Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 473: Zeras Gets Broken Eternally

Chapter 473: Zeras Gets Broken Eternally

“What… what do you mean?” Zeras asked.

But in the next second, he sensed an immediate change from Vornek as he watched that strange aura disperse, and finally, the aura that he knew returned.

His transformation thwarted, and what was now revealed to Zeras was an emaciated figure, with no sign of blood at all, dried up like a corpse, with his face sunken in.

Laying him onto the floor, Zeras watched as Vornek began coughing before slowly opening his dim golden-colored eyes.

“Zeras?” Vornek asked in shock as he looked at that familiar face, in disbelief. He couldn’t believe it; Zeras was supposed to be dead five years ago!

“It is me, Vornek,” Zeras replied. But all he got was Vornek turning to look around him. “Where is he? Where is Vassago?” He asked Zeras, struggling to move his body, all to no avail.

“He has been reduced to ashes by your very hands, Vornek. I watched as you destroyed him,” Zeras said as he watched a smile bloom on Vornek’s face, and with that smile came a loss in something.

“Do you know, Zeras? That I have never been so happy and sad at the same time as I am right now?” He asked, and Zera’s face changed as he watched blood spew out of the side of Vornek’s lips.

“You have to stop talking, Vornek. Your injury will only get worse. Right now, I have to bring you back. There should be someone that can help you,” Zeras said as he proceeded to lift him off the ground. But he was stopped when the hold on Vornek’s hands tightened.

“Don’t bother, Zeras. I casted an art. A life-exchange art. It is already too late for me,” Vornek replied as Zera’s face changed massively. When he looked at Vornek’s core, he could truly see it shriveling up.

“No. That’s definitely a lie,” Zeras said as Vornek smiled to himself.

“You know, Zeras. I just watched everything I have die. My father, Tyler, the girl that I wish to one day propose to, Kelvin, my rival, all the leaders of the dragon planet that I have known since I was young, and they have become to me uncles. I lost them all, Zeras,” Vornek replied, the blood flowing out twice quicker.

“We had called all the races that we know to help us; none responded, Zeras. None wished to help us in this war. We had been alone, all alone,” Vornek said, pain flashing in his eyes.

It was something that had pained him for the past years that he had kept to himself.

“All I wanted was to simply defeat Vassago, and everything should return to how they formerly were. But, it’s too late, Zeras. I have never been so sad as I am right now,” Vornek said as tears spilled out of Zera’s both eyes.

“But you came, Zeras. You were the only one that came,” Vornek said with a smile as Zera’s palms dug into his tightly.

“I was too late, Vornek. I was too late. If only.”

“No, Zeras. You couldn’t have been any more early. I might have lost all my friends and all the people I know, Zeras. But I never lost you, and not only you. I never lost more than the 10,000 dragons behind that wall. My sacrifice wasn’t at all in vain. I got what I wanted the most. I fulfilled my responsibility to the end. Don’t mourn me with tears, Zeras, as I’ll be dying a hero’s death,” Vornek said with a smile as his shriveled hands wiped away his tears before his hands slowly dropped to the ground.

And his core finally dispersed into nothing, followed by Vornek also dispersing into golden particles. That day, a legend that will be remembered for eons, left the world!

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” A devastating roar boomed out of Zera’s mouth as he clenched both hands tightly.

“Why!!! Why me!!! Why must I lose everything!!! I have lost him!!! I have lost Vornek!!! Why!!! WHY!!!” “If I had just been stronger. If I could have just arrived earlier. If only I could have been with him since the beginning of it all. I should be the one to have died! Not you, Vornek, it shouldn’t be a person like you. It shouldn’t be you…” It was an intense mourn.

An intense grief that overshadowed all of his senses. Even when he had lost his cultivation base, even when he had lost everyone and the world seemingly turned its back against him. He had never mourned at all. He didn’t even shed a single tear.

But this stings, this stings more than death! This stings more than all the pain that he had gone through since he had been born into this world. He didn’t just lose a friend, Zeras had forever lost a part of his soul.


Time passed, a day, two days, a week, two weeks, a month…

The dark clouds have long dispersed, and the darkness that covered the various peaks of the dragon settlement has long been cleansed.

Mana once again poured through the entire dragon settlement which had quickly recovered from the past wounds. But only a single thing remained unchanged.

The figure who sat outside the wall, having stayed in the same position for a month now. And the blood that dripped down his eyes for the past month now.

The dragons, of course, had already sighted him, but none of them approached him as directed by the elders that were still remaining in the dragon settlement. Instead, they had found a new way.

After a full month, Zeras finally raised up his head as he looked over the settlement, and he could see.

A gigantic statue of a golden-haired young man, holding a sword in his hands as he looked up at the sky, the feeling of pride emanating from his very being… It was the image of a person he had forever lost, the image of…


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