so as long as you keep it up then you might end up with that as an indisputable fact before you know it.”

“I’ll do my best to live up to those expectations!”

“Wonderful, because we’re arranging things to move you in that direction. Thera, we’d like you to start taking lessons with Uliel and Vasta.”

“It would only be twice a week,” Myriad added when he saw her surprised face. “It will be good for you to talk to people with practical experience considering the dangerous lunatic we’ll be getting to help teach you magic theory.”

“Excuse you?” Ben asked. “What do you mean you’re getting her to learn from someone dangerous? Just get her to learn everything from Uliel and Vasta if there’s an issue.”

“Unfortunately, by this point, it is improbable that they know as much as who we have in mind. The good news though is that she’ll be in no danger, considering the fact that we’re talking about you.”

“...I really walked into that, didn’t I?”

“We’re hoping you'll only help teach her for an hour or two a night,” Anailia told him, making sure to clarify. “That’s of perceived time if you choose to bring her into your mind. No need to go to the same extent as you did for Nare’s descendant.”

“Since I kind of enjoy having my girlfriend love me, you don’t need to worry about that. Thera, you cool with this?”

“Despite my better judgment, yeah, you really are probably the most well-read person I can imagine on the topic so I’ll do it.”

“Alright, glad that’s settled then,” Myriad sighed, content with how smoothly the discussion had gone till Ben ruined it by raising his hand.

“Not done, we still need to discuss how I’m being paid.”

“Of course we do, you little king of avarice,” Myriad muttered.

“Did you seriously just try to give me a greed-based title?”

“I’m honestly surprised that didn’t work when calling you a maniac did.”

“It felt a little too forced, maybe the system thought you were trying too hard.”

“If it catches on with the other gods then it’ll probably stick.”

“Hmm, fair, what sort of bonuses do you think a title like that would get me?” He mused, genuinely imagining the effect it could have. Even if they weren’t obvious, titles gave bonuses like so much else in his status. Maybe it would help him get some interesting new skills that could help him make more money?

Myriad, hearing all of that go across his apostle's head, immediately backed down. “I take it back. You’re a little saint. Now how much do you want?”

“You’re going to be sending me the materials I’m using to make this stuff?”


“Excellent. In that case, feel free to rejoice Myriad, your precious apostle is going to direct his greed in a way that will actually benefit the world for once. Pay by raising Thera’s mana regen as much as you guys can. I’ll leave it to you two to try and deal with negotiating with the gods, but honestly, if they put up too much of a fight I’m going to have to give up on the world.”

“Ben-” Thera started, trying to argue the idea of his payment entirely going to her, but he took an entirely practical approach to it.

“Thera, you’re mana regen is still so low compared to your total pool that you can’t even completely refill it after a day’s passed. They’re asking you to help across a dozen invasion points as well as in a hospital by the sounds of it, you’re going to be worked constantly for an entire month and likely a while after depending on how much gets through this one. You need to get your regeneration rate higher.”

“Your partner is right, Thera,” Anailia agreed. “We have faith in you, but that faith is going to push your limits, especially when one considers what else we have for you, so this is a reasonable request to make of us. Child of Myriad, I’ll ensure she gets as much as can be given.”

“Okay, but I’m a little concerned about whatever you just slipped in the middle of all of that.”

Anailia said nothing at that, instead just giving an amused look before kissing Thera’s head, with the girl in question reacting to a notification going off in her mind.

“Sleep resistance?”

“As I said, we’ll be pushing your limits. Even if it won’t be enjoyable, we’re hoping you’ll be able to raise that skill by a level or two by the time the next wave arrives.”

“I’ll… do my best,” She agreed, significantly less excited than she’d been only moments before.

“Ha, it shouldn’t be too hard with the blessings you have, don’t worry too much.”

It looks like Anailia isn’t aware of how much Thera likes her rest, but whatever.

“So is that all then?” He asked, getting nods all around as Myriad finished things.

“It is, thank you for coming Anailia, and we’ll let you get back to sleep now Thera.”

Those simple words left the realm empty once again, save for the two who so usually enjoyed it.

“I guess I should ask what’s going to happen to Sonya and Falk now?”

They were presumably going to be stationed somewhere different given that they weren’t mentioned in all of that, but his god eased Ben’s concern about those two at the very least.

“Neither will be on the front lines. Now that Sonya is an awakened healer it doesn’t make sense to have her serving as a fighter, and as powerful as your teacher is, it makes a lot more sense for him to be spending all of his time just making things for the war efforts. If we got to the point where we’d be willing to risk him, you’re free to accept the world is doomed.”

“Love hearing that.”

“Honestly, in reality you’re too valuable at this point to be on the front lines either you know. The only reason it's being allowed is because the only way to stop you would be to stop Thera and that would just obviously be a terrible waste of a resource.”

“Ha, you know me well buddy.”

“Unfortunately. On the minor bright side of you risking your life, at least you should be able to use it as a chance to grow. Since you’re going to insist on being there, kill as many demons as you can and try to get a couple jobs finished out of it, not that I really needed to tell you that I guess.”

“Ha, the only question is how much experience I’m going to manage to squeeze out of this.”

“Just try to not look too psychotic in the process. Now are you going to head back down tonight to get some proper rest? I can tell you could use it.”

“Myriad, I get to rest when the world is safe or being tired is the least of my worries so pull out some books, I've gotta use my time well it sounds like.”

With an air of exasperation, Myriad did as Ben requested, continuing the night in their normal manner until the morning finally came.

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