Stepping into the Starlight Auction House, Val removed his hat, holding it casually in one hand. He cast his gaze about, taking in the grandeur of the interior.

The auction house was nothing short of an architectural masterpiece, reflecting an aesthetic blend of design and maintenance. High ceilings were embellished with a series of dazzling chandeliers, their crystal prisms casting a warm, captivating glow. The large, ornate windows decorated the walls, permitting the gentle midday sun rays to pierce through and blanket the spacious hall in a soft, golden wash.

Various paintings, elegantly selected, adorned the walls of the auction house. However, Val was never a connoisseur of art and hence spared them a brief, disinterested glance.

Central to the auction house stood a grand counter, made of polished mahogany, behind which was stationed a woman whose elegance seemed to echo the opulence of the surroundings.

She was a sight to behold, her auburn hair cascading down her shoulders like a liquid sunset, glowing under the soft chandelier lights, rendering her the aura of a bewitching enchantress. Her complexion was fair, which further complimented her sun-like hair, emphasizing her striking beauty. Her eyes, however, were the most arresting feature of her. Her peach-blossom eyes appeared to draw in those who dared to meet her gaze, and the permanent red rims only intensified her allure.

She was tall, and her shapely figure was accentuated by the chic suit she wore. The elegant design of her dress subtly underlined her voluptuous curves.

Indeed, she was a pleasant sight amidst the already tastefully decorated auction house.

Val thought: 'Using such an eye-catching beauty as a mere staff is really a strategic move. No wonder the Starlight Auction House is renowned throughout the kingdom!'

As her eyes fell upon Val, her full lips curved into a courteous smile. Recognizing him from a prior visit in the company of Lord Joshua, she greeted, "Welcome to the Starlight Auction House, sir Val. I'm Lillian, your auctioneer for the day. How may I assist you today?" Her voice was as charming and full-bodied as her persona.

Val, appreciating her professionalism, nodded in response. His reply was simple and to the point, "I wish to auction an item."

"My sincerest apologies, sir. The catalogue for today's auction has already been finalized and the list has been sent out to potential buyers," Lillian explained with utmost courtesy. "Unfortunately, we are unable to include any new items at this stage."

Val, however, was far from disheartened. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of his lips. With a calm demeanor, he gently retorted, "I wonder if you would reconsider if I were to mention that the item I intend to auction is a reward from the world itself for completing a dungeon?"

At his revelation, Lillian's composed facade faltered. An unmistakable flicker of surprise lit up her expressive eyes. An item rewarded from a dungeon was far from trivial!

"I beg your pardon, sir. Given the unusual nature of the item you wish to auction, I'm afraid I don't have the authority to make an immediate decision." She confessed, her voice still maintaining its professional timbre. "Under these circumstances, our policy necessitates consultation with the senior management. If you would please bear with me for a moment, I will fetch our manager who can assist you more appropriately."

"Understandable," Val responded with a nod as he watched her rise from her seat. Just before she could disappear, he added, "Also, could you ask your manager if he could see me right away? I have other places to be."

Acknowledging his request with a nod, Lillian assured him, "I'll make sure to pass along your message, sir Val. Please wait here for a moment," before she disappeared into the back room to fetch her manager, leaving Val to contemplate his impending negotiations.

In moments, he made a plan to increase the price of his item.

Moments later, a distinguished middle-aged man appeared from the back room with Lillian. His hair was neatly combed back, streaks of silver running through the dark strands, hinting at his advancing age, and he had hazel eyes.

"Welcome, Master Val. I'm Terence, the manager of this Starlight Auction House branch," Terence introduced himself, extending his hand in a professional manner.

Returning the gesture with a firm handshake, Val responded, "The pleasure is all mine, Terence."

"Now, Master Val," Terence began, a glint of curiosity in his eyes, "I've been told you're interested in auctioning off a dungeon reward. Could you present the item for inspection?"

Not one for unnecessary chatter, Val simply replied, "Sure."

Then, with a thought, the Body Strengthening Manual materialized in his hand.

It was a simple motion, but the sudden appearance of the manual in thin air left the auction house manager and the auctioneer wide-eyed.

Terrence and Lillian realized that rumors didn't do justice to Master Val. He was far more mysterious and powerful than the rumors made him out to be.

Val's display of power left them in silent awe. They realized the rumors about him merely scratched the surface of his true abilities. He was much more formidable and enigmatic than they had ever imagined.

"Here it is," Val said as he handed it over to Terence, who took the book in his hands, his gaze scrutinizing every inch of it.

His well-trained eyes flickered with recognition as he examined the cover, the texture, and the aura of the manual.

He recognized the unique aura it radiated, akin to countless items given to dungeon conquers by the world itself that he'd examined over his extensive career.

In the presence of such evidence, there was no room for doubt.

It was a genuine reward for completing a dungeon!

A genuine smile of delight spread across his face as he looked at Val. "The item is indeed authentic. If you allow, we would be thrilled to feature it as a surprise item in today's auction."

"I agree." Val's response was firm and swift.

Terence seemed satisfied with his answer and moved on to the next important question. "Before we proceed, I must inquire - are you aware of its effects? The item's auction value hinges largely on this detail."

Val smirked inwardly at Terence's question.

This was an opportunity to increase his profits.

He decided to exploit it.

With an honest expression on his innocent and handsome face, he replied, "I've trained according to the manual myself. Astonishingly, my physical prowess doubled within minutes as a result. However, I must point out that my body is innately naturally stronger than most people, and ever since I awakened my 'Whitemore Bloodline', my body had only gotten stronger. It stands to reason that the effect would be even more dramatic on a regular individual."

In this narrative, Val conveniently left out any mention of the limit cap. His goal was to elevate the perceived value of the manual in the eyes of potential bidders.

Terence, though an experienced businessman, had no reason to doubt Val's words. After all, he had confirmed the item's authenticity himself.

"Rest assured, Master Val. Given the Body Strengthening Manual's potential, it could very well be the highlight of today's auction. I promise to do everything within my power to ensure it fetches a suitable price." Terence said, with confidence and assurance in his voice.

Considering the potential value of such an effective strengthening manual, he decided to auction it at a high starting price during the auction.

Val smirked internally, 'It seems like the auction is set to be a thrilling event, with me poised to reap substantial benefits!'

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