Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 393: Zera's Understanding Of Revenge

Chapter 393: Zera’s Understanding Of Revenge

“Hello, please can you give me twenty pieces of your most delicious lollipops…” The young man with white hair standing in front of the average-looking store filled with dozens of sweets said to the middle-aged man sitting at the front.

“20 pieces of the sweets lollipop, your kid must have been a handful…” The woman joked as Zeras chuckled to himself.

“Yeah, she really is one of a kind…” Zeras replied with a smile.

“Then, I’ll get you the sweetest lollipop she had ever tasted…” The middle-aged woman said as she quickly went into the shop and disappeared within.

Now remaining was the white-haired young man who looked around the streets where other people could be seen, going on their daily business…

“Here you go, sir…” The woman said as she arrived back to Zeras and placed the twenty sweets on the table

It was a pretty gigantic lollipop with rainbow colors and formed in the shape of a heart.

“This is one of the coolest that I have actually ever seen. And how much are they?” Zeras asked as the woman looked at the sweets and scrutinized Zeras well before giving her reply.

“The price of one is 50-star coins. So, twenty together is a thousand-star coin. But since you’re such a loving father, I’ll agree to set the price at 800-star coins.” She explained as Zeras gave a nod and dipped his hands to his pockets bringing out some bundles and drew out two pieces before placing them on the table.

“Here you go. Thank you, Ma’am…” Zeras said as the sweets were packed onto the nylon and passed to him, done with that, the young man’s back disappeared into the distance.

“Two…Two-thousand-star coins!?” The woman quivered as she looked at the two notes before. They were more than she had ever made of the entire week.


“No, no, no…” Olyn’s voice filled with fear and regret echoed throughout the room as he looked dazedly at the comms in his hands which had already gone out of power.

“What went wrong?” Syndril words rang beside his ears as Olyn finally regained himself a little, although the tears in his left eye couldn’t help becoming a massive waterfall.

“We’ve lost connection to the boss, Syndril. He’s been discovered…” Olyn said as a vein popped on her forehead,

“You all worry too much; the boss will be back soon…” The muscular man leaning on the wall finally said for the first time.

“And how sure are you of that?” Olyn asked as he collapsed on his seat. Only he knew how long Zeras had been discovered and knew well the situation was very bad.

“Then we wait for thirty minutes. If he’s not back within thirty minutes. Then he must have been captured. The entire group would go all out and strike at once…” Syndril said as she picked up her phone and began rapidly pressing.

“All spy units are to now go around the vicinity of the Museum Hall and record any strange abnormality occurring within…” Syndril ordered into the phone before continuing to type quickly on her phone.

“Hey, Olyn…” She asked as she looked at the boy drowning in tears,

“Drink up your tears and hack the surveillance camera closer to the Museum Hall. I’m sure Iruma can find a way to not get killed instantly and he might have been more likely to be sent away and jailed instead. Once he exits, then we begin the retrieve operation…” Syndril said as Olyn’s hands immediately got to work.

20 minutes later…

The pressure in the room had reached a thick level as Olyn’s wet eyes glued to the camera dazedly.

“Strange. There is no difference at all. The guards are all working back as if nothing happened at all. This is not how they would behave if they caught a thief…” Olyn said as Syndril’s eyebrows furrowed.

“The spies have also said there are no unnatural movements, except they were now a mechanical sewage team that is inside the Museum Hall for unknown reasons…

“Hmm, perhaps, he….”


The sound of the elevator rang out through the place and from within the room, Zeras stepped into the room.


“Daddy…” The former voice rang out even louder than the former as Zeras felt the tight hug around his waist…

“Aria, I have a present for you…” Zeras said with a smile as the white-haired girl released him from her grasp and looked at him with puppy eyes.

And from his coat, Zeras brought out the package before revealing the head of one of the rainbow sweets.

“It’s all yours…” He said with a smile as Arai grabbed the sweet nylon and gave him another big hug.

“Thank you, daddy.” And with a hop in her steps, she disappeared out of the room with her pack of lollipops to only the devils know where…

“Hey, guys…” Zeras greeted with a wild grin on his face as he hopped over to Olyn’s side.

“But I thought, I thought…” Olyn said about to burst out another waterfall but got wiped off when the hard knock drilled into his ears.

“Stop acting like a kid, Olyn,” Zeras said with a playful smirk on his face as he brought out a handkerchief and cleaned the young boy’s tears.

“I’m sorry boss…”

“Dummy. What crime did you commit? Just make sure you consider all options well before you choose to embark on a mission. You know well what could happen if you don’t.” Zeras advised as Olyn nodded repeatedly.

“Send them back…” He suddenly said as he turned to look at Syndril. And just as he guessed, the red-haired lady brought out her phone as she rapidly typed and her words rang out.

“All the spies and operation team should retreat, now…”

“That was too dangerous. You could have gotten yourself killed!” Syndril chastised.

Zeras gave a serious nod.

“It was no doubt dangerous, but well worth it. We obtained the footage and I also got Achai her lollipops. Right, Olyn.”

“Yes, boss. With this footage and the hundreds of crimes that we have gathered over the last two years, it would be clearer than day how the Celestria family broke a universal rule. Then, I’ll the only thing that would be even more shocking would be if the Celestria family got out of this without losing their heads…” Olyn said with a grin, and behind it one could see the murderous intent in his eyes.

“Clear that away, Olyn. Don’t be overtaken by the thought of revenge.” The words rang beside Olyn’s ears as he turned to look at Zeras.

“If you think like that. You will miss some important details or overadd the necessary information. Just enter that state of blankness and throw out the thought of revenge…” Zeras said as he held him tight on the shoulder.

“But why boss? Why do you always say that when you have the greatest will for revenge among all of us…”

“It is because of a lesson, I learned just a few years ago. Once the thought of revenge clouds all of your thinking and action, then you become a slave to your opponent…”

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