"Thank you, captain," Halden managed to wheeze out, still catching his breath from the near-death experience. His gaze shifted back to the howling horde, eyes reflecting his lingering terror.

Leroy, while keeping his gaze forward, responded in a resolute voice, "No need for that, Halden. We're guardians. We watch each other's backs. Now, brace yourself. This night isn't over yet."

As the relentless onslaught of the undead and beasts continued, the guardians of the train fought back with every ounce of their power. However, despite their fierce resistance, the tide of monstrosities seemed inexhaustible. After all, each fallen beast or undead was swiftly replaced by another, stepping forth from the obsidian cloak of the night to join the ceaseless assault.

The relentless, unending attack began to take a toll on the guardians. Fear and uncertainty started to take hold of them.

On top of that, the chilling melody of Morthos's flute drifted through the night continously.

It sounded something akin to "Dun-Dun... DUN... Dun-Dun... DUN..." each note more ominous than the last, echoing throughout the surrounding wilderness, stoking the already smoldering tension felt by the guardians into a raging inferno.

The haunting tune seemed to seep into every fiber of their being, causing their fears to amplify. It was as if the very notes themselves were conspiring to instill a bone-deep terror into those who heard it.

"Even though we're taking down scores of these monsters, their ranks seem bottomless. Captain, we can't maintain our defense much longer at this pace. If this continues, they'll soon break through our defenses and overrun the train." the voice of Erben, the oldest among the guardians, cut through the chaos as he voiced his concern.

"I am well aware," Leroy replied.

He could see that despite their tenacious efforts, the tide of monsters was edging ever closer to the moving train.

They alone weren't going to be able to keep them at bay.

They needed a change of plans!

Captain Leroy, admist his own flurry of attacks that wiped out waves of beasts that leaped towards the train, shot a glance at his woman.

"Martha, have you sent out a call for reinforcements?" he aske her, his voice stern, yet calm amidst all the chaos that surrounded them.

"I have, Captain." Martha nodded affirmatively. "But the nearest relay station is an hour away. Even if they took our distress call seriously and departed immediately, they would still need at least thirty minutes to reach us."

"That's too long... too long," interrupted Edward, his voice trembling with fear. "We can't hold out for half an hour like this. We'll be spent long before they arrive."

The truth of his words hung in the air

Their powers, impressive as they were, could only hold off the horde for so long before fatigue set in.

Captain Leroy gritted his teeth. "We can't lose hope just yet."

If they were to abandon the train, they might live, but most of the passengers on board the trai would undoubtedly perish. The reputation of the guardian organization would be tarnished forever, and the swiftest and safest means of travel through the outer region would also be lost.

There was too much to lose!

He looked at Martha, determination to save everyome's life despite risking his own blazing in his eyes. "Martha, I need you to expand your psychic network and connect everyone on this train. Can you do that? We need everyone on board that can fight to coordinate their efforts if we want a shot at holding these monsters off until help arrives."

Martha was Level 4 Bloodline user. She possessed a unique bloodline skill called "Soul Link". It allowed her to establish a psychic connection among multiple individuals, allowing them to communicate mentally.

However, it was mentally and physically taxing.

"I can do it!"

Taking a deep breath, Martha activated her Soul Link.

Shortly after, a mental network was established, connecting the minds of all those on the train.

As a result, a wave of bewilderment swept across the passengers. The sudden intrusion of foreign voices into their minds had most of them taken aback.

"I understand the abruptness of this situation, but our current predicament demands immediate action. The threat we're facing is greater than we can handle on our own. We need reinforcements. If there's anyone aboard this train who can deal damage from a distance, we need your help to repel these creatures!" Captain Leroy's voice echoed in the minds of every passenger aboard the train.

Outrage and fear echoed back through the mental link. Voices of dissension, fright, and anger chimed in, disputing the call for aid.

"We've paid for the security you're supposed to provide. Why should we endanger ourselves?"

"We're merchants, not fighters! What do you expect from us?"

"This is an outrage! How dare you shirk your responsibilities and put our lives at risk!"

Before Leroy could address the rising panic, another voice interjected. It was Val's. "We are all on this train together. If the train falls, we all fall. We might have paid for protection, but right now, we need to fight, not for the guardians, not for anyone else, but for ourselves and our families. The line between life and death here is precariously thin. Let's help each other to remain on the side of life."

His words easily sunk into the minds of the passengers on board the train connected to Martha's mental network.

"He's right! We've...we've got to do something!"

"I didn't grasp the gravity of the situation before... but I'm ready to help now,"

"All right, count me in. I'm no fighter, but I've got a decent aim. Let's pull through this,"

Thanks to Val, the passengers on board the train started to understand the grim truth that their own survival and well-being were intricately linked to the train's continued operation and safety.

As a result, an increasing number of passengers started to commit to the collective goal of ensuring the train's survival.

"I never thought I'd say this. But it's clear that we're all in this together. Let's help the guardians hold off those bastards until reinforcement arrives."

Such responses trickled in, the once apprehensive voices now filling the mental network with determination and courage.

It was as if Val's words had awakened something within them, a primal instinct to fight, not just for their survival but for the survival of everyone on the train.

This realization was perhaps the first sliver of hope amidst the dire situation.

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