Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 66 66: To The Frontier! [Bonus For 100 Power Stones]

"Master Val," Reignarld Ashworth, the Whitemore family's eternally-serious butler called out, holding a silver tray with an air of solemn gravity. On it sat a small parcel nearly wrapped in silver papers as if it contained the Crown Jewels. "Your provisions for the journey."

The provisions prepared for Val's journey by Reignarld consisted of a variety of items.

These included dried meat and fruits, some of which were imbued with minor healing properties and energy replenishment, hard cheese wrapped in wax to keep it fresh, and a supply of clean water in a compact, reusable canteen.

In addition to the food and water, the parcel also contained a small pouch of silver and copper coins for emergency spending, a compass for navigation, a map of the Northern Frontier marked with known safe zones and danger areas, and a tiny book of remedies and medicinal plants common to the frontier area.

"Ah, Reignarld, my trusty keeper of sandwiches and savior of hungry bellies! I'll treasure these provisions as if they were golden nuggets!" Val flashed him a smile and took the parcel he was giving him with a grateful nod.

To those who didn't know him well, Val seemed to be no more than a charming, light-hearted individual, always ready with a quick wit and an infectious smile.

However, this was merely a fa?ade, an act designed to conceal his true nature.

The truth was, Val was an unfeeling creature, a monster in human skin who was unable to experience pain or fear.

However, he had learned the hard way that this peculiar trait of his could be exploited.

The memory of the public poisoning by the priest was still fresh in his mind. The priest knew about Val's immunity to pain, and he had used that knowledge to his advantage, poisoning him without fear of immediate detection. He took his revenge and killed the priest, but he might not be so lucky every time.

Thus, Val had decided to hide his inhuman traits behind the persona of a jovial and carefree young man with a sense of humor.

It was a mask he wore, not out of shame, but for his own protection.

The world was far less dangerous for him when they believed he was just another human, another being who could feel pain, who could fear, and for the time being that's exactly how he intended to keep it.

'Second Young Master Val's acting skills have improved with the years.'

Hearing what Val said, the corners of his Reignarld's twitched, the closest thing to a full-on smile he ever displayed. "So long as you don't consume the coins as if they were edible nuggets, young master."

Val chuckled, "Surely, you jest, Reignarld. I'm not stupid enough to mistake coins for food and risk choking on them."

After a moment, Val's expression grew serious. "Reignarld, is there anything else I should know before I board the train?"

Reignarld, who had served as the Whitemore family's head butler for nearly a decade, responded to Val with a rare, small smile. "Do remember to write back once in a while, young master. Your father and I will be waiting for your news."

He had watched Val grow up from a young boy of 6 years old to a handsome teenager. Reignarld had come to regard him as a son.

"If time allows, I'll be sure to write to you, head butler. As for Father, I may not be able to reach out to him," Val responded.

"And why might that be?" came a third voice, cutting through the moment like a razor. It was Joshua V. Whitemore, who had suddenly appeared behind Val, his imposing figure casting a shadow on the young teen.

Forcing a false smile onto his face, Val turned around to confront the figure looming behind him.

This man, his own father, was the one person Val despised most in this world.

He despised rapists, and Joshua had raped his mother. He hated betrayers, and Joshua had betrayed him!

It was true that Joshua had imparted several invaluable life lessons to Val, even saved his life from the hands of an intermediate-rank bloodline user once, but those actions did not erase the abhorrent acts he had committed against him and his mother.

He was many things that Val abhorred.

Thus, he couldn't help but hate him.

If he ever had the chance, he would kill him without a second thought, but he had to be cautious to never reveal this intention until he was strong enough.

After all, Joshua was no ordinary man; he was a formidable level 7 warrior, known for his ruthlessness. If he were to discover the murderous hatred that his son harbored for him, there was little doubt he would retaliate without mercy. Val would be annihilated before he had a chance to act.

Moreover, Joshua held a distinguished position within the kingdom, serving as the loyal hound to the Queen. His close proximity to the monarchy made him untouchable, a dangerous man shielded by powerful allies.

If Val were to harm him, it would not only draw the wrath of his father but also the retribution of the kingdom's rulers.

Living within the kingdom's boundaries required playing a careful, often dangerous game of pretense and manipulation.

Therefore, Val, while nursing a profound hatred for Joshua, had to maintain a charade of amicability and respect.

His survival depended on it, at least until he could find a way to overcome the insurmountable odds stacked against him.

"Because I don't want my trivial letters to disrupt your important work, Father," Val replied to Joshua smoothly.

"My fellow men, did you hear that? What a considerate lad my son is!" Joshua exclaimed, his voice deep yet soothing.

There were the people who were about to board the same train as Val, some heading to the Northern Frontier, like him, others merely traveling to the next town.

They had all been inadvertently pulled into this public display of father-son interaction.

"Aye, Mr. Whitemore, your boy has manners," a burly man, who seemed to be a trader by his worn-out attire and a pack full of goods, chimed in, clapping Val on the back in a friendly gesture.

"Indeed, a considerate lad!" A woman added, her voice rich with amusement as she tipped her hat to Val. She seemed to be an adventurer, the hilt of a sword peeking from her cloak.

"A chip off the old block," an elderly man nodded approvingly, his white beard bobbing in agreement.

Val felt an intense urge to roll his eyes at the old man. How the heck was he similar to this rapist? There was no comparison between them!

Joshua said, "You're heading to the Northern Frontier. It's a dangerous place, but for someone with your abilities, surviving and making some notable accomplishments shouldn't be difficult.

"If you find some free time, do remember to visit home."

"When the time comes, I'll give it some thought, father," Val said, his retort masked by his calmness, before he boarded the train.

"Take care."

"You too."

Meanwhile, Eliana D. Grace bid her brother Ace farewell and boarded the train.

Moments later, Lord Lucious also boarded the train with his shadowy entity.

Then, the train began to move.

It was heading towards the Northern Frontier!

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