Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 381: The Origin Of The Universe

Chapter 381: The Origin Of The Universe

“I know she misses me well, father. I know. And I know, she must be smiling wherever she is if she sees how you have taken care of me even after she had gone to a better place…” Vornek said as a smile bloomed on Veurnech’s face.

“You have strangely gotten better at words Vornek, but you’re completely right. Come let us get you something to eat before we both get some fresh air…” He said as he clamped his hands on Vuernech’s shoulder and they both climbed up the tower to reach the highest base.


At the highest base of the Golden Emperor’s palace…

The highest base of the palace was a gigantic wide-open space that made the entire place clearly well seen from the absolute top.

The massive mountain, the sea of golden dragons moving around through the places, everything was sighted by two golden-haired figures who stood at the highest balcony of the place.

“You eat like a snake…” Veurnech said as he looked at Vornek with disdain flashing in his eyes causing the muscularity to smile weirdly.

“That’s surprisingly what you call me all the time…” He replied with a helpless smile. It seems having been on Earth for some time had made Vornek lose his beastly devouring ability. He was presented with a fully cooked bear but Vornek could only finish half of it. Much to his father’s disappointment who ordered for a second bear just in case…

“I wonder why you called me home very quickly?” Vornek said as he stood upright from reclining on the edges of the balcony.

“What you don’t want to see your family again. You have gotten too cozy with the humans haven’t you…” Veurnech said with a grin as Vornek rolled his eyes.

“No Father. It’s just I know you’re a great planner and you planned for me to be on Earth for the last two years to acquire intelligence faster than natural. But this time it has been less than a year and you already ordered me to come back home. It is like something affected your plan and you had to quickly modify it. I feel like something is wrong somewhere…” Vornek noted with furrowed eyebrows.

“Ahhh, it seems the half-a-year expedition was a massive progress. I’m proud you have stopped being too much of a brute Vornek…” Veurnech determined with a smile as a hopeless smile appeared on Vornek’s face,

‘Strangely, everyone still calls me a brute in the EIA…’ He thought to himself.

“The first reason I called you back was because I heard you gave someone your split core tear. I thought you had gone mad. So, I immediately called you back, curious about why you would do such a thing. But now, I can sense your core is still completely in contact so I can’t help but wonder if it was all a lie.” Vuernech said this time seriously.

“He is a good friend of mine. One with limitless potential. I gave him the core to save him but he returned it back to me. He has lost his warrior heart already…” Vornek said looking into the distance.

“If one had lost the heart to fight. Then no power can truly save them. Returning back the core to you shows he is a good soul. I don’t know any humans that will choose to return a golden dragon’s core tear. They would believe it would be better to keep it for their future generation or to simply keep it. He must have a good soul…” Vuernech determined as Vornek remained quiet and simply directed his attention from thinking about it too much.

“The second reason I called you here was because…” Veurnech said as Vornek felt the man took a deep breath in.

“It is what?” Vornek asked.

“It is the Ancestral Dragon Blessing Ruin. It would open very soon.”

“That is impossible. The Ancestral Dragon Blessing rune only opens once in hundreds of years.” Vornek replied. Of course, he knew well about the most important ruin of the dragon race and also of how difficult it was to open. Hearing it is opening now is something simply out of fantasy.

“That is true. According to our calculation, the ancestral dragon ruins still have around 200 years from now before opening but this time it immediately opened. It is a sign Vornek, a sign of Imminent danger, and the Ancestral Dragons are trying to prepare us in their own ways…” Veurnech replied with his golden eyes undulating with ripples of golden energy.

“An imminent danger which requires even the Ancient Dragons forcefully opening their homes to us. What type of danger can that be? Has it ever happened before in the past…” Vuernech asked.

“Yes, it has. Around 4 centuries ago. It was the Chaos Calamity. Then too, the ancestral dragon ruins opened up before its calculated due time. With the same thing also happening, we can expect a level of damage equal to that of the Chaos Calamity war or even more…” Vuernech said looking at Vornek in the air whose face visibly turned a shade paler.

“Actually, we have been able to confirm what type of danger is upon us. We could tell it is a Celestial Race that is coming to visit our infinite galaxy from the upper galaxy.”

“The upper galaxy?” Vornek asked with a confused expression causing Veurnech to sigh…

“Perhaps it is time I tell you of the true structure of the world. This world that we live in was once a singular universe. A single galaxy. It was named Takamahagara

. There were once living gods who lived among us and their descendants who spread wide through the universe. But there was a war that broke out in Takamahagara. A war between the descendants of the god’s children. It was called the gods’ Realms war and it devastated the entire Takamahagara forcefully tearing it into three parts. The Lower universe, the upper universe, and the god’s universe…”

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