Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 410: The Devil Called Zeras 2

Chapter 410: The Devil Called Zeras 2


The devilish laughter boomed out as gigantic bolts of electricity blasted forth with horrifying power and immediately it crashed head-on on Zeras.


Instantly, the gigantic prison structure seemed to have been run head-on by a titan as it immediately blasted apart into pieces and instantly sent smashing into the distance, dust blowing up into the air and obstructing all their gazes.




But the group didn’t have time to even relax their breathing as they saw the prominent shadow that was within the smoke and was slowly walking towards them, arriving before them in mere seconds.

“Impossible…” Evir roared out in shock as he looked at the devilish figure who was standing upright with not a single sign of injuries on his body and his evil grin never for once leaving.

“An eye for an eye, don’t you all agree.”

Zeras said with a grin and immediately, the ground beneath his feet gave away and he appeared instantly in front of Evir, the most powerful of all the Giarans currently gathered.

“There’s no need for them to attack. Only you are barely worth….” Zeras said into his ears and instantly, his claw smashed out with horrifying speed, the space flowing forward like water, but Evir wasn’t even a single second slow as runic green lines blazed on his right arm and he instantly wrapped his hands, the space beneath his palms crumbling to pieces before smashing outwards with power.


The undulating shockwaves that rippled forth immediately sent all of the Giarans flying into the air as the space beneath at the point of collision shattered into pieces sending the sharp shards of glass that easily skewered the surrounding Giarans.


Another devastating explosion rippled forth as the Zera’s smashed his claws out once more with reckless abandon and immediately Evir also smashed pout with another green fist, the shockwaves rippling apart another group of Giarans in the place.

Space dilated crazily and continuously exploded as claws and fists locked together, each trying to forcefully push away the other but none of them moved a single inch revealing they were equally matched.

Zera’s smile widened even more and immediately, his sharp tail suddenly lung forward at Evir with horrifying speed and instantly wrapped around his neck before he could even blink.


The entire world seemed to have suddenly begun revolving as Evir felt the tail wrapped around his neck, the spied digging into his neck, and the next second, he was forcefully raised his feet before getting smashed into the ground and the next instant, he was sent crashing into multitudes of buildings uncontrollably.


Zeras watched with a grin how Evir was sent smashing into the multitude of buildings that crumbled down like old clay, reducing the Giarans inside the building into a paste.

Slowly, he turned his attention towards the prison guards that were still around him whose faces immediately changed when he set his eyes on them and they all immediately fired with their lightning spears.




What followed next was a crazy killing spree as heads exploded like watermelons and the Giarans were torn apart into multitudes of pieces by the rampaging devil whose every slash harvested multitudes of souls, and there was absolutely no stopping him at all.

Zeras was incredibly fast, so much so he could arrive instantly in front of them before they could even pull the trigger on their weapon and even when the lightning hit him, only his clothes were burned off and the red scales didn’t even have a single scorch mark present.


The air crackled explosively and space was shattered into pieces as a figure flaring with an extremely powerful green light immediately flashed forward with horrifying speed. Eyes flaring with a thunderous green light.


Everything in Evir’s path was reduced to nothing by his explosive speed as he poured everything, he had into running as fast as he could, in less than 20 seconds, he had arrived back at the prison where he was sent flying from but he couldn’t help but suck in a deep breath as he looked at the scene.

Standing among heaps of dead bodies who had been outright torn apart in the cruelest way possible was none other than the white-haired devil shoes tail danced behind him, further dicing the corpse into pieces.

All the almost 300 guards that were present were dead! Dead!

“Took you long enough…” The guttural voice rang out from his ears as Ever watched the young man slowly rise to his sea and swing the blood on his arms to the side.

“You…You bastard…” Ever said through the gaps of his teeth as he looked at Zeras, both nails digging into his palms.

And with an interesting smirk, Zeras watched as green light flared even more brightly from Evir’s face and a gigantic phantom image reaching up to a thousand meters in height appeared over Evir’s body.

Looking at the phantom., the image was that of an ancient warrior clad in a grin and putting on a gauntlet on his hands.

“You will be condemned to eternal damnation for your atrocious act, you lowlife!!!” The roar blasted into Zera’s ears as he watched the phantom image reduce in size and gather around Evir’s body.

Instantly, Evir changed now clad in a phantasmal ancient armour and with strange green gauntlets brimming with ruinous green runic lines wrapped around his arms

“Really an interesting transformation. You have become greener…” Zera mocked instead and right before Evir’s eyes.

He watched the impossible happen.

“How about a game, Ever? A very interesting game. If you win the game, I’ll surrender myself and allow you to do whatever you like to me…” Zeras said with a smile as Evir tightened his leg muscles preparing for the most explosive speed he had ever done in his life.

“The duration of this game lasts for thirty minutes. And within that period, all you have to do is stop me from killing a thousand of your people, then I’ll surrender myself….” Zeras said with a malevolent smile as Evir’s face changed and immediately he appeared instantly in front of Zeras, his hands already piercing forward towards his head but he was shocked when he watched his hands pass through nothing but thin air and Zera’s body suddenly puffed into particles and he became a… a rat!


Skidding on the ground to stop his motion, he turned to look at the rat who was standing on both feet and clapping his hands.

“Our game starts now, Evir…” The rat said to him and Evir watched as he entered through the canal and disappeared down the gutter.

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