Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 396: Leaving For Planet Humban

Chapter 396: Leaving For Planet Humban

“And also, I just want to go fix some minor health problems that I have. I don’t look sick, do I?” Zeras said with a playful smirk as he stood up from his seat and slowly moved towards the exit but stopped when he felt two hands wrapped around his waist from behind while strands of purple hair blew across his face.”Promise Zeras, that you’ll be back soon…” Miara whispered as Zera’s eyes looked blankly into the distance.

The variables were too much. The chance of his survival even after he completes the mission, is still close to nil. How could he promise such a thing that was absolutely out of his control? How can he make a fake promise to such a person?

“I promise, Miara. I’ll be back, soon…” Zeras said as he felt the hold loosened and he completely exited the revolving door, the SUV driving off into the distance a moment later.

“You love him?” The voice suddenly rang out from beside her eyes as Miara jerked out of her dazedness and looked at Mr. Jim, the boss of the library, in chock.

“What do you mean?” Miara asked with a plain expression.

“You have been looking in his position for 3 minutes straight and weren’t even aware when I arrived before you. Such eyes can only be that of love. Unfortunately,” Mr. Jim said as he looked in the direction where Zeras headed in.

Being the boss of the library, he of course had to do well in his research about all of his employees and was able to discover that Zeras was from the EIA, an also his reasons for his exclusion from it.

It had been three years now and he was sure Zeras asking him for a leaf was probably because the young man’s death was really close by.

“Why do you say it’s unfortunate if you don’t mind me asking…” Miara asked. She could tell there was something her boss knew that she didn’t and she was dying to what that is.

Mr. Jim said as she looked at the pretty Miara young lady before him and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Zeras is dead…dead at heart.”

“Um, excuse me…” Miara asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You’ll understand soon…” Jim replied cryptic and he headed back into the library, and Miara followed after him, a confused expression on her face.


The Royal Aircraft Airport was a gigantic organization with many branches across the earth, known for its expertise in travel using aircraft. But it wasn’t only Earth that they were based on and also engaged in interplanetary levels across the infinite galaxy.

One of Zera’s side organizations had a business partnership with the organization and that was why he possessed some airships among their flights which are under their business. That was the only way he could hide the spaceship from the eyes of the people.

Zeras had planned everything for his ultimate mission of going to the Humban planet. The Humban planet according to what he heard was an off-limits area that all transporters were forbidden to go.

So, flying there is out of the question. The only way to go was to procure his own personal spaceship and since he was no longer part of the EIA. He didn’t ask them for a spaceship, even though they probably could rent him one.

He didn’t want the EIA, to know about his comeback, if there will ever be one. It was better for his plans if they all thought he was dead. And that was why he had built his own organization to procure all the necessary tools, for completing all the missions.

Arriving at the gigantic gate of the organization, he was immediately given permission to enter once he handed them his ID Card and immediately Zeras zoomed inside the place going for another 25 kilometers before finally arriving at his location.

A place where rows and rows of spaceships were packed, each containing around two spaceships in a single block. There were close to fifty of such blocks but Zeras didn’t have to look around too much before he found a spaceship with one of the smaller organizations, he had…

Parking his car in the automobile area, he walked towards the spaceship he immediately entered into it and started the engine.

Looking at the rows of different controls and buttons, Zeras couldn’t help but smile brightly as he remembered the days of flying around with the spaceships.

“The Interdimensional-combat department really was worth all the trouble…” Zeras said to himself as his eyes immediately gleamed in focus and he began pressing some of the buttons, the engine rumbling to life and slowly it moved away from the block where it was kept, going higher and higher in the air before immediately it exploded forth with speed, leaving remanets of red and purple in the air and soon, it broke out of Earth’s gravitational field and disappeared into the dark expanse of space.

“Activate Bio-Planetary scanner…” Zeras voiced out as he moved through the vast emptiness…

“Bio-planetary scanner has been activated, where would you like to get a map for…”

“The Humban Planet…” Zeras uttered.

“Are you sure you want to go to the Humban planet? The Humban planet has been universally declared as a no-go area. And anyone or organization flying to the place would be severely dealt with ranging from complete organization shut down to 10 years imprisonment…”

“Yes, I’m sure…” Zeras replied and instantly, the screen in front of the controller immediately brightened up as two dots appeared on the planetary map consisting of hundreds and hundreds of planetary bodies.

A green one which depicted where he was and another one of a red colour which depicted the Humban planet.

“Huuuuu, Time to regain back all my lost strength,” Zeras said out in conviction and instantly the spaceship was pushed to a speed of Mach 7 and instantly exploded forward with an inconceivable speed that immediately blew the surrounded space into shards of glasses.

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