Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 557: A Mystifying Change

Chapter 557: A Mystifying Change

“I…” The question came as a deep surprise to Senna, who didn’t expect such a question at all.

Yet it was a sensible question, but one that had strangely eluded her mind completely.

“Right?” Zeras asked once more as Senna looked him in the eye, before directing her gaze away as she took a deep breath in.

“There are two answers to that…” She said as Zeras furrowed his eyebrows yet remained quiet to listen to both answers.

“If I’m talking like one who is in a business relationship with you, the business situation where there was a deal in us giving you a prisoner of ours in exchange for you helping us rank up my race, then I will say, the deal is still incomplete from your side…” “What?” Zeras’ eyes dilated on hearing that as Senna nodded expressionlessly.

“The deal was for you to rank us up. Ranking up our clan, which is currently at the third grade, to the second grade or 1st grade, will require us having an undying realm expert in our clan. You were the one envisioned to reach the undying realm.

The Prodigies War event is nothing more than a single step on your path which gives a higher insurance of you being able to reach the Undying realm in the future which therefore also corresponds with us getting ranked up higher, the original deal…” She explained as Zera’s eyes narrowed.

“So is the deal complete? No. It isn’t. It would only be once you reach the Undying realm expert, by which then you will be recognized as being one of us. And therefore ranked up…” Senna said as Zeras gave a half nod before reclining back on his seat.

“As I said before, there are two answers, and that is the first one…” Senna reminded as Zeras sat upright back.

“So what is the second answer..” “The second answer is that there was no deal at all once you arrived on the Giaran’s planet.” Senna said as Zeras raised an eyebrow…

“What does that mean…” “I mean the deal that was made was between you and the three elders that picked you up from lower Earth.

But once you entered into the sect, and we listened to your case, it was no longer a deal from an outsider to our Giaran clan.

An outsider will never be allowed into the sea of life, let alone being led into one of the deepest cultivation chambers holding the purest essence within, and Audrey, the most protective one of the race, allowed you access. It wasn’t generosity, Zeras.

That was because Audrey no longer viewed you as an outsider. Since we had left and arrived here, I haven’t thought to myself that you were some alien race from the lower realm and we were working on a deal.

We all see it as a Giaran being led to participate in the prodigies war event. Not a human. There is no deal Zeras. We are all happy that you passed the test, and we definitely look forward to what you will achieve in the future.

It’s completely fine if you never reach the Undying realm in the future. You’ll always be recognized as one of our own. Zeras Celestria wasn’t a human, he was a Giaran…” Senna completed with a big smile on her face as Zeras looked dazedly at her.

And rewinding his memory backwards, he could really tell it was true. The way the Giarans had treated him wasn’t like that of a foreigner from the lower realms coming into their clan.

They had not disdained him at all, and they truly helped him like he was one of their own, just like Audrey mentioned after he requested a cultivation chamber from him.

He had been provided everything he wanted.

One could have easily pushed it off as them just being desperate for him to win the event, but he knew well now that he had clearly thought about it.

[And their sea of life really helped a lot Zeras. Do you remember that small pool that you slept in when you wanted to fuse with your genes?

That was the purest essence of the sea of life, holding a bountiful amount of the cleanest source of spiritual energy that you will see in this lower area of the upper realms.

And they had allowed you specifically to the area.

Without that pool, you would have failed to fuse with all your genes, because your soul energy would have been immediately drained before you could even begin expanding.

You were only able to perform those feats of swallowing all the systems due to your soul energy that was being revitalized by countless times.

So you really do owe your current strength, and also half your health, to them if you think about it..] The system explained lengthily as Zeras turned his attention back to Senna.

“I’m sorry for even mentioning the deal at all. I just never thought of it, the way you guys did…” He said with a guilty expression as Senna hit him on his shoulder.

“Don’t be an idiot. I’m glad you never forgot it. And when did you even become a man of your words? I knew you went all out in the mission, partly because you didn’t want to break your promise to us.

Tell me, have you always been like that? Someone who simply refuses to break his promises to others? You don’t look like one…” Senna chuckled as Zeras smiled, yet his brain processed her question deeply.

[It is really true though, Zeras. I know you went all out in the mission because of the quest and the rewards, but faintly, it was also because you didn’t want to break your promise to Senna of you easily passing the tests.

You wanted to keep your words, and you fought so hard to do it, and succeeded in the end.

But there is a problem, when did you start caring about something as mundane as promises?” The system asked as Zeras furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before they relaxed once more…

“I am slowly changing… once more…”

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