Seeing his opportunity, Val seized it. He used his psychic connection to command the undead: "Attack!"

Like the extensions of Val's will, the undead sprung into action. They leaped at the worker bees who were frantically trying to fly away.

In response, the bees retaliated, their sharp and curved stingers lunging forward, penetrating the skeletal frames of the undead. The stingers pierced right through, protruding from their backs. But it failed to do anything to the undead as they lacked the ability to feel pain just like Val. Their lack of a traditional nervous system made them immune to the physical agony that such a strike should have caused.

Not to mention, the worker bees' stingers, now lodged deeply in the undead, acted like hooks. As the bees desperately attempted to take flight again, they found themselves inadvertently dragging along the undead.

The bees attempted to shake them off by pulling out their stingers, but it was in vain as the undead ripped into the bees with their claws, hanging onto them like demons out of hell, ensuring that escape was impossible for the terrified worker bees!

Val watched the chaotic scene unfold before him, a dark smile playing on his lips. The worker bees were putting up a fierce fight, but they were outmatched. After all, the undead had a grim determination and a relentless nature that the bees were ill-equipped to handle.

The buzzing of the bees reached a fevered pitch as they tried to dislodge the undead. However, their attempts to shake them off proved to be fruitless. The undead clung onto their bodies like leeches, their claws digging into the bees' flesh, carving out chunks of their flesh and causing blood to gush out from their wounds, which splattered onto the undead beneath them.

"Use corrosive claws," Val commanded using the psychic connection he shared with the undead, who followed his command obediently.

A corrosive liquid burst from the undead's claws that were embedded into the bodies of the worker bees. As their claws were buried in their flesh, the liquid released sprayed directly into the worker bees' bodies.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

This corrosive substance melted them from the inside out, from their internal organs to their flesh, the intolerable pain of being melted alive eliciting loud cries of agony from the bees.

Multiple notifications rang in Val's ears.

[Your undead killed 14 Worker Bees!]

[You've gained 3000 EXP!]

Killed by the undead, the worker bees fell from the sky one by one and crashed into the forest floor.

The Queen Bee watched in horror, her workers falling around her. She could do nothing but hover in the sky. The high-pitched distress call she had emitted earlier had failed to provide the salvation she had hoped for. Her kingdom was crumbling, and there was nothing she could do to stop it!

In the midst of this chaos, a level 0 undead was attacked by a worker bee.

The bee's stinger pierced through its body, leaving a gaping hole, but the undead didn't flinch.

Val also saw an opportunity in this. Immedtseidly, he forwarded a command to the level 0 undead, hoping that it would be intelligent enough to understand the intent of its creator.

The undead didn't let him down as it reached out, grabbing the bee's wing with a vice-like grip. The bee struggled, but couldn't shake off the undead. Seeing the opportunity, Val charged towards the worker bee and swung his sword, effectively beheading it. Blood sprayed in the air, coating Val and the ground beneath him.

[Ding! Congratulation, Host. You've killed a level 22 Worker Bee. You gained 220 EXP!] The system notification rang in Val's mind.

"Darn, even level 0 undead are useful if given the right commands," Val remarked, visibly impressed. He gently patted the undead's head, adding a sincere, "Good job."

The undead stared back at him, its gaze devoid of any emotion, but its actions demonstrated unwavering loyalty.

A sudden, creeping sense of danger sent shivers down Val's spine. Swiftly, he raised his gaze upwards just in time to see the Queen Bee's eyes pulsating ominously with a sinister red glow. Reacting on pure instinct, Val sprang away from his spot moments before a series of laser beams exploded from her eyes. The beams went towards the area where he had been standing merely a split second ago. He had dodged them!

Tragically, the level 0 undead, slower in response, wasn't as fortunate. It bore the full brunt of the enraged Queen Bee's attack and exploded into smithereens, devoured by the raw power of the laser beams she shot out of her eyes.

The Queen Bee shrieked as she saw she had failed to kill the bastard who had taken everything from her. He killed her precious children. He destroyed her family. He took what was most precious to her. She wanted him dead. She wanted him to suffer!

More laser beams burst forth from her eyes, each one targeting Val with a terrifying precision. Recognizing the impending threat, Val hastily activated his Blood Rush skill. This formidable ability doubled his agility, boosting it to an incredible 60 points. Simultaneously, he called upon the power of Titan's Reinforcement, further bolstering his strength, stamina, and agility by a staggering 20%. The surge of power transformed him into a blur, leaving nothing but afterimages in his wake as he deftly evaded each lethal strike. Every laser beam only managed to scorch the ground where he had previously stood, missing him by a hair's breadth.

However, Val understood the tactical disadvantage of fighting in an open field against such an enemy. The Queen Bee held the aerial advantage, and her laser beams gave her a long-range attack option. She was out of his attack range and whatever attack he throws at her would be shot down by her laser beams. Even if he use the flying broom to get to her, what were the chances that he would reach her before he gets struck by her laser beams? For now, he could do nothing but run!

Without wasting any more time, Val darted into the thick woods.

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