Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 235 233: Using their advantage against them! (Part A)

Chapter 235 233: Using their advantage against them! (Part A)

In the dark depths of the forest, the sudden appearance of fire was impossible to ignore. As it contrasted sharply against the unnaturally dark environment of the forest, it was very eye-catching. Thus, it was impossible for it not to catch the attention of the many Thunder Wolves prowling in the forest.

They were drawn to the several sources of light like moths to a flame.

One Thunder Wolf after another arrived.

They scanned the environment with sharp eyes. Their gaze swept across the surrounding area and landed on Val who stood alone among the burning remnants of their kin that were reduced to such a bad and sorry state that they weren't even recognizable.

That sight inflamed a powerful, unquenchable rage within them, boiling their blood and clouding their judgment for just a moment. However, they didn't let anger get the best of them. They first took a moment to assess the situation, hesitating only for a split second before making a move.

Wolves are a cautious bunch; they like to weigh their odds before jumping into a fight. This time, it was just Val, a single man, standing against what was now a sizeable wolf pack.

'Strength is in numbers,' they must have thought as their caution melted away, replaced by a surge of confidence.

The wolves felt their large numbers gave them an advantage over a lone human; with dozens of them against just one human, they felt no fear.

This false sense of security fueled them, and without another second of hesitation, they bolted forward. The dozens of thunder wolves accelerated, their legs pushing off the ground with a ferocity driven by their collective confidence. They felt no fear, no hesitation, just a drive to close the gap that existed between them and Val and engage what they perceived to be an easy target. And so, they sprinted with all their might, rapidly closing the distance between themselves and Val, an intense desire to rip him to shreds vivid in their eyes.

Seeing them so obediently march towards death, he smiled. It was a grin that was as chilling as it was confident. Despite their overwhelming advantage, the Thunder Wolves felt a shiver run down their spines when they saw his smile.

Val spoke with a commanding tone, "Undead, arise!"

At that very instant, he gave the mental command for his undead minions to make their entrance from the shrine of evil.

All around him, the very fabric of reality seemed to fracture and crack, as dozens of spatial disturbances popped into existence.

These rips in the fabric of the world revealed a dark void behind which was the shrine, and from that place, a horde of undead warriors emerged.

The undead materialized so quickly and so suddenly that they caught the charging Thunder Wolves completely off guard. The undead didn't waste any time; without even glancing to the left or the right, they lunged directly at the wolves, their claws tearing into their thick flesh.

Now, it's true that the Thunder Wolves were of a higher level than these undead minions, but what the wolves had in strength, the undead matched with their own unique qualities. For one, they couldn't feel pain or experience fear, which leveled the playing field considerably. So despite the thunder wolves retaliating, the undead didn't let go of them, tearing into them again and again until their insides were revealed. Then, while sticking to their bodies like leeches, the undead proceeded to gouge their innards out and throw them to the ground in what could only be described as an act of absolute and utter horror.

And let's not forget, they were greater in number than the thunder wolf pack, and the element of surprise was wholly on their side.

Thus, it didn't take long for the situation to turn absolutely grim for the Thunder Wolves.

In what seemed like mere moments, the wolves found themselves overwhelmed and outnumbered by Val's undead. One by one, they fell at their hands, until not a single one was left standing. The undead had won against them, bringing great joy to Val.

He also felt proud of how good he had become good at ordering his undead.

After taking down the pack of Thunder Wolves, a system notification flashed before Val's eyes, confirming his kills and rewards.

[System Notification: 25 Level 36 to 38 Thunder Wolves eliminated. You've gained 8625 EXP and your soul power reserve has increased by a few hundred points.]

Val read the message and felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

He absorbed their blood using his bloodline skill. As a result, his blood bar increased by a few thousand points.

Not wasting any time, he then signaled for his undead minions to dismember the 25 fallen wolves and collect what could be used.

From their carcasses, a bundle of 25 damaged Shadow Wolves' furs and a collection of 25 level 3 cores were gathered. The furs were stored in the pocket dimension.

Val looked at the cores placed in a bundle next to him by the undead. Each of these cores held a concentrated essence of power, and Val knew exactly what to do. He took the cores and popped them into his mouth as casually as one would eat grapes.

Soon after, a series of system notifications followed.[System Notification: Strength has increased to 50 points.]

[System Notification: Agility has increased to 50 points.]

[System Notification: Stamina has increased to 50 points.]

Val felt the power coursing through him. Every muscle, every fiber of his being seemed to hum with newfound energy. He couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Good, good, good," cherishing the sensation.

Just as he was basking in this feeling, another system notification caught his eye.

[System Notification: Level 3 cores are no longer beneficial for your progression.]

Level 3 cores could only increase one strength to 50 points. He has maxed out their uses.

This system notification was followed by another one.

This one stated that he had completed the first task of this perilous dungeon.

This one stated that he had completed the first task of this perilous dungeon.

A smirk formed on his lips.

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