Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 368: A Battle Of The True Strong 2

Chapter 368: A Battle Of The True Strong 2

“Don’t disappoint me, Horora…” Atherston said and instantly a gigantic phantom reaching a thousand meters tall appeared behind him.

“Impossible. You formed your own bloodline Totem…” Horora [Quinn] roared out in shock.

It had to be noted the Voidpscae family bloodline was actually his blood that was modified. But the modification also means they would never be able to use a bloodline phantom of their own and can only use their original bloodline phantom which was his.

But now, the boy before managed to form another bloodline phantom completely different from their origin.

The phantom of the figure was a man, clad in warrior armor. In both hands, a gigantic phantom of two halberds could be seen, as his long silver hair made with piercing silver motes of energy reached down to his knees.

A wild untampered aura floods the entire world as the phantom’s eyes lock on Horora. Within those eyes, he could see a crazy battle-lust that should be impossible for any kind of human.


A wild beastly aura blasted out of the phantom’s mouth reducing the entire land beneath Horora to an endless dark abyss as Horora’s air flapped wildly due to the storm and his clothes were ripped apart from his body, revealing his muscular body.

Suddenly Atherston who was floating a meter from the ground recalled both his halberds as they disappeared from his grasp before he suddenly clasped both hands together.

“Forceful Space Transmission: Fading Mirage…” He said out loud and instantly Horora’s face changed as he felt the laws of nature around him instantly change and he disappeared from where he stood, just as Atherston also disappeared.

And less than a second later, the figures responsible for the hellish destruction present in the area suddenly disappeared into thin air as if they were truly never present in the first place.

2 minutes later…

Space suddenly shook chaotically from where both figures left as a being cloaked from head to toe suddenly appeared where they both disappeared.

And less than 5 seconds later, it suddenly faded away from where it stood. Even if someone had seen the figure, they would have doubted their own eyes.

But they would have believed it was true if they had waited for 10 more seconds ss the entire area where the figure was suddenly becoming coated with a deathly dark aura that spread throughout the entire place and instantly the entire battlefield became a forbidden ground of death energy.

Even if a late Cosmic Rank stage individual stepped into it. He would have all his life energy corrupted by the dark energy and die within a minute!


In the Endless Expanse of Space…

The entire void was just like its name, grave silent, endless, and illuminated by stars whose radiances reached the farthest corner of this emptiness.

Around the place where uncountable numbers of floating debris of destroyed planets and natural satellites and on one of these bare stony planets, two figures suddenly appeared mysteriously each standing 30 meters away from each other.

Horora gently landed on his feet as he looked at the rocky ground that he was standing on before looking around him and into the vast expanse of space.

Opposite him was Atherston who remained floating in the air, his gigantic phantom behind him whose light sent out brilliant silver light that illuminated the surrounding space.

Ordinarily, anyone entering into space while wearing the causal clothing that both figures wore would have immediately been crushed to pieces by the horrifying pressure and found him or herself unable to breathe.

But the two figures were exceptions to that as they stood in the void without any sign of a negative side-effect. This was one of the powers of the galaxy rank stage. The ability to survive even in a place like the void.

“Now this is the perfect place. I can go completely all out without worrying about the world getting destroyed…” Atherston said and after that, runes began appearing all over his skin brimming with destructive silver aura, and in the next split second, a being was born radiating such powerful light that it was in no way less bright than the light from a true star…

“Hehehehe. It seems your father really raised you well. You should no doubt be the strongest in your remaining bloodline. Even none of your ancestors were this strong at all. Good. Good. It had been so many years since I had last stretched this old bone of mine.” Horora replied as the runes on his body immediately flared with a bright crimson light.

In the next instance, a 1000-meter gigantic phantom of a cat-like creature appeared in the void right behind him.

Atherston looked at the creature which was no different from a tiger, except that its fur was seemingly made of red-coloured scales which were no doubt countless times harder than diamonds while its claw reached 20 meters in length, and even though it was nothing but a phantom. It sliced apart the space around it.

Behind it was a long tail filled with thousands of sharp spikes and at the tip of the tail was a pointed spike like the end of a spear that flickered around the void like the cut-off tail of a wall gecko.

‘So, this is the true form of a space demon…’ Atherston thought to himself as his eyebrows furrowed dangerously. The Cat was radiating a crimson energy that was not any lesser than his natural phantom.



The sound of bones crackling like thunder reverberated through the space as Quinn twisted the bones around his body a deadpan expression on his face before he once again stood upright.

“Are you ready, kid…” He asked with slight mockery and instantly, the sound of bone crushing rang out from Quinn’s body as the bones in his body unnaturally twisted and he got on all fours. Immediately, red scales tore out of his body covering the entirety of his body like armor and his limbs also morphed, his hands coming to take the form of abyssal-like claws while he ripped the ground they were standing on like a hot knife through butter.

Behind him a tail enveloped in Crimson red scales tore out, filled with hundreds of spikes, and its sharp end slicing space asunder.


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