The mesmerizing night turned into day as Val underwent the excruciatingly long Arcane Heart creation process thatbwas testing his patience. The sun began to rise from the east as he received a notification from his system.

[Ding! Congratulation, Host! The Arcane Heart has formed in your body. Your Arcane Heart produces 10 units of Soul Power every hour and has a maximum storage capacity of 100 units. When in battle, the production rate of soul energy is reduced to 10 units every two hours.]

A glint of satisfaction flashed in Val's eyes. The struggle and patience had paid off. He finally had the organ that differentiated Wizards from other humans.

'But I still can't use the Heavenly Eye since I am unable to manipulate Soul Power.'

Val sat on the edge of his bed, his brows furrowed in deep thought. Having an Arcane Heart and Soul Power was all well and good, but it was practically useless if he didn't know how to utilize it. After all, the manipulation of Soul Power wasn't something one could naturally do - it required certain knowledge, an understanding of its nature that he currently lacked. He needed guidance, someone who understood the intricacies of this power and how to use it effectively.

"I need to find a wizard," Val murmured to himself, a determined expression on his face. "They are the only ones who can teach me how to manipulate my newfound power, to truly harness the capabilities of my Arcane Heart."

Wizards were a rare breed of people. It wasn't that they didn't exist, but finding one wasn't an easy task.

However, Val recalled something that Alfred had mentioned.

There were wizards in the Northern Frontier.

This piece of information gave him a glimmer of hope.

Maybe he will be able to find one in the lower city.

Eliana's voice filtered through the door of Val's room, "Val, are you awake?"

Because nuns call their lovers by their names in order to show they were taken, she had stopped calling him brother.

"Yes, I am," Val replied, sliding his feet into his boots and standing from the edge of his bed. He moved towards the door, opening it to find Eliana standing outside. "Did you need something?" He asked, his eyes meeting hers.

"A message appeared on your talisman," Eliana revealed, holding up a black talisman that was shimmering with arcane runes.

"Let me see," Val extended his hand to receive the talisman from her.

Upon inspection, Val saw words etched in a luminescent script. They read, 'A training event will be held in the training ground of the central district today. You've been invited. Get there before 7 a.m if you want to participate in it.'

A look of contemplation crossed Val's face as he read the message.

Training events in the Northern Frontier were highly recommended for all the inhabitants but weren't explicitly forced upon anyone. The experience and knowledge one could gain from such events were invaluable, especially for newcomers like him. In some training events, seasoned trainers and mentors would offer guidance that could significantly accelerate one's growth and increase their chance of survival in the wild. Additionally, many resources and opportunities were often tied to participation in these events, making them a popular choice.

The decision to participate ultimately lay with the individual. Some preferred to learn through hands-on experience or personal training.

However, considering the potential benefits, Val decided to participate in the training event. It would help him establish his reputation, gain recognition from peers and mentors, and earn contribution points - a valuable currency in the Northern Frontier.

Turning to Eliana, Val asked, "Did you also receive this notification?"

Eliana nodded in response.

"What are your plans?" Val asked, curious about her intentions.

"I will see what kind of training event it is and then decide whether to participate or not," Eliana replied, uncertainty coloring her voice.

Val gently patted her head, causing her eyes to flutter shut as he ruffled her hair. He leaned in to whisper, "If the event is disadvantageous to you, don't force yourself to participate. I don't want to see you get hurt by forcing yourself to do things you don't like. As for how we'll get by, you don't need to worry about it. I am here, and I'll ensure we never run out of contribution points." He winked at her and gave a soft chuckle, "Your lover's pocket is deep, after all." He looked into her eyes and urged her, "Promise me."

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at his kind words

Eliana's eyes opened, meeting his sincere gaze. Looking into his eyes that was only filled with love for her, she felt a warmth spread through her chest. She was completely unaware he was faking it all to lure her deeper into the lust trap as his acting skills were truly unrivaled!

Nodding, she agreed, "I promise, Val." Her heart felt lighter as her worries were eased by his reassuring words.

Val and Eliana set out from their house, heading towards the training ground. Soon they arrived there.

The training ground was a vast open field, enclosed by high wooden fences. It had one entrance, a gate tall enough for a troll to pass through. In the center, a arena could be seen. And on the edges of the field, weapon racks were placed, their metal frames glinting under the rising sun. Each rack held a variety of weaponry, from swords and axes to maces and bows. There were even some exotic weapons like scythes and chakrams.

Val and Eliana noticed that Alfred was also present in the training ground. Alfred's gaze met theirs from across the field, and in that very moment, an unspoken agreement passed between them to maintain their distance given Marshall's presence in the training ground.

"Everyone, gather around!" Marshall's booming voice echoed across the field, prompting the scattered participants to converge towards him. "You might be wondering about today's training event. It's a mini-tournament. There are a few rules to keep in mind. First, bloodline skills and cursed artifacts are not allowed. This is to ensure a level playing field for everyone."

He pointed towards the racks of weapons and continue, "Secondly, you can only use the weapons provided on these racks. Feel free to pick any weapon you like. If you feel more comfortable with using your fists against an armed opponent, that's also fine. I'll be deciding who gets to spar with whom. If you manage to win three matches in a row, you'll earn yourself 300 contribution points. Now, are there any questions?"

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