Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 452: Freeing The Humans...

Chapter 452: Freeing The Humans…

“Tch, coward…” Zeras mused as he looked at the light figure soaring into the distance. He had thought Roaryie would have wanted to fight him and he would have used that as an opportunity to teach him a lesson for always calling him a lowlife and a bastard. But who would have thought he would immediately run away?

“Now to the really important business….” Zeras mused to himself as he slowly rose into the air, before immediately soaring into the distance.


2 hrs later…

On the G5 spaceship…




The sound of various cages getting unlocked rang throughout the prison walls, as the human prisoners slowly exited their cell.

“Hmmm, a total of 3608 prisoners. All unlocked…” Zeras muttered to himself as he looked at the crowd of wretched-looking humans before him who all looked at him with strange expressions on their faces, while some nervously looked around, sweats down their faces.

‘They must all be thinking I’m trying to break them out of prison, and they must have been pretty sure that is a useless endeavour…’

“I am not breaking you all out. You have all been given the freedom that you weren’t supposed to be deprived of before…” Zeras said and beside him, a figure materialized out of thin air.

A Giaran that made all the human prisoners unknowingly shift backwards from fear as he was none other than Guiro, the galaxy-rank stage guarding the prison.

“That is true. You have all been given your freedom. You can no exit without harm…” Yuiro said as he stared at Zeras with a hateful and at the same time curious expression on his face.

They had all received the information that a human would be coming for all the prisoner guards of the various sectors and they were to let him have his way.

It was much to the hate of the guardians, but against the three ultimate giarans they all had no choice but to swallow their hate and agree.

In the next second, he disappeared just as he came, leaving only Zeras and the prisoners alone.

“Follow me…” Zeras ordered as he made his way outside the prisoner wall, and all the prisoners immediately followed after him. They were all unaware of the tick that was currently unfolding, but still, it was their last hope to exiting the place and they chose to stake it on this strange saviour of theirs.

Passing through the multitudes of guards on the way, none of them make a move at all. They couldn’t help but begin believing this might be their only chance of leaving.

Finally exiting the prison walls and seeing the artificial clouds was enough to make some of the humans collapse on their knees and cry tears of joy.


It was something they had no idea would ever happen to them, yet here they were standing and seeing the clouds.

Zera’s gaze scanned through the crowds of humans as he couldn’t help but exhale.

“I am far from being a saint. But to allow all of you to keep rotting in here. It is something I am unable to do.” Zeras mused and in the next second, he regained his determination.

“You all hold hands together. Whatever you do, you must never let your partner go…” Zeras ordered as he watched them all stand-up and begin holding each of their hands. In such a situation, the humans were strangely very cooperative.

Once they all held their hands together, Zeras held one of the ends, and in the next second, he flared out with an incredibly powerful red energy which no doubt oozed with an incredibly baleful evil aura enough to cause some of the humans to scream out.

Yet they couldn’t help but notice the red barrier covering them all like some sort of dome and in the next second, they took off to the sky, quickly the ground beneath them turned to ants as they completely exited the spaceship and Zeras took them to the G1 spaceship were there were almost up to 11,000 human prisoners present already.

The Giarans were instantly able to capture close to 15,000 human captives in just the first war alone, which showed their military force was truly not a joke at all.

“Looking at the crowd which filled the entire room tightly, Zeras heaved a sign of relief.

“He couldn’t imagine what would happen if the Giarans had chosen to kill all the humans instead of keeping them prisoners. A total of close to 15,000 humans would have been lost. A number that would have taken more than hundreds of years to achieve.

Beside Zeras, the space at his sides shook wildly and immediately two figures appeared by his side, none other than Sylvia and D’arvey.

“How long before you return?” Sylvia asked as she turned to look at him.

“Give me three days. And then we’ll be leaving…” Zeras replied as She gave a nod.

“We’ll also need some time to recheck all of our forces and also prepare the route back to the upper realm. That will also take some time. You can go Zeras, but come back in three days. We don’t have much time before the Prodigies War events begin.” D’arvey said as Zeras gave a re-assuring nod, and they also disappeared,

“Huuuu.” Zeras exhaled as he looked at the crowd of humans, taking such a loud crowd through space wouldn’t be an easy job and Zeras didn’t necessarily have the time to be taking them one by one so he had to carry them all at once.

“You all please hold hands tightly. We’ll now be leaving for Earth, most of you might be wondering why we can’t take a spaceship, and that is due to the formation placed on Earth which only accepts humans and refuses anything having to do with the Giarans. Their spaceship won’t be able to enter Earth.

“So, you all would have to rely on me to get through the pressure of space. It is dangerous, but with me here, you can rest assured nothing would go wrong if you hold each other tightly and never let go…”

“And how can we even trust you?”

“We don’t have spacesuits and you want us to travel through space?”

“How do we even know you just don’t want the pressure of space to kill all of us?”

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