[Ding! Congratulation, Host. You have leveled up. You have reached level 7 from 6. You get +2 Stat Points, and a 10% upgrade in your Level 2 Blood Devil Bloodline!]

[Current progress of the Host's Level 2 Blood Devil Bloodline towards the next level: 20/100%]

[EXP needed to reach the next level: 0/800]

Val's eyebrow raised.

The amount of EXP he needed to reach the next level seemed ridiculous.

He also noticed that the EXP required to level up was doubling each time he leveled up.

This meant to reach level 10, he would need a total of 3600 EXP!

Once he reaches that level, he would get to have a secondary class.

He was looking forward to it!


After Ravengar's death, his body disintegrated into black ashes, leaving no trace behind.

However, the weapons that Ravengar had wielded during the battle remained scattered on the streets.

Val moved towards the special items dropped by Ravengar upon his defeat.

He reached out and claimed the two peculiar artifacts as his own.

The moment his hands made contact, he felt a strange sensation, as if some invisible threads of power were entangling and intertwining his being with the objects.

Immediately, a notification of his system popped up in his vision.

[Ding! You have killed a Ravengar. As a result, you have become the new owner of its weapons. The Flying Broom and the Mystical Shovel are now bound to your will!]

[The Flying Broom: This is a flying weapon. Its bristles can harden to an extent where they become as sharp and deadly as metal. You can control it with your will.]

[The Mystical Shovel: This tool allows you to step into the Other Side once at two days. It can also be used to return from the Other Side. The Other Side is a parallel dimension that overlaps with the physical world but exists on a different plane. It operates with its own unique laws and is generally inaccessible without special means, like this Mystical Shovel.]

A sense of satisfaction filled Val's heart as he understood the abilities of his newly acquired weapons.

'A whole new world of opportunities has just opened up to me. With these tools, not only am I stronger than before I fought with the Ravengar but I am also equipped to explore dimensions beyond my own.'

A spark of excitement lit up his eyes as he contemplated his next course of action.

'Should I try it or not?'

A normal person would think twice before venturing into the Other Side, which was home to the Eldritchs. However, Val lacked the ability to feel fear, and a man without fear had nothing to fear!

Val did hesitate for a moment, considering the possibilities and potential dangers of entering the Other side. He couldn't feel fear but it didn't mean he lacked common sense. Heading into a place where he and no one else had ever stepped foot into seemed like a great but dangerous idea. He took a deep breath and decided to pioneer the exploration of the Otherside. But he also warned himself to escape it at the first sign of danger.

With the power of the Mystical Shovel clutched firmly in his hand, he conjured a gate to the Other Side.

An empty void, akin to a black hole in space, emerged in front of him. It was larger than him, its dimensions intimidating, yet it held an enigmatic allure that was impossible to resist.

Without wasting any more time, Val stepped through the gate.

He emerged in a place startlingly familiar to him; it was an uncanny replica of Shadowfall City.

The layout, the buildings, the streets - all were an eerie mirror image of the ruins of the city he knew!

However, this parallel reality was eerily silent and devoid of life. There were no haggard zombies wandering aimlessly.

As no howls or screeches of the Walking Dead echoed in the night, the atmosphere was serene, yet profoundly disquieting, like a phantom city frozen in time.

"The Other Side is like a mirrored reflection of the real world, yet utterly devoid of life. It's as if someone took a snapshot of our world, its cities, and terrains, then emptied them of every living being. This... this is like wandering through the echoes of reality," Val mused, a thoughtful expression etched on his face.

"I should first affirm my conjecture."

His curiosity was piqued, and he moved on to explore this eerie replica of his world.

He passed by the forest that would have been teeming with beasts on any given night. Still, it was eerily silent here, not a single beast stirred within its depths. He reached the refugee camp, better known as the slums, established outside the IronSpire stronghold; the tents were there, perfectly arranged in their usual spots, but devoid of any signs of life.

After entering the stronghold, he found that even it was empty.

It was as he thought.

The Other Side was a perfect canvas, replicating only the physical structures and topography of the world while devoid of its life forms!

With a wave of the Mystical Shovel, he stepped out of the Other Side, returning to the real world.

As he had suspected, the Ironspire stronghold was teeming with life.

Families could be seen sitting in the park, enjoying the night. The park was large enough to accommodate hundreds of families, and there were a lot of families there, having a peaceful time under the pale white and crimson rays of the moons.

Across the park, families were engaged in lively conversations.

There, a small boy, no older than seven, pointed excitedly at the sky, exclaiming, "Mom, look! The crimson moon looks like a giant apple tonight!"

His mother, sitting beside him with an arm wrapped around his small shoulders, chuckled softly. "Maybe it's a sign, dear. Perhaps you should eat more apples to grow up strong."

In a secluded corner of the bustling park, siblings Eliana and Ace were engaged in a serious discussion.

"Ace, I must do this," Eliana asserted, her gaze steady and resolute.

Her brother wore a look of concern as he questioned, "Is it absolutely necessary, Eliana? You understand the risks, don't you?"

Eliana nodded, her determination unwavering. "I do, Ace. Remember, it was the God of Light who saved us from that deadly massacre, the one that claimed our family. He guided us to a safe haven when we were lost and helpless. Now, when he seeks my assistance, it's only fair and righteous that I extend my hand."

Ace ran his hand over his face, looking conflicted, but finally gave a resigned sigh. "I trust your judgment, Eliana. You have a way of always making the right decisions. But this task... finding the crimson-eyed lord, the ruler of white flames and blood, in the vast expanse of the northern frontier... It's akin to finding a needle in a haystack."

"Ace, the path may seem daunting, but I believe that things will fall into place. Faith has a way of paving a path where none exists." Eliana responded with a serene smile, her eyes shimmering with a deep-rooted faith.

Closer to the center of the park, an elder storyteller told tales of heroes to an enraptured young audience. The children listened to his stories with rapt attention, eyes wide with wonder.

"Okay, I am done." the old storyteller said to the kids with a smile.

One young boy immediately asked, "Grandpa, were you as brave as the heroes in your stories?"

The old man winked, patting the boy's head. "Oh, I had my moments, lad. But the true courage is not in battling monsters, but in facing our fears and standing up for what's right."

Val stood outside the part, silently taking in the view of his surroundings that were bustling with life.

'Interesting,' Val thought, a grin spreading across his face as he considered the implications of this new discovery. 'The Other Side is an incredibly safe means of travel. It's perfect for avoiding unnecessary confrontations. No zombies, no beasts. A world just for myself... and other Eldritchs and Eldrich's slayers."

The Other Side was a realm accessed by very few beings. The odds of running into someone else there were as slim as bumping into an Eldritch in the real world. In all of Val's sixteen years of life, he had encountered an Eldritch just once, making it clear how incredibly rare such an encounter was. Thus, it could be inferred that the chance of meeting someone else in the Other Side Realm was equally improbable.

So what Val said about it being a safe means of travel was true!

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