Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 401: Evolution Into A True Chaos Devourer 1

Chapter 401: Evolution Into A True Chaos Devourer 1




The sound that emerged from the soul’s body was the violent beating of an object in its chest. And circular shockwaves rippled outwards into the distance from the dark light that was currently present in his chest, which was none other than the monument.

Once the chest in the soul body began beating, immediately inky black tattoos began spreading forth from the center of Zera’s chest, every pump causing it to move even farther and farther around his body.

In less than 10 minutes, his entire body has been clothed in such inky dark tattoos reaching even up to his long white hair, making him look like an emissary of light and darkness.

And immediately, the dark runes also began pausing with dark light, with every pulse, the ruins orderly rearranged themselves and as time went by one could see the image they were all forming, the exact image of the gigantic being that was drawn onto the stone monument.

The drawing was at first very blurry but as time passed it became more pronounced and after some time, the image of a sitting giant who had the entire world surrounding his body replaced Zeras completely.

“Ashes To Glory. A Soul That Transcends All…” The being formed on Zera’s suddenly said and changed the hand seal resting on his lap and immediately, all the stars around it suddenly began revolving around it, in a way that they never crashed into each other and each brightened up like stars illuminating Zera’s figure within the illumination.

It was like all the planets revolving around the singular sun, but instead of the sun sending out its rays of light to them, they instead sent out the rays of light to the sun itself, brightening it up in their light.

15 days later…

The surface of the malevolent sea which was undergoing massive tides in the past was now deadly calm, with not a single ripple at all. It was a horrifying calmness that would make anyone have their hairs standing on end as they watched the inky black ocean have not a single ripple on its surface.

If one were to dive in, one would see all the abyssal creatures having paused in a single motion and remaining completely unmoving.

Large abyssal creatures, and the small ones all mixed, forming a strangely orderly shape and one would notice them curved in a C-shape, their eyes looking deep into the ocean here a ripple of ruinous dark energy surged forward from within the pitch-black abyss.

Following the ruinous energy that was consistently rippling forward. Its source was none other than a body that was gently floating in the vast expanse of the inky black water. The figure was that of a young man, who had both eyes closed and had a peaceful expression on his face as if he was in a deep slumber, but what would have shocked most was the strange dark energy that oozed out from his body, making its surrounding area reach an unbelievable level of darkness. And this darkness that seemed to be even able to devour light was emanating from none other than the harmless young man floating in the void of space.

Above his head, one could see the floating dak crystal and in the next second, the small devilish figure once again appeared.

“Hmm, not bad, not bad. This amount of soul energy. It really isn’t too shabby for a Chaos Devourer cub…” The devilish figure mused before turning to look at Zera’s chest where the crystal could be seen.

“Hey, get out of there. You already did your job. What is the point of trying to put your consciousness in his body?” The devilish figure suddenly asked with an irritated expression and immediately the figure of the being immediately appeared from Zera’s chest.

“After 10,000 years, I have done my work as fate has ordained. Now I will return to the embrace of the chaotic ones…” The monk said as a mocking smirk appeared on the ‘Zera’s’ face.

“Idiot, you’re going to hell…” He mocked as he watched the being slowly dispersing.

“No matter how many times you try to reincarnate, no matter who you try to reincarnate through, your plans will never succeed…” The being said before it completely faded away into nothing, leaving only the ‘Zeras’ sitting on the crystal.

“I have tried reincarnating for a million times now, but I have always failed, each failure more devastating than the last.” ‘Zeras’ suddenly said looking into the distance, eyes flashing with a thousand emotions but soon an abysmally dark grin unfolded on its face as it turned his attention back to Zeras.

“But you, I have a feeling you’re the one…” The devilish figure said looking at eras, eyes flashing, as if he had seen the finest of gold.

“Those damn ancients. Never would they have expected an existence like you, Zeras. Never would you have been in their plan…”

The devilish figure cackled out evilly and immediately it dived back into the crystal before it immediately shut into Zera’s forehead.


Instantly, a pillar of dark light pierced through the inky black malevolent sea, immediately heading for the clouds and immediately it also ripped it apart, and pierce out of the clouds, rippling through the gravitational energy of the Humban planet.

But still, it didn’t stop there as it continued piercing upwards unendingly and with horrifying speed.

The lower realms, The Upper realms…

The beam of light pierced through the thousands and thousands of galaxies travelling up to the father level of the Upper realms before it slowly dispersed away.

The light beam was almost instantaneous, disappearing and appearing like a flicker…

Yet, races that have been slumbering for more than thousands of years, mighty figures dominating the sky and earth. Giants roaming through the rive of space-time. Each immediately locked eyes on the distant galaxy. It was countless of eons faraway from them, but they all could still sense that aura. It has been edge forever in their memories.

“He has finally been born. Iruma Nasgara!!!”

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