Verbum did not laugh once during the explanation. If anything, it only made him look more horrified, all the more so after he consulted his skill and found he was being told the truth, but it did put a quick end to the first of the investigation sites, leaving them to trudge back to the cart and move onto the next one in an awkward silence.

Interesting to learn at least though. Constantly bombarding plants with that sort of mental enchantment can have that sort of effect, I wonder what would happen if I do the same thing on the possessed tree I have back home? Of course, the god inside of it is probably doing something similar so that’s worth considering too, even if I haven’t seen anything that could be considered dangerous from it.

Still, it was a little embarrassing to be the one responsible for a change that had made people concerned enough that an official investigation needed to be done on it, no matter how accidental it may have been.

And it sure would have been nice to get some sort of heads-up about it. He thought accusingly to the heavens, only for them to remain silent. His god was clearly going to take no blame if he was listening at all and Ben didn’t have it in him to try and get his attention, instead dealing with the uncomfortable silence as they flew back to the gate to get to their next destination to another region.

It was only once they got back to the gate network and began making their way to another part of the world that Ben cleared his throat and spoke up.

“So Verbum, what’s the word on the next destination? Anything to be worried about?”

“There’s nothing to not be worried about,” He said glumly, whatever feelings he had about the last revelation being replaced by the thoughts of what was ahead. “I can’t believe Killi put this as the second destination, why’s she gotta do this to me? I’ve died once already, why does she want me dead again so freaking soon!”

“Verbum, you’re not the only person on this cart that’s died before so let’s focus on the main task and me and Thera will try to make sure it doesn’t happen again. What are we getting into?”

“Hmph, from the looks of it, a mass sacrifice, or at least that’s what I got from the preliminary report,” He groaned, getting shocked looks from both Ben and Thera as he said it. “But we don’t know why, which is why I’m being put out on the chopping block to look into it. The original investigators said there was so much blood it died the earth red and here I fucking go to see it with my own two eyes!”

“Okay, even if this is to help the guy grow, that really sounds like something Killi should have mentioned to us ahead of time,” Ben muttered as Thera focused on the practical concerns of what they were getting into.

“Were there any reports of there still being people there?” She asked him. “And how long ago did this happen?”

“Mmh, well when it was first found and when they originally sent some adventurers to investigate it there was nobody around as far as they could see,” He admitted. “But just because that was true then doesn’t mean that’s true now! You’re both prepared to put your lives on the line for me, right? That’s what Killi hired you to do!”

Nope. Not even a little.

“Of course,” He lied, all the while thinking about what a pain being an adventurer really was to him. “So relax a bit and get to the second part Thera asked about. How long ago are we looking at?”

“A few months at least, but that doesn’t mean anything so both of you stay on your toes for me!”

“Alright, alright, no need to yell everything, we’re not going to let you die. Changing topics a bit, how did you die the first time around?”

“That’s what you change topics to?”

“Might as well,” He said with a shrug. “Come on, we’ve got a bunch of hours together still so we might as well chat. I’ll start. It was in a cave-in while I was on vacation. I was luckily asleep for what I’m sure was probably the painful bit but the hours trapping in it beforehand sucked. Your turn.”

Verbum was quiet for a while, leaving Ben to wonder if he was even going to get an answer until the other spoke up. “Building collapsed while I was in it. I was awake but it was quick enough that I don’t really remember it thankfully.”

“Huh, I was expecting something a bit crazier from you if I’m honest.”

“You don’t get to say that when you died in a cave-in!”

“Ha, fair, it just feels like there should be a few exciting deaths in the different summoned groups, you know? Of course, I haven’t actually asked Yuzu or the grey about theirs so I might have to do that next time I get the chance.”

“Well, I heard one of the aquatic groups had something a bit more interesting at least,” Verbum admitted, letting himself get drawn into the topic despite himself since it served as a good distraction. “They died during a… I guess you would call it an alien invasion, but from what I understand the rules of their universe managed to be radically different enough that there weren't things like stars or planets. Either way, a world with enough proper tech that it would make my home planet look comparable to this one against an even more advanced alien race and this world's idiot gods decided to bring ten of both the invaded and invaders.”

“Okay, wild. Any idea about other groups then? There’s gotta be a bit more craziness to enjoy from the rest.”

“Don’t know, I only heard about that one in the context of them being compared to my own group's situation.”

