Alfred caught sight of Eliana looking a bit lost as she wandered about the streets of the lower city. "Miss Eliana, it looks like you are in search of something. Maybe I'll be able to help you." Stepping up to her, he offered her a helpful hand with a smile on hia face.

Alfred was aware of Val's relationship with Eliana. He understood that assisting her would inadvertently aid Val.

His aim was to get on Val's good side, and this seemed like a suitable opportunity.

Furthermore, by helping Eliana find a suitable job, Alfred also ensured she would have a stable position in society. This would benefit Val indirectly, as Val wouldn't have to worry about Eliana's welfare and could focus more on developing his wizardry skills. It was a strategic move aimed at establishing a beneficial alliance with Val through kindness towards Eliana.

"I'm searching for a job. I'm a priestess by profession and I need to find a job that suits my expertise," Eliana confessed, her voice holding a note of desperation.

Alfred pondered for a moment before a bright idea struck him. "I know just the place that is in need of priestess and is willing to pay a good amount. Would you like me to take you there?"

Eliana's eyes brightened as she said, "Yes, please."

With a nod, Alfred gestured, "Follow me."

Alfred led her down the streets, taking several turns until they arrived at a standalone building.

It was a rustic clinic, neither too large nor too small.

The clinic was made out of top-quality wood and thus had a comforting charm to it. Vines climbed its outer walls, their leaves dancing in the twilight breeze. The tiles of its roof were of a crimson color and shone dazzlingly under the setting sun.

The clinic bore the name "God's Hands Clinic" etched in elegant calligraphy on a wooden board hanging over the entrance.

"Young Master Alfred, what brings you here?" The guards at the clinic's gate saluted Alfred as they approached.

The clinic was financially backed by the Montomorency, Alfred's family. Therefore, the clinic's staff were well aware of Alfred's identity and treated him with the respect he deserved. No one in their right mind would risk offending the son of their patron.

"I have a friend interested in working here as a healer. Please inform Master Healer Valentine," Alfred requested.

Before their message could be relayed, a melodious voice came from within the clinic, "I have heard what you said, Alfred. Come inside and bring your friend with you."

Alfred led Eliana inside the clinic, and they were greeted by a young woman who looked no older than twenty.

She was a sight to behold as beautiful as a blooming flower.

She was a mesmerizing beauty, with one eye as bright and purple as a blooming lavender field under the starlit sky, and the other eye, although lacking the same vibrancy, was equally enchanting.

She had long, black hair - smooth as silk and as lustrous as the starlit night sky - that cascaded down her back to her waist, shimmering like a river under the moonlight, adding ten thousand points of charm to her beauty.

Eliana couldn't help but stare, utterly awestruck by the woman's beauty, despite both of them being of the same gender. Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she took in Valentine's stunning features.

Alfred, too, was momentarily captivated by her beauty. Although this wasn't his first time seeing her, her charm never failed to bewitch him. In his heart, he knew if she hadn't been his great aunt, he would have stubbornly pursued her, stopping at nothing until he either won her heart or met his demise.

"Beautiful, isn't she? But don't let her looks fool you. She's old enough to be a grandma," Alfred whispered to Eliana, a grin teasing his lips.

Eliana looked at Alfred, her eyes wide with shock. However, before she could comment, a light yelp echoed in the room. Valentine had overheard Alfred's comment and wasn't too pleased. She had a firm grip on Alfred's ear, pulling it as she scolded him, "Alfred, such disrespectful comments are not becoming of you. Show some decency."

"Alright, alright, Great Aunt Valentine, I was wrong! Please forgive me," Alfred begged, grimacing from the pain.

Satisfied with his plea for mercy, Valentine let go of his ear and turned her attention to Eliana. "Is this the priestess you mentioned?" she asked Alfred, who nodded in response.

Looking back at Eliana, Valentine asked, "Why are you interested in working in this clinic as a healer?"

Eliana took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering, "When I came here, all I had was my faith. Thankfully, I found a companion who has been helping me. But in any relationship, it's important to contribute. I don't want to be a burden, but an equal, someone reliable. That's why I'm here, to earn my keep and stand on my own."

Valentine nodded, appreciating her candidness. "I like your answer. But not anyone can work here. You'll need to prove your worth first. I have a patient who hurt his legs while hunting in the forest. If you can heal him, consider yourself hired."

"Take me to the patient," Eliana requested, determination shining in her eyes.

Master Healer Valentine obliged and led her to the wounded man. He was lying on a bed, bleeding profusely from his legs. Sweat trickled down his face, a clear indication of the pain he was experiencing.

Without hesitation, Eliana placed her hands over his wounded legs, whispering an incantation under her breath. A soft glow surrounded her hands and holy magic began to flow from her palms into the patient's wounds.

As the magic seeped into his flesh, the broken bones mended, and the gaping wounds closed right before their eyes.

The patient looked on in awe, his eyes wide with disbelief. "It's... it's a miracle," he gasped, the pain that was once etched on his face replaced by relief.

"Well, that's what we healers are capable of performing," Valentines said before continuing, "Now show her your gratitude, Alberto."

"Thank you, young missy," Alberto looked at Eliana and said as he pulled out ten black coins from his pocket. Each coin bore the inscription '10 CP' on the front and an image of a castle on the back. He offered them to Eliana.

"You're welcome," Eliana replied with a warm smile, accepting his gratitude and the coins.

The patient nodded appreciatively before he was helped away.

Valentine turned to Eliana. "You're hired," she said. "And I'll be taking a 20% commission from your earnings. It may seem steep, but remember, the customers and the premises are provided by me."

Saying so, she took two coins out of her hand.

Eliana glanced at Alfred for confirmation. He nodded, saying, "She's offering the best deal of all the clinics in the lower city."

With a deep breath, Eliana said, "I'm willing to work."

Master Healer Valentine nodded in approval, "You can start working today if you like. We close two hours after dark, at around 8 p.m."

Eliana agreed, "I will work."

Her mind started to plan ahead, she wanted to earn a good amount of money today by healing patients in order to earn enough to take Val out for a lovely dinner.

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