Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 117 117: Oliver’s Vow! [Bonus For 50 Golden Tickets]

Oliver's eyes widened in shock as Val collapsed to the forest floor. A flicker of realization crossed his face as he observed Val's collapsed figure laying motionless on the ground. He knew from experience that recklessly harnessing soul power could lead to dire consequences, and now Val had succumbed to those repercussions.

But then, his brow furrowed in puzzlement.

Typically, an individual would feel unwell before completely exhausting their soul power. As a result, they would cease their casting of wizardry, yet Val had kept pushing until he collapsed. Why hadn't he stopped?

Several possibilities flitted through Oliver's mind.

Could it be that Val had failed to recognize the severity of the oncoming backlash and hadn't wanted to appear weak in front of him, so he had pushed through the discomfort, the pain, and the dizziness until he was completely spent? It made sense because Val didn't have a mentor to teach him wizardry before him.

Then, a more troubling thought arose.

Was it possible that Val was incapable of sensing these warning signals? Perhaps a physical or mental condition rendered him unable to perceive pain or discomfort. Could that be why he had so effortlessly, so recklessly, plunged headfirst into the reckless use of wizardry during a battle?

However, the urgency of this situation where they were being hunted by a semi-evolved goblin allowed Oliver no luxury of time to ruminate on such concerns.

He had to end the fight quickly and bring Val to safety.

Oliver had pinpointed the goblin when it launched its dart that Val blocked using Wizardry.

"You're dead."

Oliver glared at the goblin that was perched on a tree.

With a quick flick of his wrist, he manipulated his own Soul power, lifting a human-sized boulder effortlessly. With another swift motion, he flung it towards the goblin perched on the tree.

The goblin's eyes grew wide with terror as it saw the impending doom rushing towards it.

The next moment, the boulder crashed into the tree, missing it by a hair's breadth as it let go of the tree in panic.

This was one of those rare times when panicking saved a life.

However, its decision crippled it for life.

It fell to the ground feet first, its legs crumpling under the impact.

However, despite its broken legs, the goblin rolled to the side as the boulder slid down the tree and smashed onto the spot right behind it.

Escaping death yet again, the goblin breathed a sigh of relief. Once again its life was saved.

However, Oliver watched as the goblin struggled to escape. With a cold smile, he extended his hand towards the fleeing creature, his soul power leaking out of his palm like a small stream and wrapping itself around the goblin's head. The goblin only felt something cold grabbing its head in a vicious grip that it failed to free itself from no matter how hard it resisted.

"It is futile to struggle. You are destined to die at this moment. But I don't expect a lowly creature like you to understand the grand scheme of destiny. Even so, let me enlighten you. Every choice, every step led you here, to this moment. This is your fate. And everything shall happen as it's destined, Oliver said.

As he spoke, Oliver made a fist, his Soul power acting in synchrony with his physical action. The invisible threads of energy wound tightly around the goblin's head, tightening with the motion of his hand. The last thing the goblin felt was a bone-chilling grip around its skull, a relentless force that no amount of resistance could break.

And then, in a burst of violence, the goblin's head exploded, showering the nearby underbrush with a grim mixture of blood and brains. Oliver watched the scene, unfazed. His actions weren't out of cruelty but necessity. In this world, it was kill or be killed.

Wizardry was a vast discipline, divided into several categories.

Some forms of wizardry, with their minor illusions and distractions, might seem like cheap parlor tricks to the uninitiated.

But that was just the surface.

Deeper, at the heart of wizardry, there existed techniques so potent, so devastating, they could instantly kill an opponent.

The technique Oliver had just used against the goblin to kill was a prime example.

His master had cautioned him against the casual use of these deadly techniques.

"They are not for display or intimidation, but for the fight where life and death hang in the balance. Promise me that you'll not use it unless you're facing an enemy that you must defeat at all cost," he had said to Oliver.

"I promise," Oliver had promised him.

Thus, during his duel against Val, Oliver had restrained himself from employing any lethal wizardry, despite the fact that it led to his defeat.

Such was his respect and admiration for his master that Oliver chose to taste defeat rather than break the promise he had made.

He would let his pride be trampled upon, his name dragged through the mud, rather than let his master down!

It seemed like his master really had a special place in his heart.

But who was his master?

Harnessing the power of wizardry, Oliver carefully lifted the unconscious Val off the ground. The verdant Deepwood Forest faded into the distance as Oliver headed towards his house in the Lower City, which was located in the city's central district, Val floating gently beside him.

Arriving at his modest home, Oliver utilized his Soul power to gently place Val on the bed. His eyes studied the unconscious youth before him, a flicker of worry dancing within them. "Maybe it's destiny that brought a young and ignorant wizard like you to me," he whispered softly, his voice barely above a murmur. "As the second of my house, the Destiny Walker, I will fulfill my duty and look after you until you're ready to walk the path yourself."

Oliver found himself in a strange, nostalgic moment.

He could see a reflection of his past self in Val's current state.

He, too, had been where Val was now - alone in a world that didn't understand nor accept him.

He had been a lone wolf struggling to master the art of wizardry. That was the only thing he could do as he was a certified normie.

It was a challenging and at times excruciating journey.

On more than one occasion, he had contemplated giving up, surrendering to the inevitable.

His family's disdain and constant mockery didn't help. They labeled him a failure, a useless piece of trash who would amount to nothing simply because he didn't possess a bloodline and had only lowly talents as a wizard.

The echoing laughter, the sneering faces, the cruel words – they all stung worse than any physical blow.

But then came his master. He was like a beacon of hope in Oliver's bleak world.

He held Oliver up when he was ready to fall and submit to his fate, guided him along the treacherous path, and taught him the way of the Destiny Walker.

It was their family motto to carve out their own destiny with their own hands. When they say it's destined, it means that everything will go as they've willed, and they will give up their life for this purpose!

The kindness his master showed him, the faith he put in him, and the wisdom he imparted all changed Oliver's life forever.

In return, he had only asked him to extend this kindness to someone else.

And now, the opportunity has arrived.

Oliver was ready to extend the same kindness that was once shown to him to this young wizard.

As the second of his house, the Destiny Walker, Oliver pledged to support and guide him until he came a full fledged wizard. He wouldn't let Val face the trials and harships that came with mastering wizardry without proper guidance.

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