The sounds of partying could still be heard filling the streets by the time Ben woke up the next day, his usual trip to Myriad’s realm canceled that night due to a sudden meeting that he had no problem guessing the cause of. Still, it was early enough in the day that he didn’t feel the need to wake Thera up quite yet for them to go off to fulfill Nare’s request so he instead spoke in his head, trying to get his god’s attention.

Myriad Myriad Myriad. Answer me Myriad, I’m so in need of a conversation partner right now.

I got three new titles yesterday, what do you think I want?

Okay, fair, but I was more curious about the one weird one. Title holder. Sounds kind of redundant, doesn’t it?

Either when I have some free time while teaching Nare’s grandkid or after I’m done, yeah, but I at least have a pretty good idea for its acquisition condition in the meantime. I gained it immediately after my twentieth title, I’m thinking that the system might have given it because of that; the same way I got ‘skill learner’ for the three new skills. Any way you could check for me?

Wait, really? They don’t seem that hard to get.

Myriad said dryly, being dismissed with a snort.

I’ll have you know I’m super low-key. The average person has no idea who I am.

…Okay, ignoring that, since I’m probably right about how I got this title and I know there are titles for skills too, what do you think the odds are that there’s one for jobs I could snag? I’m at thirty-one currently, thirty-two if you count the one I’m working through, what do you think I’d need to reach to be able to get that cheeky little bonus?

Because it can’t be anything bad, duh. And since it can’t be anything bad it might be worth getting. So is there one?

Myriad told him.

Wait, I might be able to break a world record by getting fifty jobs then? Easy!

It’s not like I’m going for it soon, I already know what my next job is going to be, but it doesn’t hurt to think ahead. When I look at all of the options I know I have, I’m pretty sure there’s nine that are low enough that I could finish them in a week, maybe fourteen if I give myself a month, and I already know some of the ones I’m thinking of would give me advanced options that are still well below anything an awakened skill holder would normally take so it would actually be even more than that too. I don’t actually think it would take that long if I put my mind to it.

Never. If anyone else wants it then they can also take the time to plan out how to efficiently level their jobs and spend the hours and hours of each day putting it into practice until they’re done and move on to the next one.

I’m neither, I’m efficient.

Not really, I guess I should stop putting it off and wake Thera up so you can let Nare know we’ll be there later. No wait, actually one kind of crazy important thing I forgot to ask about after everything else that happened yesterday! What happened to the kidnapped dude, how did that turn out?

Better too much than too little. And the guy who was going to be made into potions?

Why would I? You can actually use that gratitude so this worked out for the best. And any word on why he was going to be turned into potions?

I pulled out after I was sure I was right about the kidnapping and didn’t realize I would be curious later, but now that I am, tell me.

Wait, seriously? Any chance I can see it?

Come on, it’s not like I’d ever actually make anything from one of them! I’m just curious and the recipes it contains might have some crossover applications for other potions.

Boo, I would take everything I’d learn and put it towards some super ethical uses that would change the world.

Fine, can you at least tell me what the potion was supposed to do?

The only thing that kept Ben from letting out a whistle hearing that was the fact that Thera was still asleep beside him.

That is a shocking amount of power for a potion.

Well, good luck with that. I’ll just be here appreciating the fact that dealing with this doomed planet isn’t my problem.

Ha, maybe, but the madness of its residents is one hundred percent yours.

When his talk with Myriad finished, Ben finally woke Thera up for the day before taking the time to fly Sonya, along with Sachel and the rest of her party, back to Stonewall, letting Ben pick up a few things before he and Thera went back through his personal gate to Anailia.

Given how things had turned out with the meeting, it was going to be another few weeks before they would be told the locations they were going to be requested to fight, but now that the gods were going to handle it directly there was no need for another gathering, they would reach out to contact everyone themselves when the time came.

Which is kind of a conflict of interest, isn’t it? Like, it’s going to be a lot harder for anyone to tell a god no than it would be for them to tell a regular event organizer. Oh well, it’s no longer my problem.

“You know, I wouldn’t have minded getting to say goodbye to Greed one more time,” Ben sighed as they walked towards the gate.

“If he wanted to make a choice that’s only going to land him more angry exes then that’s his problem,” Thera said, feeling more indifferent after seeing the crab run off with some random woman during all of the partying the night prior. “Besides, it’s not like you don’t know where to find him.”

“Very true.”

After everything had finished up yesterday and the party was in full swing, Greed had made sure Ben was aware of all of the locations for his upcoming shows, as well as the fact that he always made sure to keep two seats open in case Ben ever wanted to show up. It was touching, and the sort of thing he promised to make time for before the next wave, even if it was going to take a while.

“Good, so enough worrying about him now, we’re on vacation!”

“Ha, you know I’m working for most of this, right?”

“Then just I’m on vacation, now come on!”

Bleeding enthusiasm, Thera grabbed his arm and pulled him through the gate, off to Nare’s land.

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