Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 470: Vornek Loses It All

Chapter 470: Vornek Loses It All

The people they promised to protect lay behind them, it was the great barricade that covered the third invasion. And right before them was an undefeatable enemy that was no doubt just playing with them.


The ground beneath his feet caved in as Kelvin [The dark dragon] disappeared from where he stood, as he immediately appeared before the dark-scaled man, his claws already sent crashing forth with speed.



A devastating explosion rippled outwards with speed, as both claws smashed into each other a deafening reverberation ringing out.

In that split second, Kelvin instantly opened his gigantic maw as an incredibly powerful ball of intense dark energy formed in his mouth which he immediately spewed out at the man’s face.

It was the most powerful attack he was capable of, yet when it smashed into the man’s face and quieted down, Kelvin noticed the man’s release on his claws never relaxed at all. Soon his face was once again revealed, and much to the young dragon’s aura, there were only a few minor scratches on his face which soon healed back in the next second.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you have been completely overtaken by my will, yet you’re still fighting me. Your body still recognizes that I’m an enemy even though your soul has been long lost. You are the first person I have seen with such powerful will. Unfortunately,



Instantly the entire world shook wildly as Kelvin shot backward with speed, yet when he landed on the ground, beside Vornek, his core had been ripped out of his chest,

“KEVVVINNNNN!!!!” Vornek roared out from pain as Kevin slowly stretched out his claws, which were caught in Vornek’s palm.

“I don’t want to die, Vornek. We still haven’t had our last spar yet….” Kevin said as tears streamed out of Vornek’s eyes.

“You win, Kevin. You win…” Vornek cried out as he watched the smile bloom out of his best friend’s face and slowly, he dispersed into those dark gas.

“NO… Not You too.” Vorek whispered as he felt the hands in his palms dispersed, forever lost to time,

He had watched as everything came crumbling down. All the dragon leaders have been defeated by the man before him. And now his two best friends also lay dead, not even their ashes remaining.

“I… I don’t understand. Why us? What have we done wrong!?” He asked, failing to understand just what they had done to deserve this.

“Fate, young one. It’s a universal force that controls us all. Some are born on the right-hand side of fate. Born with special bloodlines, leave everyone else in the dust and are praised as kings and queens.

But some, like you, are born on the bad side of it. Some like you. Having lost their parents, watching as their friends die in the hands of the enemy, and their people crumble with not even an ash left behind. I have also once been forced to witness this too…” Vassago said with a malevolent expression.

“You’re evil! You’re the one to be blamed for this!” Vornek barked as he slowly rose from the ground.

“How can you blame me? How can the world blame me for being evil, when it was the one that turned me into one? My entire bloodline was slaughtered, just because of our potential to take control over others.

We have never used our ability before. We had always stayed hidden from sight, just because we fear harming others, due to our ability Yet what was the end of us, an instant extermination, by the higher-ups of the upper realms?

Just what evil has my clan done to order for a total extermination? I watched as they all fell downwards, using everything they had to make sure three of us escaped. I was the only that could survive and it took me 6000 years to recover from that grievous wound.

And that was when I chanced before that ancient tome. The ancient tome where I had learned about the unique ability of dragons, and the most unique of them all, the Jade dragons.

“A dragon which had gone extinct in the upper realms, a dragon with an unlimited capacity for growth. A dragon that can control all the beasts in the world with a thought. A being feared for its heaven-collapsing physical strength…

And I found that Jade dragon signal! That was how I was able to track him down and seize his body for myself!” Vassago said as he clenched and unclenched his feet, a malevolent grin on his face.

“One I killed all of the dragons here, and I devour all of your essence. I will reach the True Universe origin rank at the least, and probably reach the 3rd heaven Universe rank at best. Then I’ll begin the revenge for my race!” Vassago said, anger and conviction flashing in his madness-ridden eyes.

“So, do not blame me for what has happened to your world. It is simply… Fate!” Vassago said as Vornek laughed like a madman.

“Fate? Fate, you say?” He whispered to himself and slowly Vornek began shifting from his dragon form and reverted back to a 2-meter tall human form.

“I have already lost everything. I can’t come to terms with the reality of continuing to live anymore. So, I might as well use everything I have…” Vornek mused out loudly and in the next second…


A golden pillar of light flashed through the world, as Vassago himself shot backwards, the golden light illuminating the darkness around him, and instantly erasing it from existence.

“Impossible!” Vassago roared out in shock as he watched for the first time, something tearing apart his source energy.

“Forbidden Ancestral Dragon Art: Wrath of The Golden Scaled Guardian!” Vornek whispered and immediately he transformed from a two-meter-tall humanoid creature to a different being.

A transformation art forever lost to time and unique only to the purest of all Golden Dragons.

A transformation for a warrior who has truly lost it all.

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