Lucious looked at Eliana and said, "I believe you've some unanswered questions."

"Yes, I do." Eliana nodded, her hands instinctively tightening around the hem of her dress. "Why did you come to IronSpire Stronghold, Lord Lucious? Was there any special reason behind it?"

Lucious sighed deeply before answering, "I sensed the presence of my brethren there. I was drawn to that place because of you and your brother."

Eliana's eyes widened in surprise. "Why would you seek us out? Surely it wouldn't be just to see how well we're faring?"

He said, "After the calamity that annihilated our two families who had been living in harmony and serving the same God of Light, many were left astray. My mission has been to find these survivors and offer them sanctuary. I have been searching for them, hoping to save those of us who've survived the calamity and provide them with a place they can call home in this cruel world. Your brother was among those I extended this offer to, but he remained resolute in staying there and await your return. Anyway, I want to extend the same offer to you, Eliana. What will be your response?"

Lucious looked at Eliana, his eyes filled with an earnest plea.

Eliana hesitated to reply, her gaze drifting off to the side where Val was sleeping. "There's something I need to verify... I'm going to stick with Brother Val a little longer."

"So, it's an indirect refusal," Lucious surmised, his voice tinged with disappointment but also understanding.

"You can think like that," she replied steadily.

He nodded slowly, then offered, "I've asked my questions. If you have anything you'd like to know, feel free to ask me. I will provide the best answer I can. And call me uncle if you like. We're related by blood."

Eliana's gaze sharpened as she met his eyes. "In that case, I do have a question for you, Uncle. Why did you choose to expose your identity? Isn't it dangerous to reveal that you're a destiny child?"

"I did so to draw the enemy out of the darkness," Lucious said, "I want them to come for me, to be drawn out into the open so I can finish them once and for all."

"You're risking too much, Uncle."

"This is a war, Eliana. And in a war, one must sometimes take calculated risks for the greater good."

"I see." she sighed heavily. "I am too weak to fight for the just cause. Too weak to avenge my family. I can only pray for your safety, Uncle. May you be successful in your future endeavors and emerge victorious. I don't want to lose one more from what little family I have left."

"Your concern touches my heart, dear niece, and I assure you that I'll spare no effort in ensuring my survival in this war," Lucious replied gently.

"And as for your perceived inability to help, let me correct that impression. Your prayers alone hold a power you may not fully comprehend. In our line, those marked by destiny and blessed with the blood of Grace, their strength is not determined by their physical might or the purity of their bloodline. It's determined by the power of their prayers. Eliana, your prayers hold tremendous strength. I believe you'll come to realize that soon.

"And, remember, strength also lies in the courage to continue on, despite the odds, to carry hope in your heart, and to never lose sight of what you believe in. You have already shown such strength in abundance by surviving for all these years with no one to rely on whilst raising your brother. You're not weak. You're far stronger than you think. You're stronger than the countless men I've fought, who lost their reason and forsake their morals when confronted with the cruel reality of this world.

"When the time is right, I'm confident that you will rise to the challenges that face you. Until then, continue on your path. I'll be watching over you from afar."

Eliana found herself at a loss for words.

His earnest speech had taken her by surprise, his words striking a deep chord within her.

She had always seen herself as someone who had to be protected, someone who was more of a liability than a help in dangerous situations. However, Lucious' words painted her in a completely different light.

It was as he said. Strength wasn't always measured by one's ability to swing a sword or their bloodline skill, it could also be one's determination to protect a loved one, the courage to keep moving forward despite facing countless hardships, and even the ability to hold onto hope when everything seemed lost.

This perspective shift left her in a state of shock.

All she could do was stare at Lucious, her eyes wide, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

When she finally managed to regain her voice, all that came out was a quiet "Thank you, Uncle Lucious," barely audible, but filled with sincerity.

She really needed this type of motivation.


"Brother Val, wake up," Eliana's soft voice echoed in the quiet compartment.

Val stirred awake, his eyes fluttering open and gradually adjusting to the bright daylight streaming through the windows of the compartment he was in. The radiant sunshine flooding the compartment was a stark contrast to the darkness and danger they had faced not long ago.

"Have we arrived?" Val asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He glanced around, noticing that the train had come to a halt at some station and people were beginning to disembark.

Eliana nodded, "Yes, we've reached the Northern Frontier."

Walking with large strides, Val and Eliana stepped onto the station, with Lucious and his familiars following closely behind.

The station was teeming with people, who were chatting and laughing creating a chaotic but lively atmosphere.

Before parting ways, Lucious turned to them and said, "I will be looking forward to seeing you in the Upper Heaven. Don't keep me waiting too long."

Val watched as Lucious disappeared into the crowd. He called out, "We'll be there before you know it," a determined note in his voice.

The Northern Frontier was located in a sprawling mountain chain known as the Wyrmspine Peaks.

This bustling hub was divided into two distinct regions: the lower city and the Upper Haven.

Centuries ago, the formidable Thunderspear tribe, a group of mighty bloodline users, braved perilous challenges and scaled the colossal Mount Torjan. Even though not the highest peak in the Wyrmspine Peaks, its significant width made it visible from a considerable distance in the sky.

On the peak of this imposing mountain, the Thunderspears established their home. They killed formidable beasts and countless zombies that inhabited Mount Torjan, ensuring the safety of their new homeland.

That's how the Upper Haven came into being.

In those days, news of the Thunderspear tribe's courageous exploits had spread far and wide, drawing people from every corner of the human realm towards them.

These settlers, seeking the protection and guidance of the Thunderspears, began to populate the surroundings of Mount Torjan.

This constant influx of people gradually resulted in the foundation of the Lower City and the formation of the Northern Frontier.

The Upper Haven was a domain reserved for the elite and the powerful, its entry was not granted to just anyone. The castle of the Thunderspears, the most striking structure in the Upper Haven, was a fortress with a vibrant red flag billowing in the wind. Even from the train station, Val could see this beacon of hope and symbol of indomitable spirit in this dreadful world.

The lower city, on the other hand, had its own criteria for entry.

According to the northern tradition, anyone seeking to gain entry into the lower city had to pass a trial by fire.

This harsh trial was designed to introduce newcomers to the ways things worked in the Northern Frontier.

'The north is a cruel place, they don't amuse the weak with falsehood.'

Val smirked as he awaited the trial by fire.

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