Chapter 403: Awakening

The rhythmic beating of the heart was so powerful, that the entire malevolent sea pulsed together according to its rhythm causing a strange phenomenon to appear over the malevolent sea, which continued rippling outwards rhythmically.

It is completely unknown how long the breathing had been for, but as time passed, it slowly grew quieter and quieter, until there was no longer any sound of breathing.

And finally, the devilish body which had remained in its position for an unknown number of years stirred a little. And what followed was the entire malevolent sea quivering as if the entire world was about to turn over its head.

Slowly, the figure’s claws twitched a little followed by its hind leg also quivering slightly. Every minimalistic movement caused a violent upheaval that forcefully lifted all the abyssal creatures out of the sea and flung their enormous body into the air.

And immediately, everything all quieted down suddenly as if it was all only a mirage when suddenly a beam of dark flashed throughout the malevolent sea as if a star had been born within and immediately.


A dark light flashed out of the malevolent sea with speed coming to properly stand upright at a height of 500 meters in the air.

The dark light surrounding its figure finally dispersed, revealing the full figure of the monstrosity.

A devilish monstrosity of 2 meters standing in the air. Its four devilish arms covered in beautiful red scales slowly unfolded off its body, as the devilish figure spread all four of its arms to the side, while the long claws on its legs dangle on the empty void.

Behind it was a long three-meter-long spiked tail flickering around in the space, their mere flicker enough to slice the space apart.

“Ahhhhhhhh….” A stale white air poured out of his mouth like the smoke from a faulty engine, as the figure blew out all the smoke in its mouth before finally focusing his eyes on his surroundings and turning to look at his scales.

“Who am I?” The guttural voice was powerful it resounded throughout the entire space surrounding him.

His memory was absolutely blank and he couldn’t remember a single thing at all. But he also didn’t have to wait for long, when suddenly his eyes snapped close and he stood motionless in the air before finally opening his eyes once again, this time the lost look having disappeared completely.

“So, I finally regained my strength. Finally, I finally regained my full strength…” Zeras mused out loudly, and slowly, the large grin appeared all over his face before.

“HAAHHAHAHAAHAHA…” Uncontrollable laughter boomed out of Zera’s mouth as his entire body quivered from happiness and a small teardrop slid down his left eye.

It’s been three years. For three years he had completely lost all of his strength. Three years that he had been stifled with the feeling of missing something very important. And finally, he had regained all of his strength.

He had done the impossible. And for the net 3 minutes, Zeras simply stood mid-air and looked at the blank sky. It was a moment of peace that he knew well he was worthy of and used to reward himself for successfully completing the mission.

“Hey, system…” Zeras walked out and instantly the golden notification panel appeared in front of his face.

[Congratulations on Host’s successful evolution into a True Chaos Devourer…]

[Congratulations, Host has awakened a new class, Abyssal Omni-Chaotic…]

“I’ve finally evolved to a true chaos devourer…” Zeras mused to himself as he looked at his new body, unknowingly dragging all four of his arms to his face.

‘Really a Chaos Devourer…’ Zeras thought as he looked at these claws. He had no doubt, those claws could easily rip his past self apart with a single touch.

“And it seemed I grew a tail too…” Zeras mused to himself as he brought his tail to his eyes and looked cursory at the abyssal creation before him.

“Hmmm, my heart. There’s something wrong with my heart…” Zeras turned to himself as he moved his hands to his heart and felt the object which only beat once after three seconds.

[Congratulations, Host has successfully awakened, the Heart of Chaos. The host should check the skills and abilities tab to check his new abilities…]

The system notification panel appeared in front of his eyes, but Zeras didn’t divert his attention away from his beating heart.

‘This heart…It gives me the same feeling as my left eye, which is the eyes of chaos. It is a dreadful feeling of it not being mine…’ Zeras thought in his head, although there was no visible change in his expression.

And diverting his gaze away from it he turned to look at his four arms and his body that was levitating in the air without any support.

“Hey, system…” Zeras suddenly called out as he looked at the hundreds of abyssal creatures present in the water who were all looking at him without moving.

Normally the abyssal creatures were mindless beats that would attack anything on sight but now they were all just looking at him, unmoving, even the humongous of them all.


“Have I become a god?” Zeras suddenly asked the question that had been bothering his mind. And instantly he moved. Slowly raising his leg into the air, Zeras suddenly stomped hard on the empty space.


What happened next was an unbelievable sight as Zeras watched the entire sea suddenly thrown above into the sky, also lifting all the abyssal creatures into the sky.

Following that, Zeras raised his hands upwards in the direction of the abyssal creature before slashing once at the empty space in front of him…


And instantly another sea formed above the malevolent sea. A sea of absolute black contained within the remanets of all the abyssal creatures present in the sea.


Gravity finally did its job as both seas were dragged back onto the ground, black and inky black missing together.

And instantly, all the abyssal creatures in the malevolent sea were wiped out of existence!

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