Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 680: Her Proposed Deal

Chapter 680: Her Proposed Deal

“My Uncle says

‘You otherworlders are self-centered pieces of trash, who have an unwavering belief that their actions, no matter how extreme, are always right, and nothing can ever change it.’

It served as the basis of many of my predictions about your possible behavioral patterns. And now, I was just proved wrong,” Felicie said, resulting in Zeras looking at her, his eyes filling with a new light.

“No wonder some of your hypotheses in those crazy notes of yours were like that. You were getting everything wrong from the start. Anyway, I have something to tell you, Felicie…” Zeras said as Felicie’s interest and ears perked up.

“A good news for me!? Tell me about it…” she said gleefully, as Zeras’s eyes dulled a little, but he continued nonetheless.

“Well, yesterday, I saw you on the verge of getting harmed, and I saved you, didn’t I?” Zeras began.

“Well, you truly did. After feasting your dirty eyes well, that is…” she said, grumbling as Zeras simply shrugged.

“So, it’s safe to say you owed me one then. But you also helped me translate an important note, so I also owed you one. And both cancel each other out, meaning we both are currently clear.

So say you return back to your cozy ice village. Then you will live the entirety of your life peacefully, and perhaps grow old one day, and the memories of this day will forever fade away? Hmm?” Zeras asked as Felicie’s bright face dropped down massively before she turned her gaze to the distant snow.

“I can’t return home.”

“Sure you can. Just a few kilometers that way and you’ll get back home…” he said as Felicie shook her head.

“I want to see for myself, the Tower of God!” she declared as Zeras raised an eyebrow.

“Forgetting the fact that not many know the direction to that place, it was just as your uncle said. An ordinary mortal will never survive the journey. Not even all otherworlders return back alive. Your death will be more than a surety…”

“Not if I have an otherworlder watching over me…” Felicie argued back.

“You said something about not many people knowing the direction of the Tower of God, right?” she suddenly asked Zeras, who nodded.

“That was what he had been told by that scammer, and if everyone knew where the direction is, then they wouldn’t be sitting down around the place…”

“I know the direction of the Tower of God!” Felicie suddenly said as Zeras raised his eyebrow interestingly.

“Oh really, tell me?”

“Majority of the otherworlders you see now will never reach the Tower of God, except ones whose past families already learned of it.

Then they will have a simple map which can never be written into a book.

Anyone just starting out must have an aboriginal with him, if he or she ever wishes to reach the Tower of God. That was what happened with my father…” Felicie said quietly yet convincingly.

“He was, just like the hundreds of others, journeying with one of the otherworlders into the Tower of God. The god he journeyed with went to the Tower of God and came back alive, but my dad, along with the hundreds of others, never did. They died on the way.

That doesn’t change the fact that an otherworlder must have an aboriginal by his side if he or she ever wants to reach the Tower of God…”

“And what proof do you have of that? You’re just trying to borrow my back for the journey, aren’t you?” Zeras said with a mocking grin as Felicie scoffed.

“If you don’t want to waste your time, scrambling around in the dark, then I’ll say it’ll be better if you have an aboriginal with you, like me, with you.

Besides, what harm does it even do to you? I have no solid proof, but if I’m wrong, then I guess I’ll be paying that back with my own life. And if I’m right, it would only benefit you, won’t it?

You have nothing to lose in any of the scenarios, except just being on the safe side, and crossing away any possible regret…” Felicie explained as Zeras maintained his playful grin, yet his brain was working at full speed.

‘In the scroll that that scammer has given him, it reads that

“None can know of the direction of the Tower of God. None except for the aboriginals…”

And he had also heard of another otherworlder who returned back alive having taken Felicie’s father with him on the journey. It definitely couldn’t have been for fun, and the aboriginals contributed at least in some way. If the theory of the aboriginals were true, then taking Felicie with him would be better than going alone.

Besides, just like she said, if the theory was wrong, then he still wouldn’t be affected at all and will continue with her nonetheless. In what scenario was he affected at all? It was a win-win nonetheless.

“What is your offer, Felicie?” Zeras asked her.

“I want you to take me to keep me alive on the journey, at all costs, and in exchange, I’ll lead you right to the doorstep of what you seek,” Felicie said, stating the full deal of the forming contract.

“It’s reasonable. If your theory and path were really correct, then there’ll be no reason why I shouldn’t keep you alive since you’ll basically be my only hope.

But if it was wrong, you would have exhausted your usefulness, and you know what would happen if that happens, don’t you?” Zeras said with a big kind-hearted smile

“You would have wasted my time, something I have very little left of. And you will pay the price for that, with your own life!Do you agree to the deal?” Zeras asked, this time seriously, and he watched cold sweat drip down Felicie’s face, yet her eyebrows steeled.

“I agree!”

‘I strangely wasn’t expecting that. Guess her will is tougher than she looks…’

“Good then.” Zeras said, when suddenly he saw her hand stretched forward towards him.

“Um, what’s that for?”

“A handshake to cement our deal!?” she said, as Zeras slowly pushed the hand away.

“Our words are enough. Now where do we start from?”

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