"These beings are called Revenants.

"They are manifestations born from the accumulated regrets of people who have died in this location. 

"Whatever you do, don't let them touch you. 

"Or else, you'll be overwhelmed by experiencing the final moments of each person whose regret contributes to their existence," Voidslayer advised in a voice that was both urgent and instructive.

"Is there anything else I should be aware of?" Val asked.

"Conventional attacks are useless against them. So don't hold back. Use your full strength right from the beginning," Voidslayer replied in a tone that emphasized the gravity of the situation.

"Hm, I will," Val said in a voice that was filled with resolve.

In the Shadow Valley, Val began punching the air in quick succession. 

To any onlooker, it might have appeared as though he was boxing with ghosts. However, each time his fist connected with empty space, a ball of grey fire manifested and jumped off his fist, shooting straight towards the apparitions.

Though the balls of grey fire zipped through the air like blazing meteors, they weren't so fast that the Revenants couldn't evade them. However, the apparitions didn't even attempt to move out of their way as they believed they were impervious to harm. 

'They are gravely mistaken.' 

A smile converged on Val's otherworldly face. 

The grey fireballs were made from the condensation of hellfire, a substance that didn't discriminate and acknowledged no boundaries.

Be it devil or a god, it dared to fuck them both!

Hellfire was so strong it could devour everything—be it friend or enemy, living or deceased, corporeal or ethereal—in an unforgiving blaze and reduce them to cinders.

'Why is he smiling?'


'It's so scary.'

Considering the situation, Val's smile made him look all the more terrifying. The revenants didn't have bones or else they would felt a chill going down their spines, but they still felt weirded out by his smile.

'He is the first human to smile after encountering us. Normally, they would tremble in fear or run away at the sight of us.'

They have never seen a fearless person, so they couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with Val.

If Val knew what they were thinking, he would've laughed.

Their priorities were wrong!

They should be worrying about their lives instead of focusing on him.

'Is it their overconfidence that blinds them? They don't realize how perilous this is,' Val thought, watching as the Revenants made no move to dodge the hellfish fireballs.

The Revenants were shocked when one of the grey fireballs collided with one of them.


A resounding reverberation rang out as the grey fireballs exploded upon contact with the apparition. 

The entity was instantly enveloped in the ravenous hellfire. 


It was only able to emit a nightmarish wail before it was obliterated.

'These fireballs can harm us!'

'We're no safe!'

Seeing the horrifying fate of their comrade, the remaining Revenants quickly grasped the severity of their predicament.

'We must avoid them or our fate won't be any better than our dead comrade.'

Immediately, they avoided the balls of hellfire coming towards them by sinking into the ground.

Just like that, they vanished without a trace.

"Now that we are underground, he shouldn't be able to see us. We're safe," one Revenant said in a voice that was filled with relief.

The Revenants were no strangers to confronting humans, so they understood their limitations well. 

They knew human couldn't see through obstacles, let alone perceive what was below the surface. 

Thus, as they hid underground, they felt certain that Val would have no way of detecting them

"What's the next move?" one of the three remaining Revenants queried in a voice tinged with impatience.

The Revenants were complex beings.

These spectral entities had an extraordinary means of communication.

They could communicate with each other without uttering a word when in close proximity.

Their communication didn't require words to be spoken out loud. Once a thought was formed, they could transmit it to a body full of regrets without any efforts.

They were currently employing this unique method to share their thoughts and strategize for their next steps.

"Let's ambush him," the second Revenant suggested. 

"It's too dangerous," the third one was clearly hesitant. Val had showed what he could do. "A single slip up and we might die while dealing with him."

"What are you being afraid of?" The second one sneered before continuing in a voice that exuded confidence, "We can catch him off guard as he can't see us, and quickly finish him off. He won't get the chance to attack if we all play our part well."

It didn't know it was being overconfidence. It didn't have the ability to back up its words, and it was dragging the other two down to hell with it by suggesting things that were destined to not work out.

Truly, having a hundred enemies was better than one pig-like teammate.

"But I still think it's too dangerous."

"Don't you want to taste the flesh of a human again?" said the second one, its voice imbued with a sense of greed that resonated with the rest.

Upon hearing this, greed flashed across the ethereal forms of the other two. 

Human flesh was like an Elixir to them.

Not only was it tasty, but it could still promote their strength.

"Count me in," the third one agreed almost instantly.

"Me too," the first one quickly chimed in.


"Did they run away?" Val asked, his voice laced with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.

"Revenants are greedy and vengeful by nature," Voidslayer said in a voice that conveyed caution. "To them, humans offer great nourishment, and you just took down one of their own. It's likely they're scheming to ambush you for both revenge and sustenance."

"Ambushes only work if you don't see them coming," Val said in a voice tinged with confidence and smiled.

He then looked downward and activated his Heavenly Eye ability, his soul power decreasing by 10 units.

As the heavenly eye opened, the earth beneath his feet became translucent, almost like a window into the subterranean world.

He could see three shadowy figures rapidly ascending through the soil towards him.


'I promise to show you a good time.'

With a casual snap of his fingers, he conjured blades made up of concentrated soul power.

His fingers danced through the air, orchestrating their movement with the elegance of a master pianist delighting an audience. 


In response, the blades shot downward.

Just as the Revenants had emerged from their underground lair, they found themselves impaled by unseen forces. Though they had no facial features to betray their agony, they let out anguished cries that reverberated through the air, showing they were overcome by pain. 

This was the first time they were hurt. Before this, they didn't know what it felt like to be in pain, and the pain they were experiencing was by no mean small. It was excruciating, the type that would put a human out of his misery. 

Thus, they were rendered immobile for a moment.

At this moment, they were unable to make a proper decision!

"Master, now's the time to finish them off," Voidslayer urged in a voice that was both urgent and decisive.

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