Makes sense, I’m sure both cases were awkward as hell and could have used a bit more planning. Seriously, what were the gods thinking with some of the ones they pulled? Of course, I should probably be thankful for however rushed they ended up. If they were able to do a proper look at our souls, I doubt they would have picked someone with affinities like mine.

He was going to ask more, wanting to learn about the foreign world of the other summoned now that they were talking but needed to put it to an end all too soon as Thera brought the cart to the ground with their destination nearby.

“I think we’re close,” She told them, sounding strangely unsure as she spoke. “It should just be west of here.”

He could see there was something on her mind, the area picking at her the way the last one had at him, even if he couldn’t see it himself. He wasn’t getting any sense of familiarity from it, but seeing her on edge was enough to bring up his guard while Verbum had to be dragged forward.

“Everything okay?” Ben asked her, getting a hesitant nod in return.

“Yeah, fine, I think what he said before must have gotten into my head is all.”

“Well, worst to worst we book it out of here and apologize to Killi about our lackluster investigation.”

“Or we book it out of here now?” Verbum added, full of hope that they both ignored, both of them focusing on each other.

“Sounds like a plan. Just don’t go getting sacrificed or anything, okay?”

“Ha, wouldn’t that just be how I meet my end though? Here we are on a planet being conquered and I get done in by some crazy cultist instead. I’d be an embarrassment to every other human on the planet.”

“Can you two please stop ignoring me!” Verbum yelled, finally getting Ben’s attention as they kept going on their way.

“Okay, but if there is anything to worry about out here, yelling is a pretty sure way to get some attention so maybe reconsider that?”

Stroking his fears felt a little mean, but it instantly had Verbum clamping his free hand over his mouth, even if it brought more panic to his eyes.

“Alright man, between you and me, were you like this before you got to this world or did this develop entirely from finding out about the orions?” Ben sighed.

“I'll have you know I’m reacting extremely appropriately considering how my life’s gone up till now,” He whispered. “It’s the rest of you that are way too lax about things. Anyway, it looks like we’re close.”

The pleiaden nodded into the distance where through the trees something could be seen. A wall out in the middle of nowhere, instantly putting Ben on edge as he sped up more of his minds.

“You didn’t say anything about a building out here,” He whispered back.

“No building, it’s just the one wall. It’s part of what we were sent out to investigate but I’m just saying we could leave. It would be harmless, who would have to know?”

“We aren’t leaving without checking it out.”

“Um, maybe we should though,” Came a comment from the last person he was expecting as Thera spoke up, siding with Verbum as the other silently cheered.

The fact that she would even consider quitting early was enough to shock him, but as he focused on her face it changed to pure curiosity. She was blushing, golden in her embarrassment which made him only want to know more.

So she knows something and just isn’t telling me, huh? Yeah, I’m not letting this drop.

“Guys, we were specifically requested to do this so we actually need to go check it out. Come on, we’ll run at the first sign of danger.”

Without waiting for any argument he was already walking ahead, dragging Verbum behind him as the other man struggled while Thera was at his side, seeming fiddly enough that he was sure he was right, right up until they got there.

Verbum’s initial description had been woefully inadequate. The ground was still dyed with the untold amount of blood that had been spilt months ago, but along with the giant wall it was all sitting in front of that reached the peaks of some of the trees, there were also the bones. Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of them, all coming from thousands upon thousands of animals.

It was enough to stop him in his tracks as he mentally apologized to Thera for thinking she had known anything about it. All he could do was stare as he spoke up.

“Verbum, what is this?”

“Something we should absolutely leave before whoever did all of this comes back!”

“Well, hurry up and use your skill and then we’ll get out of this as fast as possible. Make it quick ‘cause I’m suddenly feeling very much on your guys’ side here.”

“Fine, damn it, if you won’t let me leave let’s get this over with.”

“Um, Ben,” Thera started, taking his hand and being cut off by Verbum.

“Let’s see what sort of crazy cult or evil god is responsible for all of this.”

“So here’s the thing,” She went on, hardly able to get a word in through Verbum as he rambled.

“There’s way too much information from looking at the ground or bones. Okay, then let’s focus on the wall and try to narrow down what I see from there!”

“You see, we hadn’t really spoken about what I’d been doing at the time, but I was having a really hard time emotionally, and-”

“Got it! The wall was made by… Thera Oress?”

Both Ben and Verbum’s eyes immediately locked on her, seeing her face twinkle in the light as she looked at the ground, not able to meet either gaze as she tried to figure out how to explain everything she’d done out there, only for their charge to faint under the weight of his sudden fears.

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